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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34899 2024-04-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR solution structure of the CysD2 domain of MUC2 The second CysD domain of MUC2 and role in mucin organization by transglutaminase-based cross-linking Download bibtex for citation iamge B G Karlsson, C Recktenwald, G C Hansson, G Katona, M Baeckstroem, M EV Johansson, M Jensen, M J Garcia-Bonnete, R Lymer, S Trillo-Muyo
31145 2024-04-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Graspetide pre-fuscimiditide A1C/T3C variant Alternative cross-linking in the graspetide fuscimiditide enables macrocyclic rearrangement Download bibtex for citation iamge A Acuna, A J Link, B Choi
52169 2023-10-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Clostridioides peptidoglycan fragment dimer Clostridioides difficile canonical L,D-transpeptidases catalyze a novel type of peptidoglycan cross-links and are not required for beta-lactam resistance Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew L Lovering, Caroline A Evans, Darren Greetham, Georgina L Davis, Jane Freeman, Jessica E Buddle, Marcel G Alaman-Zarate, Mark H Wilcox, Mark J Dickman, Mike P Williamson, Nicola F Galley, Robert P Fagan, Stephane Mesnage, William D Spittal
31104 2023-11-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Dimeric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Dimeric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge H Qin, H X Zhou, R Fu, R Prasad, R Zhang, T Cross
51860 2023-03-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N backbone chemical shifts for N-terminal domain of FtsQ (FtsQ1-99) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis An Arg/Ala-rich helix in the N-terminal region of M. tuberculosis FtsQ is a potential membrane anchor of the Z-ring Download bibtex for citation iamge Cristian A Escobar, Huan-Xiang Zhou, Sean T Smrt, Souvik Dey, Timothy A Cross
30875 2022-03-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Ara h 1 leader sequence, Ara h 1.0101 (25-83) A25G Structure, Immunogenicity, and IgE Cross-Reactivity among Walnut and Peanut Vicilin-Buried Peptides Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Foo, Barry K Hurlburt, Catherine H Schein, Eugene F DeRose, Geoffrey A Mueller, Hsiaopo Cheng, Jacqueline B Nesbit, Pierre Bushel, Soheila J Maleki, Stephen Gipson, Suzanne S Teuber
30870 2022-01-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 10 sets
Jug R 2 Leader Sequence Residues 1-57 Structure, Immunogenicity, and IgE Cross-Reactivity among Walnut and Peanut Vicilin-Buried Peptides Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Foo, Barry K Hurlburt, Catherine H Schein, Eugene F DeRose, Geoffrey A Mueller, Hsiaopo Cheng, Jacqueline B Nesbit, Pierre Bushel, Soheila J Maleki, Stephen Gipson, Suzanne S Teuber
30871 2022-01-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 10 sets
Jug r 2 Leader Sequence Residues 69-111 Structure, Immunogenicity, and IgE Cross-Reactivity among Walnut and Peanut Vicilin-Buried Peptides Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Foo, Barry K Hurlburt, Catherine H Schein, Eugene F DeRose, Geoffrey A Mueller, Hsiaopo Cheng, Jacqueline B Nesbit, Pierre Bushel, Soheila J Maleki, Stephen Gipson, Suzanne S Teuber
30869 2022-01-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 9 sets
Jug R 2 N-Terminal Fragment 3 Structure, Immunogenicity, and IgE Cross-Reactivity among Walnut and Peanut Vicilin-Buried Peptides Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Foo, Barry K Hurlburt, Catherine H Schein, Eugene F DeRose, Geoffrey A Mueller, Hsiaopo Cheng, Jacqueline B Nesbit, Pierre Bushel, Soheila J Maleki, Stephen Gipson, Suzanne S Teuber
30759 2021-05-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of a Stable Interstrand DNA Crosslink Involving an dA Amino Group and an Abasic Site Structure of a Stable Interstrand DNA Cross-Link Involving a beta- N -Glycosyl Linkage Between an N 6 -dA Amino Group and an Abasic Site. Download bibtex for citation iamge A H Kellum Jr, D Y Qiu, K S Gates, M P Stone, M W Voehler, W Martin
