Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title(s) | Authors |
31062 | 2023-10-31 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
Solution structure of mu-theraphotoxin Cg4a from Chinese tarantula Chilobrachys jingzhao |
Solution structure of mu-theraphotoxin Cg4a from Chinese tarantula Chilobrachys jingzhao
E AB Undheim, G Sharma, I Vetter, J Deuis, M Mobli, S Rahnama, X Jia, Y KY Chin |
31046 | 2024-04-03 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 7 sets |
The solution structure of abxF in complex with its product (-)-ABX, an enzyme catalyzing the formation of the chiral spiroketal of an anthrabenzoxocinone antibiotic, (-)-ABX |
The solution structure of abxF, an enzyme catalyzing the formation of chiral spiroketal of an antibiotics, (-)-ABX.
M Mobli, X Jia, X Qu, X Yan |
31044 | 2024-03-28 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 4 sets |
The solution structure of abxF, an enzyme catalyzing the formation of chiral spiroketal of an antibiotics, (-)-ABX |
The solution structure of abxF, an enzyme catalyzing the formation of chiral spiroketal of an antibiotics, (-)-ABX.
M Mobli, X Jia, X Qu, X Yan |
30937 | 2022-08-26 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of PDLIM7 PDZ bound to SNX17 peptide |
Proteomic identification and structural basis for the interaction between sorting nexin SNX17 and PDLIM family proteins
Brett M Collins, Calum McConville, David A Stroud, Joanna Sacharz, Kerrie E McNally, Mehdi Mobli, Michael D Healy, Molly Chilton, Peter J Cullen, Rajesh Ghai, Ryan J Hall, Vikas A Tillu |
30850 | 2022-08-05 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
The isolated chicken ASIC1a thumb domain (ATD-c1a) retains the structure and ligand binding properties of the full length chicken ASIC1a |
A reductionist approach for studying the ASIC thumb domain to screen for channel modulators as novel therapeutic leads
B M Mishra, M Mobli |
30607 | 2019-07-26 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
U-AITx-Ate1 |
Structural and functional characterisation of a novel peptide from the Australian sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa.
A H Zhang, B Chittoor, B J Williams-Noonan, B Krishnarjuna, C A MacRaild, D CC Wai, D K Chalmers, J M Surm, J Tytgat, K A Elnahriry, M Mobli, N N Badawy, P Prentis, R S Norton, S Peigneur |
30352 | 2018-10-08 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
NMR structure of U21-hexatoxin-Hi1a toxin from Australian Funnel-web spider Hadronyche infensa |
Structural venomics reveals evolution of a complex venom by duplication and diversification of an ancient peptide-encoding gene
Claire Dauly, Eivind Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, John S Mattick, Mehdi Mobli, Pierre Escoubas, Quentin Kaas, Sandy S Pineda, Sebastian Senff, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin |
30321 | 2018-07-30 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
Solution structure of the sorting nexin 25 phox-homology domain |
Classification of the human phox homology (PX) domains based on their phosphoinositide binding specificities
Andrea Bugarcic, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Blessy Paul, Brett M Collins, Caroline Mas, J Ryan R Feathers, Kai-En E Chen, Mehdi Mobli, Mintu Chandra, Rohan D Teasdale, Sanchari Datta, Suzanne J Norwood, W Mike M Henne, Xinying Jia, Yanni K-Y K Chin, Zhe Yang |
30260 | 2018-07-31 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
Solution structure of arenicin-3 synthetic analog. |
Elucidating the Lipid Binding Properties of Membrane-Active Peptides Using Cyclised Nanodiscs
Alan H Zhang, Alysha G Elliott, Biswa P Mishra, Brett M Collins, Gagan Sharma, Ingrid A Edwards, Mark Blaskovich, Matthew A Cooper, Mehdi Mobli, Michael D Healy, Xinying Jia |
30259 | 2018-07-31 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
Solution structure of arenicin-3. |
An amphipathic peptide with antibiotic activity against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria
Alysha G Elliott, Amy K Cain, Carina Vingsbo V Lundberg, Christine J Boinett, Ingrid A Edwards, Jason Steen, Johannes Zuegg, Johnny X Huang, Kaela M Porter, Lars Barquist, Magnus Strandh, Mark Blaskovich, Mark S Butler, Matthew A Cooper, Mehdi Mobli, Sergio Lociuro, Soren Neve |
30209 | 2017-02-20 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR structure of the precursor protein PawS1 comprising SFTI-1 and a seed storage albumin |
NMR structure of the precursor protein PawS1 comprising SFTI-1 and a seed storage albumin
A M James, B Franke, J S Mylne, K J Rosengren, M L Colgrave, M Mobli |
30149 | 2017-08-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
Heteronuclear Solution Structure of Chlorotoxin |
Solution structure and dynamics of Chlorotoxin, a glioma specific scorpion toxin
C B Braga, G Sharma, M Mobli, R Rittner, V Ramanujam, X Jia |
26061 | 2017-05-30 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR solution structure of MAL/TIRAP TIR domain |
Solution structure of the TLR adaptor MAL/TIRAP reveals an intact BB loop and supports MAL Cys91 glutathionylation for signaling
Ashley Mansell, Bostjan Kobe, Deepthi Menon, Dylan G Ryan, Luke O'Neill, Mark M Hughes, Mehdi Mobli, Niamh C Williams, Peter Lavrencic, Philip G Board, Rebecca C Coll, Thomas Ve |
