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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
36589 2023-10-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structures of the N-terminal divergent caplonin homology (NN-CH) domains of human intraflagellar transport protein 54 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments and solution structure of the N-terminal divergent calponin homology (NN-CH) domain of human intraflagellar transport protein 54 Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guentert, S Yokoyama, T KIgawa, T Nagat, W Dang, Y Muto
36445 2022-10-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the chimeric peptide of the first SURP domain of Human SF3A1 and the interacting region of SF1. Structural basis for the interaction between the first SURP domain of the SF3A1 subunit in U2 snRNP and the human splicing factor SF1 Download bibtex for citation iamge Kanako Kuwasako, Masayuki Takizawa, Naohiro Kobayashi, Nobukazu Nameki, Shoko Tani, Taiichi Sakamoto, Takayuki Suzuki, Yutaka Muto
36431 2022-02-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The solution structure of the second RRM domain of Matrin-3 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the two RRM domains of Matrin-3 Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, M Takizawa, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Nagata, Y Muto
36430 2022-02-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of The first RNA binding domain of Matrin-3 Solution structure of The first RNA binding domain of Matrin-3 Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, M Takizawa, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Nagata, Y Muto
36018 2017-04-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the first RRM domain of human spliceosomal protein SF3b49 Solution structure of the first RNA recognition motif domain of human spliceosomal protein SF3b49 and its mode of interaction with a SF3b145 fragment Download bibtex for citation iamge Atsuko Sato, Kanako Kuwasako, Kaori Wakamatsu, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Nobukazu Nameki, Peter Guntert, Seizo Takahashi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Taiichi Sakamoto, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Takuhiro Ito, Yutaka Muto
11575 2014-10-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE SECOND PDZ DOMAIN OF HUMAN KIAA1526 PROTEIN SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE SECOND PDZ DOMAIN OF HUMAN KIAA1526 PROTEIN Download bibtex for citation iamge Hua Li, Makoto Inoue, Naoya Tochio, Seizo Koshiba, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Yutaka Muto
11574 2014-10-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE FIRST PDZ DOMAIN OF HUMAN KIAA1526 PROTEIN SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE FIRST PDZ DOMAIN OF HUMAN KIAA1526 PROTEIN Download bibtex for citation iamge Hua Li, Makoto Inoue, Naoya Tochio, Seizo Koshiba, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Yutaka Muto
11563 2016-07-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Refined solution structure of the first RNA recognition motif domain in CPEB3 Novel RNA recognition motif domain in the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 Download bibtex for citation iamge Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Nagata, Yutaka Muto
11541 2014-08-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of Protein-RNA Complex Solution Structure of Protein-RNA Complex Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Fahu He, Hidehito Kuroyanagi, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Mari Takahashi, Masatoshi Hagiwara, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Unzai, Seiko Yoshikawa, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takuhiro Ito, Yutaka Muto
19609 2014-08-11 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Solution Structure of Protein-RNA Ternary Complex Solution Structure of Protein-RNA Ternary Complex Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Fahu He, Hidehito Kuroyanagi, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Mari Takahashi, Masatoshi Hagiwara, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Unzai, Seiko Yoshikawa, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takuhiro Ito, Yutaka Muto
11529 2014-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of a regulatory domain of meiosis inhibitor The zinc-binding region (ZBR) fragment of Emi2 can inhibit APC/C by targeting its association with the coactivator Cdc20 and UBE2C-mediated ubiquitylation Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, K Tsuda, M Ikeda, M Shirouzu, M Wakiyama, N Ohsawa, R Akasaka, S Shoji, S Yokoyama, T Terada, Y Muto
11500 2018-12-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution structure of PARP11 WWE domain Structural insight into the interaction of ADP-ribose with the PARP WWE domains. Download bibtex for citation iamge Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takano Terada, Yutaka Muto
11501 2018-12-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution structure of PARP14 WWE domain Structural insight into the interaction of ADP-ribose with the PARP WWE domains. Download bibtex for citation iamge Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takano Terada, Yutaka Muto
11499 2018-12-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of RNF146 WWE domain Structural insight into the interaction of ADP-ribose with the PARP WWE domains. Download bibtex for citation iamge Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takano Terada, Yutaka Muto
11472 2013-03-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Complex structure of WWE in RNF146 with ATP Complex structure of WWE domain in RNF146 with ATP Download bibtex for citation iamge Fahu He, Makoto Inoue, Mikako Inoue, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Yutaka Muto
11456 2012-08-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the N-terminal dsRBD from RNA helicase A Solution structures of the double-stranded RNA-binding domains from RNA helicase A Download bibtex for citation iamge Kengo Tsuda, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Nagata, Yutaka Muto
11457 2012-08-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the second dsRBD from RNA helicase A Solution structures of the double-stranded RNA-binding domains from RNA helicase A Download bibtex for citation iamge Kengo Tsuda, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Nagata, Yutaka Muto
10337 2012-08-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of SH3 domain in Suppressor of T-cell receptor signaling 1 Solution structure of SH3 domain in Suppressor of T-cell receptor signaling 1 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Sukegawa, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11401 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the phorbol esters/diacylglycerol binding domain of protein kinase C gamma Solution structure of the phorbol esters/diacylglycerol binding domain of protein kinase C gamma Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11400 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the RNA recognition motif in Arginine/serine-rich splicing factor 10 Solution Structure of the RNA recognition motif in Arginine/serine-rich splicing factor 10 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Someya, T Terada, Y Muto
