Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
31150 | 2024-09-03 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical shifts of CD28 hinge (I114-P152) used in chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cells |
CD28 hinge used in chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cells exhibits local structure and conformational exchange amidst global disorder
Charles D Schwieters, Hitendra Negi, Jess Li, Kylie J Walters, Naomi Taylor, Philippe Youkharibache, R Andrew A Byrd, Varvara Folimonova, Xiang Chen |
31130 | 2024-09-18 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of recifin A [Y6F] |
Picking the tyrosine-lock: chemical synthesis of the tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase I inhibitor recifin A and analogues
Barry R O'Keefe, Christina I Schroeder, Colton D Payne, K Johan J Rosengren, Lauren Krumpe, Richard J Clark, Taylor B Smallwood, Victoria G Klein |
52002 | 2023-08-16 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone Resonance Assignments of Human GMPPNP-bound KRAS4a Isoform |
Comparative analysis of KRAS4a and KRAS4b splice variants reveals distinctive structural and functional properties
Andrew G Stephen, Dhirendra K Simanshu, Dominic Esposito, Dwight V Nissley, Frank McCormick, Gabriel Cornilescu, Matthew J Whitley, Megan Rigby, Ming Yi, Nitya Ramakrishnan, Shelley Perkins, Simon Messing, Srisathiyanarayanan Dharmaiah, Thomas Turbyville, Timothy H Tran, Timothy J Waybright, Troy Taylor |
52001 | 2023-08-16 | Chemical Shifts: 3 sets |
Backbone Resonance Assignments of Human GDP-bound KRAS4a Isoform |
Comparative analysis of KRAS4a and KRAS4b splice variants reveals distinctive structural and functional properties
Andrew G Stephen, Dhirendra K Simanshu, Dominic Esposito, Dwight V Nissley, Frank McCormick, Gabriel Cornilescu, Matthew J Whitley, Megan Rigby, Ming Yi, Nitya Ramakrishnan, Shelley Perkins, Simon Messing, Srisathiyanarayanan Dharmaiah, Thomas Turbyville, Timothy H Tran, Timothy J Waybright, Troy Taylor |
30991 | 2023-01-18 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structural of the globular isoform of the novel conotoxin PnID derived from Conus pennaceus |
Characterization of the Native Disulfide Isomers of the Novel Chi-Conotoxin PnID: Implications for Further Increasing Conotoxin Diversity
Christopher K Sugai, Emma Gusman, Jonathan K Taylor, Jon-Paul P Bingham, Michael H Baumann, Michael J Espiritu, Nikolaus M Loening, Parashar Thapa, Zenaida G Baoanan |
30992 | 2023-01-18 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of the globular isoform of the novel conotoxin PnID derived from Conus pennaceus |
Characterization of the Native Disulfide Isomers of the Novel Chi-Conotoxin PnID: Implications for Further Increasing Conotoxin Diversity
Christopher K Sugai, Emma Gusman, Jonathan K Taylor, Jon-Paul P Bingham, Michael H Baumann, Michael J Espiritu, Nikolaus M Loening, Parashar Thapa, Zenaida G Baoanan |
51152 | 2023-04-05 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
alpha-Synuclein at low pH and high Temperature |
High-Resolution Structural Information of Membrane-bound alpha-Synuclein provides Insight into the MoA of the Anti-Parkinson Drug UCB0599
Andreas Beier, Karin Ledolter, Markus Hartl, Richard J Taylor, Robert Konrat, Terry S Baker, Theresa Hofurthner, Thomas C Schwarz, Thomas Gossenreiter |
51148 | 2023-04-05 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Bicelle-bound alpha-Synuclein |
High-Resolution Structural Information of Membrane-bound alpha-Synuclein provides Insight into the MoA of the Anti-Parkinson Drug UCB0599