28092 2020-10-09 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Art v 3 allergen from Artemisia vulgaris Hydrogen/deuterium exchange memory NMR reveals structural epitopes involved in IgE cross-reactivity of allergenic lipid transfer proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Adriano Mari, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Danila Zennaro, Eva Vejvar, Fatima Ferreira, Gabriele Gadermaier, Josef Laimer, Mario Schubert, Martina Di Muzio, Michael Hauser, Nicole Wopfner, Peter Lackner, Ronald van Ree, Sabrina Wildner, Sara Huber, Werner Auzinger
50133 2020-03-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H and 15N chemical shift assignments of chimeric SC Sup35NM, 5MT-B Short Disordered Protein Segment Regulates Cross-Species Transmission of a Yeast Prion Download bibtex for citation iamge Kazuo Kuwata, Michael Feig, Motomasa Tanaka, Takao Yoda, Toshinobu Shida, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Yuji O Kamatari, Yuji Sugita, Yumiko Ohhashi
50134 2020-03-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H and 15N chemical shift assignments of chimeric SC Sup35NM, 4MT-A Short Disordered Protein Segment Regulates Cross-Species Transmission of a Yeast Prion Download bibtex for citation iamge Kazuo Kuwata, Michael Feig, Motomasa Tanaka, Takao Yoda, Toshinobu Shida, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Yuji O Kamatari, Yuji Sugita, Yumiko Ohhashi
50131 2020-03-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H and 15N chemical shift assignments of KL Sup35NM Short Disordered Protein Segment Regulates Cross-Species Transmission of a Yeast Prion Download bibtex for citation iamge Kazuo Kuwata, Michael Feig, Motomasa Tanaka, Takao Yoda, Toshinobu Shida, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Yuji O Kamatari, Yuji Sugita, Yumiko Ohhashi
50132 2020-03-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H and 15N chemical shift assignments of chimeric SC Sup35NM, 5MT-A Short Disordered Protein Segment Regulates Cross-Species Transmission of a Yeast Prion Download bibtex for citation iamge Kazuo Kuwata, Michael Feig, Motomasa Tanaka, Takao Yoda, Toshinobu Shida, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Yuji O Kamatari, Yuji Sugita, Yumiko Ohhashi
50115 2020-06-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
H Exchange Rates: 1 set
Backbone 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for ChiZ N-terminal Domain Sequence-Dependent Correlated Segments in the Intrinsically Disordered Region of ChiZ Download bibtex for citation iamge Alan Hicks, Cristian A Escobar, Huan-Xiang Zhou, Timothy A Cross
50117 2021-03-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
UN2A Molecular Characterisation of Titin N2A and Its Binding of CARP Reveals a Titin/Actin Cross-linking Mechanism Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrea Biju, Anthony L Hessel, Belinda Bullard, Chiara Stronczek, David Grundei, Emma Borgeson, Jennifer R Fleming, Ju Chen, Julius Bogomolovas, Majid Ghassemian, Michael Kovermann, Olga Mayans, Stephan Lange, Tiankun Zhou, Wolfgang A Linke
30536 2019-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Solution structure of gomesin at 310K The unusual conformation of cross-strand disulfide bonds is critical to the stability of beta-hairpin peptides Download bibtex for citation iamge Evelyne Deplazes, Glenn F King, Ricardo L Mancera, Yanni K-Y K Chin
30535 2019-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Solution structure of gomesin at 298 K The unusual conformation of cross-strand disulfide bonds is critical to the stability of beta-hairpin peptides Download bibtex for citation iamge Evelyne Deplazes, Glenn F King, Ricardo L Mancera, Yanni K-Y K Chin
30534 2019-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Solution structure of gomesin at 278 K The unusual conformation of cross-strand disulfide bonds is critical to the stability of beta-hairpin peptides Download bibtex for citation iamge Evelyne Deplazes, Glenn F King, Ricardo L Mancera, Yanni K-Y K Chin
27432 2019-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the cross-linked dimer of the SLy1 SAM domain S320C mutant Structure of the SLy1 SAM homodimer reveals a new interface for SAM domain self-association. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew J Dingley, Bernd W Koenig, Daniel Ciupka, Dieter Willbold, Joachim Granzin, Karen Hanel, Klaus Pfeffer, Laura Kukuk, Luitgard Nagel-Steger, Matthias Stoldt, Pallavi Thiagarajan-Rosenkranz, Renu Batra-Safferling, Sandra Beer-Hammer, Victor Pacheco
