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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
31125 2024-05-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
EmrE structure in the proton-bound state (WT/L51I heterodimer) Dynamics underlie the drug recognition mechanism by the efflux transporter EmrE Download bibtex for citation iamge A Besch, A Sae Her, B Ramirez, C Mueller, J Li, J R Banigan, M Crames, N J Traaseth, W M Marsiglia, Y Zhang
31121 2024-05-23 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
EmrE structure in the TPP-bound state (WT/E14Q heterodimer) Dynamics underlie the drug recognition mechanism by the efflux transporter EmrE Download bibtex for citation iamge A Besch, A Sae Her, B Ramirez, C Mueller, J Li, J R Banigan, M Crames, N J Traaseth, W M Marsiglia, Y Zhang
31104 2023-11-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Dimeric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Dimeric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge H Qin, H X Zhou, R Fu, R Prasad, R Zhang, T Cross
21102 2023-09-15 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Structure of Amphotericin B-Ergosterol Complex Tuning sterol extraction kinetics yields a renal sparing polyene antifungal Download bibtex for citation iamge Agnieszka Lewandowska, Andres S Arango, Anna M SantaMaria, Anuj Khandelwal, Arun Maji, Ashraf S Ibrahim, Brice E Uno, Chad M Rienstra, Charles D Schwieters, Collin G Borcik, Corinne P Soutar, David R Andes, Eman G Youssef, Evgeny Nimerovsky, Ganesh Murhade, Gina Johns, Hiram Sanchez, Jiabao Zhang, Joanna Krise, Jordan T Holler, Justin D Lange, Keith L Bailey, Ken Bartizal, Kieren A Marr, Martin D Burke, Michael J Hageman, Nathan P Wiederhold, Patrick J Roady, Praveen R Juvvadi, Su Yan, Taras V Pogorelov, Teclegiorgis Gebremariam, Thomas F Patterson, Timothy M Fan, William J Steinbach, Yinghuan Lyu, Yogesh Shelke
31025 2023-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TPX2 Minimal Active Domain on Microtubules Structural basis of protein condensation on microtubules underlying branching microtubule nucleation Download bibtex for citation iamge C Guo, C Zhang, R Alfaro-Aco, R Russell, S Petry, T Polenova
30969 2022-01-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of Sds3 Capped Tudor Domain A Capped Tudor Domain within a Core Subunit of the Sin3L/Rpd3L Histone Deacetylase Complex Binds to Nucleic Acid G-Quadruplexes Download bibtex for citation iamge E Justice, I Radhakrishnan, J Hsieh, M Giljen, N Daffern, R D Marcum, Y Zhang
30936 2022-11-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Atomic-Resolution Structure of Kinesin-1 Motor Domain in Complex with Polymeric Microtubules by Magic Angle Spinning NMR Magic-angle-spinning NMR structure of the kinesin-1 motor domain assembled with microtubules reveals the elusive neck linker orientation Download bibtex for citation iamge A M Gronenborn, C Guo, C M Quinn, C Zhang, J C Williams, M Li, R W Russell, T Polenova
30829 2021-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of the cyclic plant protein PDP-23 in SDS micelles A chameleonic macrocyclic peptide with drug delivery applications Download bibtex for citation iamge A S Jayasena, A Song, B Franke, C D Payne, C Eliasson, C E McAleese, F Hajiaghaalipour, G Vadlamani, J S Mylne, J Zhang, K J Rosengren, M F Fisher, R F Minchin, R J Clark
30830 2021-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of the cyclic plant protein PDP-23 in DPC micelles A chameleonic macrocyclic peptide with drug delivery applications Download bibtex for citation iamge A S Jayasena, A Song, B Franke, C D Payne, C Eliasson, C E McAleese, F Hajiaghaalipour, G Vadlamani, J S Mylne, J Zhang, K J Rosengren, M F Fisher, R F Minchin, R J Clark
30828 2021-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of the monomeric form of the cyclic plant protein PDP-23 in CD3CN/H2O A chameleonic macrocyclic peptide with drug delivery applications Download bibtex for citation iamge A S Jayasena, A Song, B F Franke, C D Payne, C Eliasson, C E McAleese, F Hajiaghaalipour, G Vadlamani, J S Mylne, J Zhang, K J Rosengren, M F Fisher, R F Minchin, R J Clark
