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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
50576 2021-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NfsB + nicotinate Backbone assignment of E. coli NfsB and the effects of addition of the cofactor analogue nicotinic acid Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex KW Chau, Eva I Hyde, Lorna J Smith
50476 2021-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NfsB chemical shifts Backbone assignment of E. coli NfsB and the effects of addition of the cofactor analogue nicotinic acid Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex KW Chau, Eva I Hyde, Lorna J Smith
50400 2021-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shifts for PmScsC linker peptide in 50% TFE The 'Shape-Shifter' Peptide from the Disulphide Isomerase PmScsC Shows Context-Dependent Conformational Preferences. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chloe W Green, Christina Redfield, Lorna J Smith
50399 2021-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shifts for the PmScsC linker peptide in water The 'Shape-Shifter' Peptide from the Disulphide Isomerase PmScsC Shows Context-Dependent Conformational Preferences. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chloe W Green, Christina Redfield, Lorna J Smith
27439 2018-10-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Sph15 1H, 13C and 15N NMR assignments of self-incompatibility protein homologue 15 from Arabidopsis thaliana Download bibtex for citation iamge Eva I Hyde, Karthik V Rajasekar, Lorna J Smith, Rachel J Coulthard
19127 2013-08-15 Coupling Constants: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
The Dynamics of Lysozyme from Bacteriophage Lambda in Solution probed by NMR and MD simulations The dynamics of lysozyme from bacteriophage lambda in solution probed by NMR and MD simulations. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexandre Di Paolo, Alice M Bowen, Andre Matagne, Christina Redfield, Lorna J Smith
16294 2010-03-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H (NH, HA, HB, other) Chemical Shift Assignments of Peach Pru p 3, Non-Specific Lipid Transfer Protein (nsLTP) isolated from Peach fruit skin The structural characteristics of nonspecific lipid transfer proteins explain their resistance to gastroduodenal proteolysis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alan R Mackie, Ana I Sancho, E N Clare Mills, Justin Marsh, Lorna J Smith, Peter R Shewry, Phil Johnson, Ramani Wijesinha-Bettoni, Syed U Abdullah, Yuri Alexeev
15143 2007-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H (NH, HA, HB) Chemical Shift Assignments of the Non-Specific Lipid Transfer Protein (nsLTP1) with post translational modification, isolated from Barley Seeds Post-translational modification of barley LTP1b: the lipid adduct lies in the hydrophobic cavity and alters the protein dynamics Download bibtex for citation iamge Alan R Mackie, Chunli Gao, E N Clare Mills, John A Jenkins, Lorna J Smith, Peter J Wilde, Ramani Wijesinha-Bettoni
6033 2004-02-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR characterisation shows that a b-type variant of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c552 retains its native fold NMR analysis shows that a b-type variant of hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c552 retains its native structure Download bibtex for citation iamge Christina Redfield, Lorna J Smith, Rachel Wain
5731 2004-09-14 Chemical Shifts: 3 sets
Coupling Constants: 2 sets
1H Chemical Shift Assignments for SCR3 peptide (18-34) Alpha and beta Conformational preferences in Fibril Forming Peptides Characterised using NMR and CD Techniques Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda K Sherwood, Leonardo F Fraceto, Lorna J Smith, Mario Bouchard, Maureen Pitkeathly, Thelma A Pertinhez
5733 2004-09-14 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
1H Chemical Shift Assignments for SCR3 peptide (34-54) Alpha and beta Conformational preferences in Fibril Forming Peptides Characterised using NMR and CD Techniques Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda K Sherwood, Leonardo F Fraceto, Lorna J Smith, Mario Bouchard, Maureen Pitkeathly, Thelma A Pertinhez
5732 2004-09-14 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
1H Chemical Shift Assignments for SCR3 peptide (18-54) Alpha and beta Conformational preferences in Fibril Forming Peptides Characterised using NMR and CD Techniques Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda K Sherwood, Leonardo F Fraceto, Lorna J Smith, Mario Bouchard, Maureen Pitkeathly, Thelma A Pertinhez
5734 2004-09-14 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
1H Chemical Shift Assignments for SCR3 peptide (27-33) Alpha and beta Conformational preferences in Fibril Forming Peptides Characterised using NMR and CD Techniques Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda K Sherwood, Leonardo F Fraceto, Lorna J Smith, Mario Bouchard, Maureen Pitkeathly, Thelma A Pertinhez
4831 2001-05-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 2 sets
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Lysozyme A Refined Solution Structure of Hen Lysozyme Determined Using Residual Dipolar Coupling Data Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew Spencer, Christina Redfield, Christopher M Dobson, Harald Schwalbe, Jonathan Boyd, Lorna J Smith, Matthias Buck, Shaun Grimshaw
4375 2006-12-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N Assignments of Ubiquitin Unfolded in 8M Urea, pH2 and Analysis of Chemical shift Dispersion in Unfolded Proteins Chemical Shifts in Denatured Proteins: Resonance Assignments for Denatured Ubiquitin and Comparisons with other Denatured Proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Christina Redfield, Harald Schwalbe, Lorna J Smith, Wolfgang Peti
2031 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Secondary Structure and Topology of Human Interleukin 4 in Solution Secondary Structure and Topology of Human Interleukin 4 in Solution Download bibtex for citation iamge Christina Redfield, Christopher M Dobson, G MarkP Lawrence, Jonathan Boyd, Lorna J Smith, Richard AG Smith, Robert G Edwards