11399 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution structure of RNA binding domain in PTB-like protein L solution structure of RNA binding domain in PTB-like protein L Download bibtex for citation iamge K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11398 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of PDZ domain in protein XP_110852 Solution structure of PDZ domain in protein XP_110852 Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, K Hanaki, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11397 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the BACK domain of Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 4 Solution structure of the BACK domain of Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 4 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Imai, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11396 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 6th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 484 Solution structure of the 6th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 484 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Imai, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11395 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 11th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 224 Solution structure of the 11th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 224 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Masuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11394 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 17th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 Solution structure of the 17th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Futami, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11393 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 8th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 Solution structure of the 8th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Masuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11392 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 4th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 28 homolog Solution structure of the 4th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 28 homolog Download bibtex for citation iamge K Futami, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11416 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 5 in Zinc finger protein 32 Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 5 in Zinc finger protein 32 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, N Kasahara, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11415 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 3 in Zinc finger protein 32 Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 3 in Zinc finger protein 32 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, N Kasahara, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11414 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 345 in Zinc finger protein 278 Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 345 in Zinc finger protein 278 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, N Kasahara, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11413 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Refinement of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein Refinement of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, T Someya, T Terada, Y Muto
11412 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (UCAAU) Solution structure of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (GAAGAA) Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, T Someya, T Terada, Y Muto
11411 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (AAAAAA) Solution structure of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (GAAGAA) Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, T Someya, T Terada, Y Muto
11391 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 10th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 Solution structure of the 10th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Imai, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11410 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (GACUUCAACAAGUC) Solution structure of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (GAAGAA) Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, T Someya, T Terada, Y Muto
11409 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (GAAGAA) Solution structure of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (GAAGAA) Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, T Someya, T Terada, Y Muto
11408 2011-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RNA-binding domain 3 of CUGBP1 in complex with RNA (UG)3 Structural basis for the sequence-specific RNA-recognition mechanism of human CUG-BP1 RRM3. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Someya, T Terada, Y Muto
11407 2011-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RNA binding domain 3 in RNA (UAUAUA) Structural basis for the sequence-specific RNA-recognition mechanism of human CUG-BP1 RRM3. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Sumio Sugano, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Tatsuhiko Someya, Yutaka Muto
11406 2011-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RNA binding domain 3 in RNA (CUGCUG) Structural basis for the sequence-specific RNA-recognition mechanism of human CUG-BP1 RRM3. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Sumio Sugano, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Tatsuhiko Someya, Yutaka Muto
11405 2011-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RNA binding domain 3 Structural basis for the sequence-specific RNA-recognition mechanism of human CUG-BP1 RRM3. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Someya, T Terada, Y Muto
11404 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of SH3 domain in Rho-GTPase-activating protein 4 Solution structure of SH3 domain in Rho-GTPase-activating protein 4 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11403 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of Zinc finger domain 7 in Zinc finger protein 32 Solution structure of Zinc finger domain 7 in Zinc finger protein 32 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11402 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of chromo domain 2 in Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 6 Solution structure of chromo domain 2 in Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 6 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Tsuda, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11378 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the third zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 Solution structure of the third zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11384 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 24th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 Solution structure of the 24th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11377 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the first C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 Solution structure of the first C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11366 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the human spliceosomal protein complex p14-SF3b155 NMR solution structure of the human spliceosomal protein complex p14-SF3b155 Download bibtex for citation iamge B Seraphin, K Kuwasako, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, N Dohmae, P Guntert, S Yokoyama, Y Muto
11367 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the human spliceosomal protein SF3b155 NMR solution structure of the human spliceosomal protein complex p14-SF3b155 Download bibtex for citation iamge B Seraphin, K Kuwasako, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, N Dohmae, P Guntert, S Yokoyama, Y Muto