Andreas Beier, Karin Ledolter, Markus Hartl, Richard J Taylor, Robert Konrat, Terry S Baker, Theresa Hofurthner, Thomas C Schwarz, Thomas Gossenreiter |
51100 | 2022-10-12 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Methyl resonance assignments of beta-2 microglobulin in complex with HLA-B*44:05T73C/EEFGRC and tapasin |
Structural mechanism of tapasin-mediated MHC-I peptide loading in antigen presentation
Claire H Woodward, Daniel K Taylor, David H Margulies, Ellen J Kim, Hau V Truong, Javeed Ahmad, Jiansheng Jiang, Kannan Natarajan, Lisa F Boyd, Michael G Mage, Nikolaos G Sgourakis, Peter Cresswell |
51099 | 2022-10-12 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Methyl resonance assignments of beta-2 microglobulin in complex with HLA-B*44:05T73C/EEFGRC |
Structural mechanism of tapasin-mediated MHC-I peptide loading in antigen presentation
Claire H Woodward, Daniel K Taylor, David H Margulies, Ellen J Kim, Hau V Truong, Javeed Ahmad, Jiansheng Jiang, Kannan Natarajan, Lisa F Boyd, Michael G Mage, Nikolaos G Sgourakis, Peter Cresswell |
51097 | 2022-10-12 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set |
Resonance assignments and Residual Dipolar Couplings for Human Beta-2 microglobulin (b2m) |
Structural mechanism of tapasin-mediated MHC-I peptide loading in antigen presentation
Claire H Woodward, Daniel K Taylor, David H Margulies, Ellen J Kim, Hau V Truong, Javeed Ahmad, Jiansheng Jiang, Kannan Natarajan, Lisa F Boyd, Michael G Mage, Nikolaos G Sgourakis, Peter Cresswell |
51098 | 2022-10-12 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone and methyl resonance assignments of beta-2 microglobulin in complex with HLA-B*44:05/EEFGRAFSF |
Structural mechanism of tapasin-mediated MHC-I peptide loading in antigen presentation
Claire H Woodward, Daniel K Taylor, David H Margulies, Ellen J Kim, Hau V Truong, Javeed Ahmad, Jiansheng Jiang, Kannan Natarajan, Lisa F Boyd, Michael G Mage, Nikolaos G Sgourakis, Peter Cresswell |
50996 | 2023-04-05 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
SDS-Micelle bound alpha-Synuclein |
High-Resolution Structural Information of Membrane-bound alpha-Synuclein provides Insight into the MoA of the Anti-Parkinson Drug UCB0599
Andreas Beier, Karin Ledolter, Markus Hartl, Richard J Taylor, Robert Konrat, Terry S Baker, Theresa Hofurthner, Thomas C Schwarz, Thomas Gossenreiter |
50946 | 2021-11-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of Alpha-1-acid Glycoprotein bound to UCN-01 and complete backbone assignments and NMR |
The structural basis for high affinity binding of Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein to the potent anti-tumour compound UCN-01
Alice Bochel, Christina Redfield, Christopher Williams, Erik Landin, Matthew P Crump, Nahida Akter, Neesha Dedi, Richard B Sessions, Richard J Taylor, Sara A Ryan |
30826 | 2021-10-22 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR solution structure of Nak1 from the Necator americanus hookworm |
Synthetic hookworm-derived peptides are potent modulators of primary human immune cell function that protect against experimental colitis in vivo
Alex Loukas, Ben Cristofori-Armstrong, Jason P Mulvenna, John J Miles, Katie Tungatt, K Johan J Rosengren, Oscar L Haigh, Rachael Ryan, Richard J Clark, Severine Navarro, Taylor B Smallwood, Thomas S Watkins, Viviana P Lutzky |
50540 | 2021-04-19 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
Backbone Assignments for the Human Interleukin-17AF Heterodimer |