30827 2021-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of the dimeric form of the cyclic plant protein PDP-23 in H2O A chameleonic macrocyclic peptide with drug delivery applications Download bibtex for citation iamge A S Jayasena, A Song, B Franke, C D Payne, C Eliasson, C E McAleese, F Hajiaghaalipour, G Vadlamani, J S Mylne, J Zhang, K J Rosengren, M F Fisher, R F Minchin, R J Clark
30741 2020-08-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Atomic-Resolution Structure of HIV-1 Capsid Tubes by Magic Angle Spinning NMR Atomic-resolution structure of HIV-1 capsid tubes by magic-angle spinning NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge A Bryer, A M Gronenborn, C D Schwieters, C M Quinn, G Hou, H Zhang, J R Perilla, M Lu, R W Russell, T Polenova
30730 2020-08-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Tandem UU:GA mismatch within an RNA helix 2-Amino-1,3-benzothiazole-6-carboxamide Preferentially Binds the Tandem Mismatch Motif r(UY:GA) Download bibtex for citation iamge A T Chang, E P Nikonowicz, L Chen, L Song, S Zhang
30728 2021-01-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural characterization of novel conotoxin MIIIB derived from Conus magus Discovery and characterization of novel conotoxin MIIIB derived from Conus magus: The expansion of conotoxin diversity Download bibtex for citation iamge C A Kapono, J P Bingham, M J Espirtu, N M Loening, R Y Zhang
30676 2020-09-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of biofilm-related EbsA from Synechococcus elongatus Solution NMR structure of Se0862, a highly conserved cyanobacterial protein involved in biofilm formation. Download bibtex for citation iamge A LiWang, N Zhang, R Schwarz, R Tseng, S Ovchinnikov, Y G Chang
30607 2019-07-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
U-AITx-Ate1 Structural and functional characterisation of a novel peptide from the Australian sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa. Download bibtex for citation iamge A H Zhang, B Chittoor, B J Williams-Noonan, B Krishnarjuna, C A MacRaild, D CC Wai, D K Chalmers, J M Surm, J Tytgat, K A Elnahriry, M Mobli, N N Badawy, P Prentis, R S Norton, S Peigneur
30590 2019-08-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Structure of WHB in complex with Ubiquitin Variant Protein engineering of a ubiquitin-variant inhibitor of APC/C identifies a cryptic K48 ubiquitin chain binding site. Download bibtex for citation iamge B A Schulman, C RR Grace, D Haselbach, D J Miller, D L Bolhuis, E R Watson, E T Kulko, H Stark, I F Davidson, J M Peters, J R Prabu, N G Brown, R Vollrath, S S Sidhu, S Yu, W Zhang
30585 2019-05-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of MLL4 PHD6 domain in complex with histone H4K16ac peptide Selective binding of the PHD6 finger of MLL4 to histone H4K16ac links MLL4 and MOF Download bibtex for citation iamge B D Strahl, B J Klein, E M Cornett, J E Lee, J W Ahn, K Ge, K Krajewski, L Xu, M R Holden, R G Roeder, S B Rothbart, S P Wang, T G Kutateladze, X Shi, Y Dou, Y Jang, Y Zhang
30372 2018-11-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Solution structure of U-SLPTX15-Sm2a A Centipede Toxin Family Defines an Ancient Class of CSab Defensins Download bibtex for citation iamge Chuchu Zhang, David J Craik, Eivind Undheim, Irina Vetter, Jan Tytgat, Jennifer R Deuis, Marilyn A Anderson, Peta J Harvey, Steve Peigneur, Thomas Durek, Thomas S Dash, Thomas Shafee
36117 2018-02-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF HUMAN MOG1 Mitosis-specific acetylation tunes Ran effector binding for chromosome segregation Download bibtex for citation iamge H Liu, J Wu, J Zhang, K Ruan, Q Gong, Q Hu, R Tian, S Akram, W Wang, X Bao, X Liu, X Yao, X Yuan, Y Liu, Y Shi, Y Zhang, Z Dou, Z Zhang