11368 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 656-688) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 656-688) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog Download bibtex for citation iamge K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Takahashi, N Tochio, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11369 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 507-539) of human Zinc finger protein 224 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 507-539)of human Zinc finger protein 224 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Takahashi, N Tochio, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11370 2010-11-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of TIA-1, C terminal truncated Solution structure of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain of murine T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) and its RNA recognition mode. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Chikage Abe, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Peter Guntert, Seiichi Taguchi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Yutaka Muto
11371 2010-11-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of TIA-1, D131A mutant Solution structure of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain of murine T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) and its RNA recognition mode. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Chikage Abe, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Peter Guntert, Seiichi Taguchi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Yutaka Muto
11372 2010-11-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of TIA-1, K138A mutant Solution structure of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain of murine T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) and its RNA recognition mode. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Chikage Abe, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Peter Guntert, Seiichi Taguchi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Yutaka Muto
11373 2010-11-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of TIA-1, T134A mutant Solution structure of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain of murine T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) and its RNA recognition mode. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Chikage Abe, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Peter Guntert, Seiichi Taguchi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Yutaka Muto
11374 2010-11-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of TIA-1 with RNA (CCCCC) Solution structure of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain of murine T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) and its RNA recognition mode. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Chikage Abe, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Peter Guntert, Seiichi Taguchi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Yutaka Muto
11375 2010-11-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of TIA-1 with RNA (UUUUU) Solution structure of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain of murine T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) and its RNA recognition mode. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Chikage Abe, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Peter Guntert, Seiichi Taguchi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Yutaka Muto
11376 2010-11-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) of TIA-1 Solution structure of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain of murine T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) and its RNA recognition mode. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Chikage Abe, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Makoto Inoue, Mari Takahashi, Mikako Shirouzu, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Peter Guntert, Seiichi Taguchi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takaho Terada, Takanori Kigawa, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Yutaka Muto
11379 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the secound zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 Solution structure of the secound zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11380 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 4th zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 Solution structure of the 4th zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11381 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the first C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 32 Solution structure of the first C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 32 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11382 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the secound C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 32 Solution structure of the secound C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 32 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11383 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 20th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 Solution structure of the 20th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11385 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the third C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 28 homolog Solution structure of the third C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 28 homolog Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11386 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 9th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 Solution structure of the 9th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11387 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the 16th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 Solution structure of the 16th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11388 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the ARID domain of Jarid1b protein Solution structure of the ARID domain of Jarid1b protein Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11389 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the ARID domain of JARID1D protein Solution structure of the ARID domain of JARID1D protein Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11390 2011-09-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the death domain of Ankyrin-1 Solution structure of the death domain of Ankyrin-1 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, W Tanabe, Y Muto
11346 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of Fn14 CRD domain Solution structure of the cysteine-rich domain in Fn14, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Fahu He, Kohei Saito, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Weirong Dang, Yutaka Muto
11365 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the second SURP domain of human splicing factor SF3a120 in complex with a fragment of human splicing factor SF3a60 Solution structures of the SURP domains and the subunit-assembly mechanism within the splicing factor SF3a complex in 17S U2 snRNP Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, M Inoue, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Yokoyama, Y Muto
11364 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the first SURP domain of human splicing factor SF3a120 Solution structures of the SURP domains and the subunit-assembly mechanism within the splicing factor SF3a complex in 17S U2 snRNP Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, M Inoue, P Guntert, S Sugano, S Yokoyama, Y Muto
11363 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of zinc finger HIT domain in protein FON Solution structure of the zinc finger HIT domain in protein FON Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, E Seki, F He, K Tsuda, M Aoki, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Sugano, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Matsuda, T Terada, T Umehara, T Yabuki, Y Muto