27373 2018-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone assignment of activation loop autophosphorylated Src Kinase domain in complex with dasatinib Survey of solution dynamics in Src kinase reveals allosteric cross talk between the ligand binding and regulatory sites Download bibtex for citation iamge Francis Picart, Jeff G Pelton, Markus A Seeliger, Michael Tong, Michelle L Gill, Weibing Zhang
34178 2018-10-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solid-state MAS NMR structure of the HELLF prion amyloid fibrils Structural and molecular basis of cross-seeding barriers in amyloids Download bibtex for citation iamge Abdelmajid Noubhani, Antoine Loquet, Asen Daskalov, Benjamin Bardiaux, Birgit Habenstein, Brice Kauffmann, Denis Martinez, Guido Pintacuda, Jan Stanek, Joseph S Wall, Loren B Andreas, Melanie Berbon, Nadia El Mammeri, Sven J Saupe, Virginie Coustou
34098 2017-12-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of Tau(254-290) bound to F-actin Multivalent cross-linking of actin filaments and microtubules through the microtubule-associated protein Tau. Download bibtex for citation iamge D Riedel, E Mandelkow, H Kadavath, J Biernat, M Zweckstetter, Y Cabrales Fontela
34099 2017-12-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of Tau(292-319) bound to F-actin Multivalent cross-linking of actin filaments and microtubules through the microtubule-associated protein Tau. Download bibtex for citation iamge D Riedel, E Mandelkow, H Kadavath, J Biernat, M Zweckstetter, Y Cabrales Fontela
30205 2017-02-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of apo PCP1 from yersiniabactin synthetase Molecular Cross-Talk between Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Carrier Proteins and Unstructured Linker Regions Download bibtex for citation iamge B J Harden, D P Frueh
34028 2017-12-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Specific-DNA binding activity of the cross-brace zinc finger motif of the piggyBac transposase Sequence-specific DNA binding activity of the cross-brace zinc finger motif of the piggyBac transposase Download bibtex for citation iamge Alison B Hickman, Benjamin Bardiaux, Eric Guittet, Ewen Lescop, Fred Dyda, Jennifer L Taylor, Julien Bischerour, Michael Nilges, Mireille Betermier, Nadine Assrir, Nancy L Craig, Nathalie Mathy, Nelly Morellet, Severine Moriau, Silke A Wieninger, Xianghong Li
25614 2016-05-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of [B26-B29 triazole cross-linked]-insulin analogue at pH 8.0 Rational steering of insulin binding specificity by intra-chain chemical crosslinking. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrzej Brzozowski, Christopher Watson, Daniel Wright, Emilia Kletvikova, Irena Selicharova, Jana Strakova, Jiri Jiracek, Jitka Vikova, Johan Turkenburg, Lenka Zakova, Michaela Collinsova, Milos Budesinsky, Roberto Terazona Avino, Rozalie Hexnerova, Vaclav Venek, Vaclav Veverka, Vojtech Kaplan
25613 2016-02-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of [B26-B29 triazole cross-linked]-insulin analogue at pH 1.9 Rational steering of insulin binding specificity by intra-chain chemical crosslinking. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrzej Brzozowski, Christopher Watson, Daniel Wright, Emilia Kletvikova, Irena Selicharova, Jana Strakova, Jiri Jiracek, Jitka Vikova, Johan Turkenburg, Lenka Zakova, Michaela Collinsova, Milos Budesinsky, Roberto Terazona Avino, Rozalie Hexnerova, Vaclav Venek, Vaclav Veverka, Vojtech Kaplan
25615 2016-06-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of [GlyB24,B27-B29 triazole cross-linked]-insulin analogue at pH 1.9 Rational steering of insulin binding specificity by intra-chain chemical crosslinking. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrzej Brzozowski, Christopher Watson, Daniel Wright, Emilia Kletvikova, Irena Selicharova, Jana Strakova, Jiri Jiracek, Jitka Vikova, Johan Turkenburg, Lenka Zakova, Michaela Collinsova, Milos Budesinsky, Roberto Terazona Avino, Rozalie Hexnerova, Vaclav Venek, Vaclav Veverka, Vojtech Kaplan