Conformational dynamics in interleukin 17A and 17F functional complexes is a key determinant of receptor A affinity and specificity
Alastair Lawson, Alistair J Henry, Christine E Prosser, Frederick W Muskett, Lorna C Waters, Mark D Carr, Neesha Dedi, Richard J Taylor, Sarah L Strong, Vaclav Veverka |
50538 | 2021-04-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone Assignments for the Human Interleukin-17F Homodimer |
Conformational dynamics in interleukin 17A and 17F functional complexes is a key determinant of receptor A affinity and specificity
Alastair Lawson, Alistair J Henry, Christine E Prosser, Frederick W Muskett, Lorna C Waters, Mark D Carr, Neesha Dedi, Richard J Taylor, Sarah L Strong, Vaclav Veverka |
50537 | 2021-04-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone Assignments for the Human Interleukin-17A Homodimer |
Conformational dynamics in interleukin 17A and 17F functional complexes is a key determinant of receptor A affinity and specificity
Alastair Lawson, Alistair J Henry, Christine E Prosser, Frederick W Muskett, Lorna C Waters, Mark D Carr, Neesha Dedi, Richard J Taylor, Sarah L Strong, Vaclav Veverka |
28102 | 2021-07-16 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Resonance assignments of oxidized BpsDsbA |
NMR fragment screening reveals a novel small molecule binding site near the catalytic surface of the disulfide-dithiol oxidoreductase enzyme DsbA from Burkholderia pseudomallei
Ashley Taylor, Ben Capuano, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bradley C Doak, Gaurav Sharma, Jennifer L Martin, Karyn L Wilde, Maria A Halili, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, R Bryn B Fenwick, Roisin M McMahon, Stefan Nebl, Wesam S Alwan |
28103 | 2021-07-16 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone assignments of reduced BpsDsbA |
NMR fragment screening reveals a novel small molecule binding site near the catalytic surface of the disulfide-dithiol oxidoreductase enzyme DsbA from Burkholderia pseudomallei
Ashley Taylor, Ben Capuano, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bradley C Doak, Gaurav Sharma, Jennifer L Martin, Karyn L Wilde, Maria A Halili, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, R Bryn B Fenwick, Roisin M McMahon, Stefan Nebl, Wesam S Alwan |
34419 | 2020-01-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR solution structure of Hml-2 C-terminal dimer domain |
Structural basis for Fullerene geometry in a human endogenous retrovirus capsid.
A Nans, A Ramos, D C Goldstone, G Nicastro, I A Taylor, J P Stoye, K Sader, L E Robertson, N J Ball, O Acton, P B Rosenthal, T Grant |
30580 | 2019-04-18 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR solution structure of vicilin-buried peptide-8 (VBP-8) |
An ancient peptide family buried within vicilin precursors.
B Pouvreau, C D Payne, H Schaefer, J S Mylne, J Whelan, J Zhang, K J Rosengren, M F Fisher, N L Taylor, O Berkowitz |
30579 | 2019-04-18 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR solution structure of vicilin-buried peptide-8 (VBP-8) |
An ancient peptide family buried within vicilin precursors.
B Pouvreau, C D Payne, H Schaefer, J S Mylne, J Whelan, J Zhang, K J Rosengren, M F Fisher, N L Taylor, O Berkowitz |
27777 | 2019-03-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H-15N HSQC assignment for Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 1 domain KH1-2 |
IMP1 KH1 and KH2 domains create a structural platform with unique RNA recognition and re-modelling properties.