30206 2017-02-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Solution structures of Brd2 second bromodomain in complex with stat3 peptide Distinct Roles of Brd2 and Brd4 in Potentiating the Transcriptional Program for Th17 Cell Differentiation Download bibtex for citation iamge A Jaganathan, C Chen, C-H, C Ren, D R Littman, F Zhang, G Lu, H Xiong, J Lee, J-Y, K L Cheung, L Zeng, M H Kaplan, M J Walsh, M R Olson, M Zhou, Q Zhang, R Sharma, T Konuma, T Shen, W Zhang
36034 2017-05-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of eIF3 36-163 Molecular Landscape of the Ribosome Pre-initiation Complex during mRNA Scanning: Structural Role for eIF3c and Its Control by eIF5 Download bibtex for citation iamge Alan G Hinnebusch, Asokan Ananbandam, Brytteny Thompson, Chelsea Moore, Chingakham Ranjit R Singh, Eddie Dagraca, Eiji Obayashi, Eric Aube, Evangelos Papadopoulos, Fan Zhang, Florian Stengel, Gerhard Wagner, Haribabu Arthanari, Hiroyuki Hiraishi, Hisashi Yoshida, Ian Harmon, Jacob Morris, Jan Peter P Erzberger, Katsura Asano, Mahmoud L Nasr, Philip Gao, Pilar Martin-Marcos, Rafael E Luna, Riccardo Pellarin, Samantha Hustak, Satoru Unzai, Takashi Nagata, Takeshi Urano
26933 2017-07-17 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Backbone assignment of unlinked NS2B-NS3 Protease of Zika Virus in complex with acetyl-lysine-arginine aldehyde Structural Dynamics of Zika Virus NS2B-NS3 Protease Binding to Dipeptide Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge Alvin W Hung, CongBao Kang, Dahai Luo, Ming Wei W Chen, Shuang Liu, Thomas H Keller, Weiling Wang, Wint Wint W Phoo, Yan Li, Ying Ru R Loh, Zhenzhen Zhang
36012 2017-07-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of nedd8 from Trypanosoma brucei Solution structure of nedd8 from Trypanosoma brucei Download bibtex for citation iamge J Zhang, R Wang, S Liao, X Tu
26784 2018-06-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Ubiquitin Variant in complex with APC11 Dual RING E3 Architectures Regulate Multiubiquitination and Ubiquitin Chain Elongation by APC/C. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alban Ordureau, Brenda A Schulman, Brian Kuhlman, Christy Grace, Darcie J Miller, David Haselbach, David Yanishevski, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Georg Petzold, Holger Stark, Iain F Davidson, Jan-Michael M Peters, Joseph S Harrison, J Wade W Harper, Kuen-Phon P Wu, Marc A Jarvis, Marc W Kirschner, Masaya Yamaguchi, Michael R Brunner, Nicholas G Brown, Peter Y Mercredi, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Sachdev S Sidhu, Shanshan Yu, Wei Zhang, Ying Lu
26783 2018-06-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
APC11 binding Ubiquitin Variant Dual RING E3 Architectures Regulate Multiubiquitination and Ubiquitin Chain Elongation by APC/C. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alban Ordureau, Brenda A Schulman, Brian Kuhlman, Christy Grace, Darcie J Miller, David Haselbach, David Yanishevski, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Georg Petzold, Holger Stark, Iain F Davidson, Jan-Michael M Peters, Joseph S Harrison, J Wade W Harper, Kuen-Phon P Wu, Marc A Jarvis, Marc W Kirschner, Masaya Yamaguchi, Michael R Brunner, Nicholas G Brown, Peter Y Mercredi, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Sachdev S Sidhu, Shanshan Yu, Wei Zhang, Ying Lu
26785 2018-06-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
APC11 in complex with Ubiquitin Variant Dual RING E3 Architectures Regulate Multiubiquitination and Ubiquitin Chain Elongation by APC/C. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alban Ordureau, Brenda A Schulman, Brian Kuhlman, Christy Grace, Darcie J Miller, David Haselbach, David Yanishevski, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Georg Petzold, Holger Stark, Iain F Davidson, Jan-Michael M Peters, Joseph S Harrison, J Wade W Harper, Kuen-Phon P Wu, Marc A Jarvis, Marc W Kirschner, Masaya Yamaguchi, Michael R Brunner, Nicholas G Brown, Peter Y Mercredi, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Sachdev S Sidhu, Shanshan Yu, Wei Zhang, Ying Lu