25551 2015-05-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone amide chemical shift assignments of the CN-bound yeast cytochrome c peroxidase covalently cross-linked to yeast iso-1 cytochrome c The low-affinity complex of cytochrome c and its peroxidase Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander N Volkov, Karen Van de Water, Yann GJ Sterckx
25192 2016-06-29 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Haddock model of Bacillus subtilis L,D-transpeptidase in complex with a peptidoglycan hexamuropeptide Atomic model of a cell-wall cross-linking enzyme in complex with an intact bacterial peptidoglycan Download bibtex for citation iamge Catherine Bougault, Cedric Laguri, Isabel Ayala, Jean-Pierre Simorre, Michel Arthur, Morgane Callon, Paul Schanda, Sebastien Triboulet
19867 2014-12-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of M. tuberculosis CrgA membrane protein in lipid bilayer Transmembrane structural characterization of CrgA, a cell division regulatory protein from M. tuberculosis in lipid bilayers Download bibtex for citation iamge Huan-Xiang Zhou, Ivan Hung, Jian Dai, Malini Rajagopalan, Nabanita Das, Timothy Cross
19620 2014-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of DNA duplex containing N3T-ethylene-N1I interstrand cross-link NMR Structure of an Ethylene Interstrand Cross-Linked DNA which Mimics the Lesion Formed by 1,3-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexey Y Denisov, Anne M Noronha, Christopher J Wilds, Derek K O'Flaherty
19430 2013-10-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Structure of Salmonella MgtR Binding of MgtR, a Salmonella Transmembrane Regulatory Peptide, to MgtC, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis Virulence Factor: A Structural Study. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alissa Myrick, Eric Rubin, Frantz L Jean-Francois, Huan-Xiang Zhou, Jian Dai, Likai Song, Lu Yu, Piotr G Fajer, Timothy A Cross
19157 2013-05-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
ATOMIC-RESOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A CROSS-BETA QUADRUPLET AMYLOID FIBRIL DETERMINED BY SOLID-STATE MAGIC ANGLE SPINNING NMR AND CRYO-EM ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND HIERARCHICAL ASSEMBLY OF A CROSS-BETA AMYLOID FIBRIL. Download bibtex for citation iamge A De simone, Anthony William Fitzpatrick, C A Waudby, C E Macphee, C M Dobson, C P Jaroniec, D K Clare, E V Orlova, G T Debelouchina, H R Mott, H R Saibil, L Wang, M A Caporini, M J Bayro, M Vendruscolo, R G Griffin, S Muller, T PJ Knowles, V Ladizhansky, V S Bajaj
19107 2014-03-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Phl p 5a Principles of efficient IgE cross-linking by allergens derived by the Structure of the Major Grass Pollen Allergen Phl p 5a Download bibtex for citation iamge Christoph Goebl, Christoph Madritsch, Evelyne Schrank, Klaus Zangger, Margarete Focke, Nico Tjandra, Rudolf Valenta, Sabine Flicker, Simone Kosol, Tobias Madl
19058 2013-12-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Atomic-resolution structure of a doublet cross-beta amyloid fibril Atomic structure and hierarchical assembly of a cross-beta amyloid fibril Download bibtex for citation iamge Alfonso de Simone, Anthony WP Fitzpatrick, Cait E MacPhee, Christopher A Waudby, Christopher M Dobson, Christopher P Jaroniec, Daniel K Clare, Elena V Orlova, Galia T Debelouchina, Helen R Mott, Helen R Saibil, Luchun Wang, Marc A Caporini, Marvin J Bayro, Michele Vendruscolo, Robert G Griffin, Shirley Muller, Tuomas PJ Knowles, Vikram S Bajaj, Vladimir Ladizhansky
19060 2013-12-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Atomic-resolution structure of a triplet cross-beta amyloid fibril Atomic structure and hierarchical assembly of a cross-beta amyloid fibril Download bibtex for citation iamge Alfonso de Simone, Anthony WP Fitzpatrick, Cait E MacPhee, Christopher A Waudby, Christopher M Dobson, Christopher P Jaroniec, Daniel K Clare, Elena V Orlova, Galia T Debelouchina, Helen R Mott, Helen R Saibil, Luchun Wang, Marc A Caporini, Marvin J Bayro, Michele Vendruscolo, Robert G Griffin, Shirley Muller, Tuomas PJ Knowles, Vikram S Bajaj, Vladimir Ladizhansky
