25700 |
2016-05-23 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution Structure of R. palustris CsgH |
Electrostatically-guided inhibition of Curli amyloid nucleation by the CsgC-like family of chaperones
Alfonso de Simone, Andres Escalera-Maurer, Benjamin Turner, Catherine Fletcher, Doryen Bubeck, Joanne Lo, Jonathan D Taylor, Lea Sefer, Marion Koch, Nicholas Darvill, Nicola Scull, Rosemary Wenman, Sebastian Lambert, Sergei G Kazarian, Steve J Matthews, Tuomas PJ Knowles, William J Hawthorne, Yinqi Xu |
19058 |
2013-12-02 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Atomic-resolution structure of a doublet cross-beta amyloid fibril |
Atomic structure and hierarchical assembly of a cross-beta amyloid fibril
Alfonso de Simone, Anthony WP Fitzpatrick, Cait E MacPhee, Christopher A Waudby, Christopher M Dobson, Christopher P Jaroniec, Daniel K Clare, Elena V Orlova, Galia T Debelouchina, Helen R Mott, Helen R Saibil, Luchun Wang, Marc A Caporini, Marvin J Bayro, Michele Vendruscolo, Robert G Griffin, Shirley Muller, Tuomas PJ Knowles, Vikram S Bajaj, Vladimir Ladizhansky |
19060 |
2013-12-02 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Atomic-resolution structure of a triplet cross-beta amyloid fibril |
Atomic structure and hierarchical assembly of a cross-beta amyloid fibril
Alfonso de Simone, Anthony WP Fitzpatrick, Cait E MacPhee, Christopher A Waudby, Christopher M Dobson, Christopher P Jaroniec, Daniel K Clare, Elena V Orlova, Galia T Debelouchina, Helen R Mott, Helen R Saibil, Luchun Wang, Marc A Caporini, Marvin J Bayro, Michele Vendruscolo, Robert G Griffin, Shirley Muller, Tuomas PJ Knowles, Vikram S Bajaj, Vladimir Ladizhansky |
19062 |
2013-09-04 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Atomic-resolution structure of a cross-beta protofilament |
Atomic structure and hierarchical assembly of a cross- amyloid fibril.
Alfonso De Simone, Anthony WP Fitzpatrick, Cait E MacPhee, Christopher A Waudby, Christopher M Dobson, Christopher P Jaroniec, Daniel K Clare, Elena V Orlova, Galia T Debelouchina, Helen R Mott, Helen R Saibil, Luchun Wang, Marc A Caporini, Marvin J Bayro, Michele Vendruscolo, Robert G Griffin, Shirley A Muller, Tuomas PJ Knowles, Vikram S Bajaj, Vladimir Ladizhansky |