26043 2016-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structures of BRD4 ET domain in complex with NSD3_3 peptide Structural Mechanism of Transcriptional Regulator NSD3 Recognition by the ET Domain of BRD4 Download bibtex for citation iamge Chengcheng Zhao, Chen Shen, Christopher R Vakoc, Lei Zeng, MING-MING ZHOU, Qiang Zhang, Tsuyoshi Konuma, Ying Ju
26041 2016-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structures of BRD4 ET domain in complex with NSD3_1 peptide Structural Mechanism of Transcriptional Regulator NSD3 Recognition by the ET Domain of BRD4 Download bibtex for citation iamge Chengcheng Zhao, Chen Shen, Christopher R Vakoc, Lei Zeng, MING-MING ZHOU, Qiang Zhang, Tsuyoshi Konuma, Ying Ju
26042 2016-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structures of BRD4 ET domain with LANA peptide Structural Mechanism of Transcriptional Regulator NSD3 Recognition by the ET Domain of BRD4 Download bibtex for citation iamge Chengcheng Zhao, Chen Shen, Christopher R Vakoc, Lei Zeng, MING-MING ZHOU, Qiang Zhang, Tsuyoshi Konuma, Ying Ju
30019 2016-04-12 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
NMR structure of UHRF1 Tandem Tudor Domains in a complex with Spacer peptide Hemi-methylated DNA opens a closed conformation of UHRF1 to facilitate its histone recognition Download bibtex for citation iamge C Cao, C Tang, H Yang, J Cheng, J Fang, J Wang, J Wong, M Liu, P Wang, Q Zhang, R Gong, W Lan, X Zhang, Y Feng, Y Xu, Z Gong
26674 2016-02-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural basis for the inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels with conotoxin-muOxi-GVIIJ Structural basis for the inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels with conotoxin-muOxi-GVIIJ Download bibtex for citation iamge Baldomero M Olivera, Brad R Green, Doju Yoshikami, Grzegorz Bulaj, Jack J Skalicky, Joanna R Gajewiak, Min-Min Zhang, Raymond S Norton, Sandeep Chhabra
26675 2016-02-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural basis for the inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels with conotoxin-muOxi-GVIIJ Structural basis for the inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels with conotoxin-muOxi-GVIIJ Download bibtex for citation iamge Baldomero M Olivera, Brad R Green, Doju Yoshikami, Grzegorz Bulaj, Jack J Skalicky, Joanna Gajewiak, Min-Min Zhang, Raymond S Norton, Sandeep Chhabra
25626 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for the double mutant G88A,D90R of KaiB from the Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25625 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for the double mutant G89A,D91R of KaiB in complex with the CI domain of KaiC from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25624 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for the double mutant G89A,D91R of KaiB from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25621 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for the ground state fold of the single mutant D91R of dimeric KaiB from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25620 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for the ground state-like fold of the single mutant G89A of dimeric KaiB from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25623 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for the double mutant G89A,D91R of dimeric KaiB from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25622 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for the thioredoxin-like fold of the single mutant D91R of dimeric KaiB from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25619 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for N-SasA, the N-terminal domain of SasA, in complex with the CI domain of KaiC from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25618 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for N-SasA, the N-terminal domain of