19062 2013-09-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Atomic-resolution structure of a cross-beta protofilament Atomic structure and hierarchical assembly of a cross- amyloid fibril. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alfonso De Simone, Anthony WP Fitzpatrick, Cait E MacPhee, Christopher A Waudby, Christopher M Dobson, Christopher P Jaroniec, Daniel K Clare, Elena V Orlova, Galia T Debelouchina, Helen R Mott, Helen R Saibil, Luchun Wang, Marc A Caporini, Marvin J Bayro, Michele Vendruscolo, Robert G Griffin, Shirley A Muller, Tuomas PJ Knowles, Vikram S Bajaj, Vladimir Ladizhansky
18781 2013-10-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
DNA duplex containing mispair-aligned O6G-heptylene-O6G interstrand cross-link Solution structures of DNA duplexes containing mispair-aligned O4U-heptylene-O4U and O6G-heptylene-O6G interstrand cross-links Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexey Y Denisov, Anne M Noronha, Christopher J Wilds, Derek K O'Flaherty, Francis P McManus
18780 2015-07-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
DNA duplex containing mispair-aligned O4U-heptylene-O4U interstrand cross-link Solution structures of DNA duplexes containing mispair-aligned O4U-heptylene-O4U and O6G-heptylene-O6G interstrand cross-links Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexey Y Denisov, Anne M Noronha, Christopher J Wilds, Derek K O'Flaherty, Francis P McManus
18010 2011-11-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
FF11-60 Cross-validation of the structure of a transiently formed and low populated FF domain folding intermediate determined by relaxation dispersion NMR and CS-Rosetta. Download bibtex for citation iamge Algirdas Velyvis, Dmitry M Korzhnev, Julia Barette, Lewis E Kay, Tomasz L Religa
17562 2012-04-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
N2-dG:N2-dG interstrand cross-link induced by trans-4-hydroxynonenal Formation of a N2-dG:N2-dG carbinolamine DNA cross-link by the trans-4-hydroxynonenal-derived (6S,8R,11S) 1,N2-dG adduct Download bibtex for citation iamge Albena Kozekova, Carmelo J Rizzo, Hai Huang, Hao Wang, Michael P Stone
11437 2011-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
DNA oligmer containing propylene cross-linked cyclic 2' -deoxyuridylate dimer Structural feature of bent DNA recognized by HMGB1. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akira Matsuda, Chojiro Kojima, Jun Goo Jee, Kyoko Furuita, Satoshi Ichikawa, Shunpei Murata
11438 2011-06-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
DNA oligomer containing ethylene cross-linked cyclic 2'-deoxyuridylate dimer Structural Feature of Bent DNA Recognized by HMGB1 Download bibtex for citation iamge Akira Matsuda, Chojiro Kojima, JunGoo Jee, Kyoko Furuita, Satoshi Ichikawa, Shunpei Murata
17495 2011-05-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Trn- peptide of the two-component bacteriocin Thuricin CD The 3D Structure of Thuricin CD, a Two-Component Bacteriocin with Cysteine Sulfur to -Carbon Cross-links. Download bibtex for citation iamge Clarissa S Sit, Colin Hill, John C Vederas, R Paul Ross, Ryan T McKay
17492 2011-05-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Trn- peptide of the two-component bacteriocin Thuricin CD The 3D Structure of Thuricin CD, a Two-Component Bacteriocin with Cysteine Sulfur to -Carbon Cross-links. Download bibtex for citation iamge Clarissa S Sit, Colin Hill, John C Vederas, R Paul Ross, Ryan T McKay
16350 2011-04-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR solution structure of the pheromone En-A1 from Euplotes nobilii Antarctic and Arctic populations of the ciliate Euplotes nobilii show common pheromone-mediated cell-cell signaling and cross-mating. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adriana Vallesi, Bill Pedrini, Claudio Alimenti, Fabrizio Erra, Fernando Dini, Graziano Di Giuseppe, Kurt Wuthrich, Pierangelo Luporini
15903 2014-03-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N and 13C backbone and side chain resonance assignment of Rv0008c, an integral membrane protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1H, 15N and 13C backbone and side chain resonance assignment of Rv0008c, an integral membrane protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Download bibtex for citation iamge Hau B Nguyen, Timothy A Cross
15774 2008-12-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 2 sets
Rv1761c Backbone structure of a small helical integral membrane protein: A unique structural characterization Download bibtex for citation iamge Jacob D Moore, Richard C Page, Sangwon Lee, Stanley J Opella, Timothy A Cross