Andres Ramos, Andrew G Purkiss, Fruzsina Hobor, Geoff Kelly, Ian A Taylor, Neil J Ball, Robert Dagil, Roksana W Ogrodowicz, Stephen R Martin |
30517 | 2020-02-28 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of the KCNQ1 voltage-sensing domain |
Structure and physiological function of the human KCNQ1 channel voltage sensor intermediate state
A L George, C R Sanders, D Peng, G Kuenze, H Huang, J A Smith, J Cui, J Meiler, J Shi, K C Taylor, K M White, N Yang, P Hou, P W Kang, R L McFeeters |
27339 | 2018-03-16 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical shifts of UBQLN2 residues 450-624 |
Ubiquitin Modulates Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of UBQLN2 via Disruption of Multivalent Interactions
Brian Martyniak, Carlos A Castaneda, Erica Colicino, Heidi Hehnly, Hong Joo J Kim, J Paul P Taylor, Kevin O'Donovan, Regina-Maria M Kolaitis, Thuy P Dao |
30343 | 2018-03-01 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
PawL-Derived Peptide PLP-10 (trans conformer) |
A family of small, cyclic peptides buried in preproalbumin since the Eocene epoch
Aleksandra W Debowski, Bahar Behsaz, James Whelan, Jingjing Zhang, Joshua S Mylne, Mark F Fisher, Mark J Howard, Nicolas L Taylor, Oliver Berkowitz, Pavel A Pevzner |
30344 | 2018-03-01 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
PawL-Derived Peptide PLP-10 (cis conformer) |
A family of small, cyclic peptides buried in preproalbumin since the Eocene epoch
Aleksandra W Debowski, Bahar Behsaz, James Whelan, Jingjing Zhang, Joshua S Mylne, Mark F Fisher, Mark J Howard, Nicolas L Taylor, Oliver Berkowitz, Pavel A Pevzner |
30341 | 2018-03-01 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 4 sets |
PawL-Derived Peptide PLP-2 |
A family of small, cyclic peptides buried in preproalbumin since the Eocene epoch
Aleksandra W Debowski, Bahar Behsaz, James Whelan, Jingjing Zhang, Joshua S Mylne, Mark F Fisher, Mark J Howard, Nicolas L Taylor, Oliver Berkowitz, Pavel A Pevzner |
30338 | 2018-03-01 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets |
PawL-Derived Peptide PLP-4 |
A family of small, cyclic peptides buried in preproalbumin since the Eocene epoch
Aleksandra W Debowski, Bahar Behsaz, James Whelan, Jingjing Zhang, Joshua S Mylne, Mark F Fisher, Mark J Howard, Nicolas L Taylor, Oliver Berkowitz, Pavel A Pevzner |
30337 | 2018-03-01 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
PawL-Derived Peptide PLP-12 |
A family of small, cyclic peptides buried in preproalbumin since the Eocene epoch
Aleksandra W Debowski, Bahar Behsaz, James Whelan, Jingjing Zhang, Joshua S Mylne, Mark F Fisher, Mark J Howard, Nicolas L Taylor, Oliver Berkowitz, Pavel A Pevzner |
34146 | 2018-06-07 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution Structure of the N-terminal Region of Dkk4 |
Structural and functional analysis of Dickkopf 4 (Dkk4): New insights into Dkk evolution and regulation of Wnt signaling by Dkk and Kremen proteins
A Cargo, A J Henry, A M Barkell, C Doyle, C E Prosser, D Gupta, F W Muskett, G Holdsworth, L C Waters, M D Carr, M K Robinson, P M Slocombe, P S Renshaw, P W Addis, R J Taylor, S Bruton, S L Strong, S Patel |
34122 | 2017-12-11 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR Structure of the C-terminal domain of ParB (Spo0J) |
The structural basis for dynamic DNA binding and bridging interactions which condense the bacterial centromere.