SasA, from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25617 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for dimeric KaiB in complex with the CI domain of KaiC from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25616 2015-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for dimeric KaiB from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 cyanobacterial species A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Andy LiWang, Connie Phong, David Lee, Jenny Lin, Joseph Boyd, Li Zhang, Michael Rust, R Britt, Roger Tseng, Shannon Kang, Sheng Li, Susan Cohen, Susan Golden, William Myers, Yonggang Chang, Yong-Ick Kim, Yvonne Lee
25464 2015-03-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of an MbtH-like protein from Mycobacterium marinum. Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease target MymaA.01649.c Structural characterization of a beta-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase from Geobacter sulfurreducens and Geobacter metallireducens with succinic semialdehyde reductase activity Download bibtex for citation iamge Garry W Buchko, Ling Qin, R Michael Garavito, Shihua Wang, Yanfeng Zhang, Yi Zheng
19923 2019-07-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H Chemical Shift Assignments for BuIIIB[C5U,C17U,C6A,C23A] Interactions of disulfide-deficient selenocysteine analogs of mu-conotoxin BuIIIB with the alpha-subunit of the voltage-gated sodium channel subtype 1.3 Download bibtex for citation iamge Addison Redding, Baldomero M Olivera, Brad R Green, Doju Yoshikami, Grzegorz Bulaj, Michael J Wilson, Min-Min Zhang, Raymond S Norton, Samuel D Robinson, Sandeep Chhabra
19913 2014-08-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Structure of KDM5B PHD1 finger The PHD1 finger of KDM5B recognizes unmodified H3K4 during the demethylation of histone H3K4me2/3 by KDM5B Download bibtex for citation iamge C Y Cao, H R Yang, N Y Rong, W X Lan, X Guo, Y H Xu, Y J Song, Y W Xu, Y Zhang
17832 2012-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments for the N-terminal dimeric region of budding yeast histone chaperone Rtt106 Structural basis for recognition of H3K56-acetylated histone H3-H4 by the chaperone Rtt106 Download bibtex for citation iamge Ahmed Fazly, Brian A Davies, Dan Su, Gaofeng Cui, Georges Mer, James R Thompson, Maria V Botuyan, Qi Hu, Qing Li, Zhiguo Zhang
16557 2009-11-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets
Solution Structure Of Protein SOS-response transcriptional repressor, LexA From Eubacterium rectale. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target ErR9A Solution Structure Of Protein SOS-response transcriptional repressor, LexA From Eubacterium rectale. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target ErR9A Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Eletsky, Arindam Ghosh, B Rost, Dan Lee, Dinesh Sukumaran, Erwin Garcia, GT Montelione, Haleema Janjua, JK Everett, Qi Zhang, R Nair, TB Acton, Thomas Szyperski, William Buchwald, Yibing Wu
16371 2009-08-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets
Solution Structure Of Protein DSY2949 From Desulfitobacterium hafniense. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target DhR27 Solution Structure Of Protein DSY2949 From Desulfitobacterium hafniense. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target DhR27 Download bibtex for citation iamge B Rost, C Ciccosanti, Dinesh Sukumaran, GT Montelione, GVT Swapna, H Wang, Jeffrey Mills, JK Everett, M Jiang, Qi Zhang, R Nair, R Xiao, TB Acton, Thomas Szyperski, Yibing Wu
7366 2009-10-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of Putative periplasmic protein: Northest Structural Genomics Target StR106 Solution Structure of Putative periplasmic protein: Northest Structural Genomics Target StR106 Download bibtex for citation iamge B A Thomas, C Nwosu, G Liu, G T Montelione, G VT Swapna, H Wang, J Liu, K Cunningham, L C Ma, M C Baran, Q Zhang, R Xiao, T Szypersk