15638 2008-06-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 15N and 13C assignment of Rv1567c, an integral membrane protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1H, 15N and 13C backbone resonance assignment of Rv1567c, an integral membrane protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Download bibtex for citation iamge Hau B Nguyen, Timothy A Cross
15626 2008-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
backbone assignment of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) ARF1 ,non-myristoylated, GDP-bound Direct measurement of dipole-dipole/CSA cross-correlated relaxation by a constant-time experiment Download bibtex for citation iamge James Prestegard, Yizhou Liu
15454 2008-06-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
allo-ThrA3 DKP-insulin The A-chain of insulin contacts the insert domain of the insulin receptor. Photo-cross-linking and mutagenesis of a diabetes-related crevice Download bibtex for citation iamge Birgit Klaproth, Donald F Steiner, Jonathan Whittaker, Kun Huang, Michael A Weiss, Panayotis G Katsoyannis, Pierre De Meyts, Qing-xin Hua, Run-ying Wang, Satoe H Nakagawa, Shu Chan, Wenhua Jia, Ying-Chi Chu
15455 2008-06-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
AbaA3-DKP-insulin The A-chain of insulin contacts the insert domain of the insulin receptor. Photo-cross-linking and mutagenesis of a diabetes-related crevice Download bibtex for citation iamge Birgit Klaproth, Donald F Steiner, Jonathan Whittaker, Kun Huang, Michael A Weiss, Panayotis G Katsoyannis, Pierre De Meyts, Qing-xin Hua, Run-ying Wang, Satoe H Nakagawa, Shu Chan, Wenhua Jia, Ying-chi Chu
15450 2008-06-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
ThrA3-DKP-insulin The A-Chain of insulin contacts the insert domain of the insulin receptor. Photo-cross-linking and mutagenesis of a diabetes-related crevice. Download bibtex for citation iamge Birgit Klaproth, Donald F Steiner, Jonathan Whittaker, Kun Huang, Michael A Weiss, Panayotis G Katsoyannis, Pierre De Meyts, Qing-xin Hua, Run-ying Wang, Satoe H Nakagawa, Shu J Chan, Wenhua Jia, Ying-Chi Chu
15360 2008-02-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structures of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex Solution structures of a DNA dodecamer duplex with and without a cisplatin 1,2-d(GG) intrastrand cross-link: comparison with the same DNA duplex containing an oxaliplatin 1,2-d(GG) intrastrand cross-link Download bibtex for citation iamge B Temple, C King, D Bhattacharyya, G Boysen, I Baskerville-Abraham, J Swenberg, S Campbell, S Chaney, S -H Huh, Y Wu
6107 2004-04-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of cross-reactive peptides from L. braziliensis Correlation between conformation and antibody binding: NMR structure of cross-reactive peptides from T.cruzi, Human and L. braziliensis Download bibtex for citation iamge A C Campos de Carvalho, A P Valente, F C Almeida, M R Soares, P M Bisch
6106 2004-04-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of cross-reactive peptides from Homo sapiens Correlation between conformation and antibody binding: NMR structure of cross-reactive peptides from T. cruzi, Human and L. braziliensis Download bibtex for citation iamge A C Campos de Carvalho, A P Valente, F CL Almeida, M R Soares, P M Bisch
5707 2003-03-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Sequence-specific 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the birch pollen allergen Bet v 4 Solution Structure, Dynamics, and Hydrodynamics of the Calcium-bound Cross-reactive Birch Pollen Allergen Bet v 4 Reveal a Canonical Monomeric Two-EF-hand Assembly with a Regulatory Function Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda Nourse, Anke Eisenmann, Fatima Ferreira, Joerg Nerkamp, Katrin Lehmann, Kristian Schweimer, Paul Roesch, Philipp Neudecker, Stephan Schwarzinger, Thomas Lauber
5672 2003-08-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Automatic assignment of NOESY Cross peaks and determination of the protein structure of a new world scorpion neurotoxin Using NOAH/DIAMOD Automatic Assignment of NOESY Cross Peaks and Determination of the Protein Structure of a New World Scorpion Neurotoxin Using NOAH/DIAMOD Download bibtex for citation iamge M J Jablonsky, N R Krishna, P L Jackson, W W Braun, Y Xu