30011 | 2017-06-22 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
Resonance assignments and NMR structure determination of tarantula toxin- W7A mutant of mu-TRTX-Pre1a |
Resonance assignments and NMR structure determination of tarantula toxin- W7A mutant of mu-TRTX-Pre1a
B Cristofori-Armstrong, J S Wingerd, L D Rash, M Mobli, YK-Y Chin |
30009 | 2017-02-03 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
Resonance assignments and NMR structure determination of tarantula toxin, F8A mutant of beta-TRTX-Pre1a |
Resonance assignments and NMR structure determination of tarantula toxin, mu-TRTX-Pre1a
J S Wingerd, L D Rash, M Mobli, YK-Y Chin |
25853 | 2016-08-25 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical Shift Assignments and Structure Determination for spider toxin, U33-theraphotoxin-Cg1c |
Structural venomics reveals evolution of a complex venom by duplication and diversification of an ancient peptide-encoding gene
Claire Dauly, Eivind Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, John S Mattick, Mehdi Mobli, Pierre Escoubas, Quentin Kaas, Sandy S Pineda, Sebastian Senff, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin |
25778 | 2016-08-25 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical shift assignments and structure calculation of spider toxin U4-hexatoxin-Hi1a |
Structural venomics reveals evolution of a complex venom by duplication and diversification of an ancient peptide-encoding gene
Claire Dauly, Eivind Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, John S Mattick, Mehdi Mobli, Pierre Escoubas, Quentin Kaas, Sandy S Pineda, Sebastian Senff, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin |
25774 | 2016-08-25 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical Shift Assignments and Structure Determination for spider toxin, U4-agatoxin-Ao1a |
Structural venomics reveals evolution of a complex venom by duplication and diversification of an ancient peptide-encoding gene
Claire Dauly, Eivind Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, John S Mattick, Mehdi Mobli, Pierre Escoubas, Quentin Kaas, Sandy S Pineda, Sebastian Senff, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin |
25223 | 2015-06-22 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
mu-SLPTX3-Ssm6a |
Weaponization of a hormone: convergent recruitment of hyperglycemic hormone into the venom of arthropod predators
Bryan G Fry, Chek-Fong Low, David Morgenstern, Eivind AB Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, Greta Binford, Lena L Grimm, Mehdi AB Mobli, Pamela AB Zobel-Thropp, Rosaline Habib, Sandy S Pineda, Slawomir Dziemborowicz, Volker Herzig |
25151 | 2015-08-17 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of spider-venom peptide Hs1a |
Nav1.7 inhibitors normalise mechanical responses in chronic visceral hypersensitivity
Alan Wickenden, Fernanda Cardoso, Frank Bosmans, Glenn F King, Irina Vetter, Joel Castro, Johnny X Huang, Joseph A Nicolazzo, Julie K Klint, Lian Jin, Matt A Cooper, Mehdi Mobli, Natali Minassian, Rebecca Hagan, Richard J Lewis, Robert Neff, Sing Y Er, Stuart M Brierley, Yi Liu |
19666 | 2014-07-14 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of insect-specific sodium channel toxin mu-Dc1a |
1: A distinct voltage-sensor locus determines insect-family selectivity of a unique sodium channel modulator found in desert bush spider venom 2: Mode of action of an insecticidal peptide toxin from the venom of a weaving spider (Diguetia canities) |
Frank Bosmans, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, Jeffrey R Bloomquist, John Gilchrist, Lyle P Kinne, Mehdi Mobli, Niraj S Bende, Sandra F Simpson, Slawomir Dziemborowicz, Valarie Deutsch, Volker Herzig |
19300 | 2014-04-28 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of protoxin-1 |
A tarantula-venom peptide antagonizes the TRPA1 nociceptor ion channel by binding to the S1-S4 gating domain
Andrew M Lipchik, Boyi Liu, Glenn F King, Guan Cao, Junhong Gui, Laurie L Parker, Mehdi Mobli, Michael N Nitabach, Minervo Perez, Norelle L Daly, Paul F Alewood, Sven-Eric Jordt, Yufeng Zhou, Zoltan Dekan |
18946 | 2013-03-25 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of the insecticidal spider-venom peptide Aps III |
The insecticidal toxin Aps III is an atypical knottin peptide that potently blocks insect voltage-gated sodium channels
Eunji Kang, Frank Bosmans, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, Mehdi Mobli, Niraj S Bende, Volker Herzig |
17497 | 2011-05-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Phox homology band 4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin-like proteins function as molecular scaffolds that interact with cargo receptors and Ras GTPases.
Andrea Bugarcic, Brett M Collins, Glenn F King, Mehdi Mobli, Rajesh Ghai, Rohan D Teasdale, Suzanne J Norwood |
16140 | 2010-01-11 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
[Sec13,Sec14]-kappa-hexatoxin-Hv1c |
Direct visualization of disulfide bonds through diselenide proxies using 77Se NMR spectroscopy.
Aline Dantas de Araujo, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, Gregory K Pierens, Lynette K Lambert, Mehdi Mobli, Monique J Windley, Paul F Alewood |