A Butterer, A Koh, C L Pastrana, F Moreno-Herrero, F Sobott, G LM Fisher, H Murray, J A Taylor, M P Crump, M S Dillingham, T D Craggs, V A Higman |
26944 | 2017-04-26 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
mini monomeric TGF-b2-7m |
An engineered TGF-beta monomer that functions as a dominant negative to block TGF-beta signaling
Alex B Taylor, Andrew P Hinck, Avi Thirangala, Belinda Leal, Blair Richter, Borries Demeler, Brian Iskra, Christopher Barnes, Cynthia S Hinck, Guillermo Calero, Kristin Cano, Lindsey Myers, Machell Vonberg, Matthew J Hart, Molly Brothers, Peter J Hart, Ravindra Kodak, Shoucheng Du, Sun-Kyung Kim |
26943 | 2017-04-26 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
mini monomeric TGF-b2 |
An engineered TGF-beta monomer that functions as a dominant negative to block TGF-beta signaling
Alex B Taylor, Andrew P Hinck, Avi Thirangala, Belinda Leal, Blair Richter, Borries Demeler, Brian Iskra, Christopher Barnes, Cynthia S Hinck, Guillermo Calero, Kristin Can, Lindsey Myers, Machell Vonberg, Matthew J Hart, Molly Brothers, Peter J Hart, Ravindra Kodak, Shoucheng Du, Sun-Kyung Kim |
34049 | 2019-03-21 | Chemical Shifts: 4 sets |
Structure of a Spumaretrovirus Gag central domain reveals an ancient retroviral capsid |
A unique spumavirus Gag N-terminal domain with functional properties of orthoretroviral matrix and capsid.
D C Goldstone, D Lindemann, I A Taylor, J P Stoye, J Reh, M Sanz-Ramos, M W Yap, N J Ball, N Stanke, R W Ogrodowicz, T G Flower |
34050 | 2016-10-24 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of a Spumaretrovirus Gag central domain reveals an ancient retroviral capsid |
A unique spumavirus Gag N-terminal domain with functional properties of orthoretroviral matrix and capsid.
D C Goldstone, D Lindemann, I A Taylor, J P Stoye, J Reh, M Sanz-Ramos, M W Yap, N J Ball, N Stanke, R W Ogrodowicz, T G Flower |
25700 | 2016-05-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution Structure of R. palustris CsgH |
Electrostatically-guided inhibition of Curli amyloid nucleation by the CsgC-like family of chaperones
Alfonso de Simone, Andres Escalera-Maurer, Benjamin Turner, Catherine Fletcher, Doryen Bubeck, Joanne Lo, Jonathan D Taylor, Lea Sefer, Marion Koch, Nicholas Darvill, Nicola Scull, Rosemary Wenman, Sebastian Lambert, Sergei G Kazarian, Steve J Matthews, Tuomas PJ Knowles, William J Hawthorne, Yinqi Xu |
25565 | 2016-04-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of the BCOR PUFD |
Structural basis for the hierarchical assembly of the core of PRC1.1
Alexander B Taylor, Andrew P Hinck, Borries Demeler, Chongwoo A Kim, Connie M Corcoran, Daniel J Ha, John P Hart, Micah D Gearhart, Sarah J Wong, Udayar Ilangovan, Victoria Diaz, Virgil Schirf, Vivian J Bardwell |
18837 | 2013-02-28 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
15N, 13C and 1H Resonance Assignments and Secondary Structure Determination of a Variable Heavy Chain Antibody |
(15)N, (13)C and (1)H resonance assignments and secondary structure determination of a variable heavy domain of a heavy chain antibody
Alastair D G Lawson, Alastair S Baker, Alistair J Henry, Christine E Prosser, Frederick W Muskett, Jorg Kinne, Laura M Griffin, Lorna C Waters, Mark D Carr, Philip W Addis, Richard J Taylor, Ulrich Wernery, Vaclav Veverka |
18132 | 2012-03-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structural studies of E73 from a hyperthermophilic archaeal virus identify the "RH3" domain, an elaborated ribbon-helix-helix motif involved in DNA recognition.
