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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
31153 2024-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
4F-Trp labeled Oscillatoria Agardhii Agglutinin (OAA) Integrating 19F Distance Restraints for Accurate Protein Structure Determination by Magic Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge A M Gronenborn, B R Runge, C D Schwieters, C M Quinn, I L Byeon, J Hadden-Perilla, J Struppe, M Lu, R R Zadorozhnyi, R W Russell, S Antolinez, T Polenova
31152 2024-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
4F-Trp labeled Oscillatoria Agardhii Agglutinin (OAA) Integrating 19F Distance Restraints for Accurate Protein Structure Determination by Magic Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge A M Gronenborn, B R Runge, C D Schwieters, C M Quinn, I L Byeon, J Hadden-Perilla, J Struppe, M Lu, R R Zadorozhnyi, R W Russell, S Antolinez, T Polenova
31025 2023-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TPX2 Minimal Active Domain on Microtubules Structural basis of protein condensation on microtubules underlying branching microtubule nucleation Download bibtex for citation iamge C Guo, C Zhang, R Alfaro-Aco, R Russell, S Petry, T Polenova
30936 2022-11-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Atomic-Resolution Structure of Kinesin-1 Motor Domain in Complex with Polymeric Microtubules by Magic Angle Spinning NMR Magic-angle-spinning NMR structure of the kinesin-1 motor domain assembled with microtubules reveals the elusive neck linker orientation Download bibtex for citation iamge A M Gronenborn, C Guo, C M Quinn, C Zhang, J C Williams, M Li, R W Russell, T Polenova
30929 2023-01-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Immature HIV-1 CACTD-SP1 lattice with Bevirimat (BVM) and Inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) Structural basis of HIV-1 maturation inhibitor binding and activity Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex Kleinpeter, Angela M Gronenborn, Barbie K Ganser-Pornillos, Caitlin M Quinn, Eric O Freed, Hamed Meshkin, Juan R Perilla, Kaneil K Zadrozny, Owen Pornillos, Roman Zadorozhnyi, Ryan W Russell, Sherimay Ablan, Sucharita Sarkar, Tatyana Polenova
30930 2023-01-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Immature HIV-1 CACTD-SP1 lattice with Inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) Structural basis of HIV-1 maturation inhibitor binding and activity Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex Kleinpeter, Angela M Gronenborn, Barbie K Ganser-Pornillos, Caitlin M Quinn, Eric O Freed, Hamed Meshkin, Juan R Perilla, Kaneil K Zadrozny, Owen Pornillos, Roman Zadorozhnyi, Ryan W Russell, Sherimay Ablan, Sucharita Sarkar, Tatyana Polenova
30877 2022-04-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Magic Angle Spinning NMR Structure of Human Cofilin-2 Assembled on Actin Filaments Magic angle spinning NMR structure of human cofilin-2 assembled on actin filaments reveals isoform-specific conformation and binding mode Download bibtex for citation iamge Chaoyi Xu, Dmitri S Kudryashov, Elena Kudryashova, Jodi Kraus, Juan R Perilla, Nidhi Katyal, Ryan W Russell, Tatyana Polenova
30741 2020-08-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Atomic-Resolution Structure of HIV-1 Capsid Tubes by Magic Angle Spinning NMR Atomic-resolution structure of HIV-1 capsid tubes by magic-angle spinning NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge A Bryer, A M Gronenborn, C D Schwieters, C M Quinn, G Hou, H Zhang, J R Perilla, M Lu, R W Russell, T Polenova
20093 2010-10-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
REV_HIV peptides Downsizing human, bacterial, and viral proteins to short water-stable alpha helices that maintain biological potency Download bibtex for citation iamge David P Fairliea, Giovanni Abbenantea, Gloria Ruiz-Gomeza, Huy N Hoanga, Nicholas E Shepherda, Paul R Youngb, Rosemary S Harrisona, Russell W Drivera, Timothy A Hilla, Vishal S Desaib
20092 2010-10-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
To be advised Downsizing human, bacterial, and viral proteins to short water-stable alpha helices that maintain biological potency Download bibtex for citation iamge David P Fairliea, Giovanni Abbenantea, Gloria Ruiz-Gomeza, Huy N Hoanga, Nicholas E Shepherda, Paul R Youngb, Rosemary S Harrisona, Russell W Drivera, Timothy A Hilla, Vishal S Desaib
20091 2010-10-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
RSV_1nal Downsizing human, bacterial, and viral proteins to short water-stable alpha helices that maintain biological potency Download bibtex for citation iamge David P Fairliea, Giovanni Abbenantea, Gloria Ruiz-Gomeza, Huy N Hoanga, Nicholas E Shepherda, Paul R Youngb, Rosemary S Harrisona, Russell W Drivera, Timothy A Hilla, Vishal S Desaib
20090 2010-10-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
KAAAD, single alpha helix turn Downsizing human, bacterial, and viral proteins to short water-stable alpha helices that maintain biological potency Download bibtex for citation iamge David P Fairliea, Giovanni Abbenantea, Gloria Ruiz-Gomeza, Huy N Hoanga, Nicholas E Shepherda, Paul R Youngb, Rosemary S Harrisona, Russell W Drivera, Timothy A Hilla, Vishal S Desaib