5613 2008-07-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
A minimal beta-hairpin peptide scaffold for beta-turn display Stability of cyclic beta-hairins: asymmetric contributions from side chains of a hydrogen-bonded cross-strand residue pair Download bibtex for citation iamge A G Cochran, N J Skelton, S J Russell, T Blandl
5065 2001-11-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Quail Cysteine and Glycine-rich Protein, NMR, 15 Minimized Model Structures Application of Cross-correlated NMR Spin Relaxation to the Zinc-finger Protein CRP2(LIM2): Evidence for Collective Motions in LIM Domains Download bibtex for citation iamge Karin Kloiber, Klaus Bister, Robert Konrat, Theresia Matt, Wolfgang Schuler
4974 2001-10-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Rapid Protein fold Determination using Secondary Chemical Shifts and Cross- hydrogen bond 15N-13C' Scalar Couplings (3hbJNC') Rapid Protein fold Determination using Secondary Chemical Shifts and Cross- hydrogen bond 15N-13C' Scalar Couplings (3hbJNC') Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexandre MJJ Bonvin, Klaartje Houben, Marc Guenneugues, Robert Kaptein, Rolf Boelens
4213 2000-03-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Retro-inverso analogue of G-H loop of VP1 in FMD virus Solution structure of a retro-inverso peptide analogue mimicking the foot-and-mouth disease virus major antigenic site. Structural basis for its antigenic cross-reactivity with the parent peptide. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Phan Chan Du, G Guichard, J P Briand, M C Petit, M T Cung, N Benkirane, S Muller
3485 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H-n.m.r. study of the solution properties and secondary structure of neurotoxin III from the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata 1H-n.m.r. study of the solution properties and secondary structure of neurotoxin III from the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata Download bibtex for citation iamge Elmar Wachter, Keith Cross, Raymond S Norton, Vijoleta Braach-Maksvytis
2231 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Preparation of a Lysozyme Derivative in Which Two Domains Are Cross-Linked Intramolecularly between Trp62 and Asp101 Preparation of a Lysozyme Derivative in Which Two Domains Are Cross-Linked Intramolecularly between Trp62 and Asp101 Download bibtex for citation iamge Hidenori Yamada, Keiichi Kawano, Noriko Sakamoto, Tadashi Ueda, Taiji Imoto, Yoshihiro Terada, Yoshito Abe
1439 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Two-Dimensional Magnetization Exchange Spectroscopy of Anabaena 7120 Ferredoxin. Nuclear Overhauser Effect and Electron Self Exchange Cross Peaks from Amino Acid Residues Surrounding the 2Fe-2S, Cluster Two-Dimensional Magnetization Exchange Spectroscopy of Anabaena 7120 Ferredoxin. Nuclear Overhauser Effect and Electron Self Exchange Cross Peaks from Amino Acid Residues Surrounding the 2Fe-2S, Cluster Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrzej M Krezel, Bruce L Jacobson, Byung-Ha Oh, Hazel M Holden, Ivan Rayment, John L Markley, Lars Skjeldal, William M Westler
1440 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Two-Dimensional Magnetization Exchange Spectroscopy of Anabaena 7120 Ferredoxin. Nuclear Overhauser Effect and Electron Self Exchange Cross Peaks from Amino Acid Residues Surrounding the 2Fe-2S, Cluster Two-Dimensional Magnetization Exchange Spectroscopy of Anabaena 7120 Ferredoxin. Nuclear Overhauser Effect and Electron Self Exchange Cross Peaks from Amino Acid Residues Surrounding the 2Fe-2S, Cluster Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrzej M Krezel, Bruce L Jacobson, Byung-Ha Oh, Hazel M Holden, Ivan Rayment, John L Markley, Lars Skjeldal, William M Westler
1441 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Two-Dimensional Magnetization Exchange Spectroscopy of Anabaena 7120 Ferredoxin. Nuclear Overhauser Effect and Electron Self Exchange Cross Peaks from Amino Acid Residues Surrounding the 2Fe-2S, Cluster Two-Dimensional Magnetization Exchange Spectroscopy of Anabaena 7120 Ferredoxin. Nuclear Overhauser Effect and Electron Self Exchange Cross Peaks from Amino Acid Residues Surrounding the 2Fe-2S, Cluster Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrzej M Krezel, Bruce L Jacobson, Byung-Ha Oh, Hazel M Holden, Ivan Rayment, John L Markley, Lars Skjeldal, William M Westler