15075 2007-10-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP2) of Plasmodium falciparum: expression, structure and amyloid formation of the conserved N-terminal domain Merozoite surface protein 2 of Plasmodium falciparum: expression, structure, dynamics, and fibril formation of the conserved N-terminal domain Download bibtex for citation iamge Alfreda Soetopo, Andrew Low, Christopher Adda, Indu R Chandrashekaran, Jennifer Sabo, Raymond S Norton, Robin F Anders, Shenggan Yao, Xuecheng Zhang
7176 2007-03-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H Chemical Shift Assignments of an Antimicrobial Peptide, Fowlicidin-3 Fowlicidin-3 is an alpha-helical cationic host defense peptide with potent antibacterial and lipopolysaccharide-neutralizing activities Download bibtex for citation iamge Guolong Zhang, Huaien Dai, Jose L Soulages, Om Prakash, Samodha C Fernando, Udaya DeSilva, Yugendar R Bommineni, Yu-Xi Gong
7121 2007-11-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of UPF0301 protein HD_1794 Solution Structure of UPF0301 protein HD_1794 Download bibtex for citation iamge G Liu, G T Montelione, K Cunningham, L C Ma, M Jiang, Q Zhang, R Shastry, R Xiao, T R Acton, T Szyperski
7147 2006-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The acute myeloid leukemia fusion protein AML1-ETO targets E-proteins via a PAH-like TAFH domain The acute myeloid leukemia fusion protein AML1-ETO targets E proteins via a paired amphipathic helix-like TBP-associated factor homology domain Download bibtex for citation iamge C Guo, J Zhang, M Ikura, M J Plevin, R G Roeder
6835 2006-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structures of antimicrobial peptide Fowlicidin 1 Identification and functional characterization of three chicken cathelicidins with potent antimicrobial activity. Download bibtex for citation iamge G Zhang, O Prakash, S C Fernando, S E Gilliland, Y Cai, Y R Bommineni, Y Xiao
6726 2006-09-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of self-sacrificing resistance protein CalC from Micromonospora echinospora Structural Insight into the Self-Sacrifice Mechanism of Enediyne Resistance Download bibtex for citation iamge Bryon R Griffith, Changsheng Zhang, John L Markley, Jon S Thorson, Klaas Hallenga, Martin H Hager, Min S Lee, Shanteri Singh
6311 2005-02-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Sequence-specific backbone 1H, 13C and 15N assignments of the 25 kDa SPRY domain-containing SOCS box protein 2 (SSB-2) Letter to the Editor: 1H, 13C and 15N assignments of the 25 kDa SPRY domain-containing SOCS box protein 2 (SSB-2) Download bibtex for citation iamge Jeffrey J Babon, Jian-Guo Zhang, Kristen R Palmer, Nicos A Nicola, Raymond S Norton, Sandra E Nicholson, Seth L Masters, Shenggen Yao
4173 2000-04-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Human Stromelysin-1 Complexed to a Potent, Non-peptidic Inhibitor Solution Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Human Stromelysin-1 Complexed to a Potent, Non-peptidic Inhibitor Download bibtex for citation iamge N C Gonnella, R Melton, V Ganu, X Zhang, Y Li
4122 1999-02-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the Human Hck SH3 Domain and Identification of its Ligand Binding Site Solution Structure of the Human Hck SH3 Domain and Identification of its Ligand Binding Site Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda S Altieri, Andrew R Byrd, David A Horita, Donna M Baldisseri, Thomas E Smithgall, Weixing Zhang, William H Gmeiner
bmse500001 2010-03-30 : sets
Androstenedione Download bibtex for citation iamge A Guo, A M Weljie, B D Sykes, C Fung, C Knox, D Arndt, D Block, D Cheng, D Clive, D D Hau, D S Wishart, D Tzur, F Bamforth, G Amegbey, G D Macinnis, G E Duggan, H J Vogel, I Forsythe, J Miniaci, J Wagner, K Jeroncic, K Jewell, L Li, L Nikolai, L Querengesser, M A Coutouly, M Clements, M Gebremedhin, M Lewis, N Guo, N Young, P Stothard, P Tang, R Dowlatabadi, R Eisner, R Greiner, S Sawhney, S Shrivastava, T Marrie, Y Zhang