Anupam Goel, Brian P Tripet, Casey Schlenker, C Martin Lawrence, Mark J Young, Mensur Dlakic, Smita Menon, Taylor Willi, Valerie Copie |
16780 | 2014-03-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 15N, 13C resonance assignments for CobR |
Biophysical characterisation of CobR
Alan F Scott, Andrew D Lawrence, Mark J Howard, Martin J Warren, Richard W Pickersgill, Samantha L Taylor |
7222 | 2007-03-06 | Chemical Shifts: 12 sets |
Amide chemical shifts of free and hyaluronan-bound Link_TSG6 at a range of pH values |
Determining the molecular basis for the pH-dependent interaction between the Link module of human TSG-6 and hyaluronan
Andras Perczel, Andrew Almond, Anthony J Day, Charles D Blundell, David J Mahoney, Iain D Campbell, Jan D Kahmann, Jon Taylor, Martin R Cordell |
7221 | 2007-03-05 | Chemical Shifts: 18 sets |
Amide chemical shifts of free and hyaluronan-bound Link_TSG6 at a range of pH values |
Determining the molecular basis for the pH-dependent interaction between the Link module of human TSG-6 and hyaluronan
Andras Perczel, Andrew Almond, Anthony J Day, Charles D Blundell, David J Mahoney, Iain D Campbell, Jan D Kahmann, Jon D Taylor, Martin R Cordell |
7107 | 2006-09-11 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 13C and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for human Keratinocyte Fatty-acid binding protein with potent small molecule inhibitor (BMS-480404) |
1H,13C and 15N assigned chemical shifts for human keratinocyte fatty acid-binding protein with a small molecule inhibitor (BMS-480404)
B Farmer, D Magnin, D Taylor, J Robl, K Constantine, L Adam, L Mueller, Patricia McDonnell, R Parker, R Sulsky, S Johnson, T Caulfield, V Goldfarb, W Metzler |
6760 | 2006-03-10 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR assignment of the mTOR domain responsible for rapamycin binding |
NMR assignment of the mTOR domain responsible for rapamycin binding
Gregor Lennie, Ian Bird, Mark D Carr, Richard J Taylor, Tom Crabbe, Vaclav Veverka |
4416 | 2000-06-17 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
Solution-State Structure of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex Containing a Cis-Syn Thymine Cyclobutane Dimer. |
Solution-state Structure of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex Containing a Cis-Syn Thymine Cyclobutane Dimer, the Major UV photoproduct of DNA.
J Kao, J-S Taylor, K McAteer, M A Kennedy, Y Jing |
4415 | 1999-12-06 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
Solution-state structure of a DNA dodecamer duplex containing a cis-syn thymine cyclobutane dimer. |
Solution-state Structure of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex Containing a Cis-Syn Thmine Cyclobutane Dimer, the Major UV photoproduct of DNA
J Kao, J -S Taylor, K McAteer, M A Kennedy, Y Jing |
4258 | 1999-11-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H Chemical Shift Assignments of the Palindromic 12mer d(TTTGACGCGTCAA)2 (MCB12T) which Contains the Recognition Site for the Yeast Transcription Factor Mbp1. |
1H, 15N and 13C Assignments of the DNA Binding Domain of Transcription Factor Mbp1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Both Its Free and DNA Bound Forms and H1 Assignments of the Free DNA
Andrew N Lane, Ian A Taylor, Pauline B McIntosh, Steven J Smerdon, Thomas A Frenkiel |
4256 | 1999-11-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 15N and 13C Assignments of the DNA Binding Domain of Transcription Factor Mbp1 from S. cerevisiae in Both Its Free and DNA Bound Forms, and 1H Assignments of the Free DNA |
1H, 15N and 13C Assignments of the DNA Binding Domain of Transcription Factor Mbp1 from S. cerevisiae in Both Its Free and DNA Bound Forms, and 1H Assignments of the Free DNA
Andrew N Lane, Ian A Taylor, Pauline B McIntosh, Steven J Smerdon, Thomas A Frenkiel |
4254 | 1999-10-26 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 15N and 13C Assignments of the DNA Binding Domain of Transcription Factor Mbp1 from Sassharomyces cerevisiae in Both Its Free and DNA Bound Forms and 1H Assignments of the Free DNA |
1H, 15N and 13C Assignments of the DNA Binding Domain of Transcription Factor Mbp1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Both Its Free and DNA Bound Forms and 1H Assignments of the Fee DNA
Andrew N Lane, Ian A Taylor, Pauline B McIntosh, Steven J Smerdon, Thomas A Frenkiel |