2232 1999-06-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Preparation of a Lysozyme Derivative in Which Two Domains Are Cross-Linked Intramolecularly between Trp62 and Asp101 Preparation of a Lysozyme Derivative in Which Two Domains Are Cross-Linked Intramolecularly between Trp62 and Asp101 Download bibtex for citation iamge Hidenori Yamada, Keiichi Kawano, Noriko Sakamoto, Tadashi Ueda, Taiji Imoto, Yoshihiro Terada, Yoshito Abe
51417 2022-10-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Order Parameters: 1 set
Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the Tandem Domain BRD4 -- Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the BRD4 Tandem Domain: Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander G Milbradt, Geoffrey A Holdgate, Kevin J Embrey, Liz Flavell, Mikael Akke, Romel Bobby, Sven Wernersson
51414 2022-10-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Order Parameters: 1 set
Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the Tandem Domain BRD4 -- Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the BRD4 Tandem Domain: Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander G Milbradt, Geoffrey A Holdgate, Kevin J Embrey, Liz Flavell, Mikael Akke, Romel Bobby, Sven Wernersson
51416 2022-10-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Order Parameters: 1 set
Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the Tandem Domain BRD4 -- Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the BRD4 Tandem Domain: Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander G Milbradt, Geoffrey A Holdgate, Kevin J Embrey, Liz Flavell, Mikael Akke, Romel Bobby, Sven Wernersson
51413 2022-10-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Order Parameters: 1 set
Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the Tandem Domain BRD4 -- Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the BRD4 Tandem Domain: Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander G Milbradt, Geoffrey A Holdgate, Kevin J Embrey, Liz Flavell, Mikael Akke, Romel Bobby, Sven Wernersson
27245 2017-11-03 Dipole-dipole Cross Correlation Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Backbone 15N relaxation data for c-teminal domain of delta subunit of RNA polymerase from bacillus subtilis Triple resonance [Formula: see text] NMR relaxation experiments for studies of intrinsically disordered proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Alzbeta Rabatinova, Jeanette Bobalova, Jiri Novacek, Jitka Zidkova, Libor Krasny, Lukas Zidek, Pavel Kaderavek, Pavel Srb, Vladimir Sklenar
18616 2019-08-30 Heteronuclear NOE Values: 4 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 3 sets
T1rho Relaxation Values: 3 sets
Relaxation rates for accurate spectral density mapping for unbiased analysis of nucleic acid motions probed by carbon-13 NMR relaxation Spectral density mapping at multiple magnetic fields suitable for (13)C NMR relaxation studies Download bibtex for citation iamge Goran Widmalm, Jana Pavlikova P Precechtelova, Josef Chmelik, Jozef Kowalewski, Lukas Zidek, Maria Soltesova, Pavel Kaderavek, Pavel Srb, Petr Padrta, Radovan Fiala, Vladimir Sklenar, Vojtech Zapletal
51418 2022-10-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Order Parameters: 1 set
Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the Tandem Domain BRD4 -- Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Bromodomain Interactions with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptides in the BRD4 Tandem Domain: Effects on Domain Dynamics and Internal Flexibility Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander G Milbradt, Geoffrey A Holdgate, Kevin J Embrey, Liz Flavell, Mikael Akke, Romel Bobby, Sven Wernersson
18903 2014-02-14 Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Relaxation study of Delta subunit of RNA polymerase from Bacillus subtilis Spectral density mapping protocols for analysis of molecular motions in disordered proteins. Download bibtex for citation iamge Albeta Rabatinova, Libor Krasny, Luka Zidek, Pavel Kadeavek, Vladimir Sklena, Vojtch Zapletal