11362 2011-01-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the zf-CW domain in zinc finger CW-type PWWP domain protein 1 Structural insight into the zinc finger CW domain as a histone modification reader. Download bibtex for citation iamge Eiko Seki, Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Kohei Saito, Mari Takahashi, Masaaki Aoki, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Umehara, Takashi Yabuki, Takayoshi Matsuda, Takushi Harada, Yutaka Muto
11361 2011-01-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the zf-CW domain with H4 trimethyl K20 peptide Structural insight into the zinc finger CW domain as a histone modification reader. Download bibtex for citation iamge Eiko Seki, Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Kohei Saito, Mari Takahashi, Masaaki Aoki, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Umehara, Takashi Yabuki, Takayoshi Matsuda, Takushi Harada, Yutaka Muto
11360 2011-01-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the zf-CW domain with H3 trimethyl K4 peptide Structural insight into the zinc finger CW domain as a histone modification reader. Download bibtex for citation iamge Eiko Seki, Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Kohei Saito, Mari Takahashi, Masaaki Aoki, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Umehara, Takashi Yabuki, Takayoshi Matsuda, Takushi Harada, Yutaka Muto
11359 2011-01-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the zf-CW domain with H3 dimethyl K4 peptide Structural insight into the zinc finger CW domain as a histone modification reader. Download bibtex for citation iamge Eiko Seki, Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Kohei Saito, Mari Takahashi, Masaaki Aoki, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Umehara, Takashi Yabuki, Takayoshi Matsuda, Takushi Harada, Yutaka Muto
11358 2011-01-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of the zf-CW domain with H3 peptide Structural insight into the zinc finger CW domain as a histone modification reader. Download bibtex for citation iamge Eiko Seki, Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Kohei Saito, Mari Takahashi, Masaaki Aoki, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Umehara, Takashi Yabuki, Takayoshi Matsuda, Takushi Harada, Yutaka Muto
11357 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of WW domain in transcription elongation regulator 1 Solution structure of WW domain in transcription elongation regulator 1 Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11356 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of SH3 domain in Rac/Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor(GEF) 6 Solution structure of SH3 domain in Rac/Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor(GEF) 6 Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, E Seki, F He, H Hirota, H Uda, M Aoki, M Inoue, M Nagayama, M Shirouzu, M Yoshida, N Kobayashi, O Ohara, R Kikuno, S Koshiba, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Matsuda, T Nagase, T Osanai, T Terada, T Yabuki, Y Matsuo, Y Muto
11355 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of Splicing Factor Motif in Pre-mRNA splicing factor 18 (hPRP18) Solution structure of Splicing Factor Motif in Pre-mRNA splicing factor 18 (hPRP18) Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11354 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of PHD domain in ING1-like protein BAC25079 Solution structure of PHD domain in ING1-like protein BAC25079 Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11353 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of PHD domain in inhibitor of growth protein 3 (ING3) Solution structure of PHD domain in inhibitor of growth protein 3 (ING3) Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11352 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of PHD domain in inhibitor of growth family, member 1-like Solution structure of PHD domain in inhibitor of growth family, member 1-like Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11351 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the NEUZ (NHR) domain in Neuralized from Drosophila melanogaster Structural and functional characterization of the NHR1 domain of the Drosophila neuralized E3 ligase in the notch signaling pathway. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Saito, N Kobayashi, O Ohara, P Guntert, S Unzai, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, Y Muto
11350 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of LIM domain in Four and a half LIM domains protein 2 Solution structure of LIM domain in Four and a half LIM domains protein 2 Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11349 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of LIM domain in LIM-protein 3 Solution structure of LIM domain in LIM-protein 3 Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11348 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the NEUZ domain in KIAA1787 protein Structural and functional characterization of the NHR1 domain of the Drosophila neuralized E3 ligase in the notch signaling pathway. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Saito, N Kobayashi, O Ohara, P Guntert, S Unzai, S Watanabe, S Yokoyama, T Harada, T Kigawa, Y Muto
11347 2011-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the PHD domain in PHD finger protein 21A Solution structure of the PHD domain in PHD finger protein 21A Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
11306 2011-08-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the Ring-H2 Finger Domain of Mouse Deltex Protein 2 Solution Structure of the Ring-H2 Finger Domain of Mouse Deltex Protein 2 Download bibtex for citation iamge K Miyamoto, M Inoue, N Tochio, S Koshiba, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, Y Muto
11309 2011-08-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the N-terminal zinc finger domain of mouse cell growth regulating nucleolar protein LYAR Solution structure of the N-terminal zinc finger domain of mouse cell growth regulating nucleolar protein LYAR Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Yoneyama, N Tochio, S Koshiba, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, Y Muto
11115 2010-10-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Complex structure of the zf-CW domain and the H3K4me3 peptide Structural insight into the zinc finger CW domain as a histone modification reader Download bibtex for citation iamge Eiko Seki, Fahu He, Kanako Kuwasako, Kengo Tsuda, Kohei Saito, Mari Takahashi, Masaaki Aoki, Naohiro Kobayashi, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takashi Umehara, Takashi Yabuki, Takayoshi Matsuda, Takushi Harada, Yutaka Muto
11070 2009-09-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
DPC micelle bound structure of 1-28 GBP (growth-blocking peptide) C-terminal elongation of growth-blocking peptide enhances its biological activity and micelle binding affinity. Download bibtex for citation iamge Hiroko Yamamoto, Kaori Muto, Keiichi Kawano, Makoto Demura, Masakatsu Kamiya, Mineyuki Mizuguchi, Tomoyasu Aizawa, Yasuhiro Kumaki, Yoichi Hayakawa, Yoshitaka Umetsu
11069 2009-09-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution structure of 1-28 GBP (growth-blocking peptide) C-terminal elongation of growth-blocking peptide enhances its biological activity and micelle binding affinity. Download bibtex for citation iamge Hiroko Yamamoto, Kaori Muto, Keiichi Kawano, Makoto Demura, Masakatsu Kamiya, Mineyuki Mizuguchi, Tomoyasu Aizawa, Yasuhiro Kumaki, Yoichi Hayakawa, Yoshitaka Umetsu
11068 2009-09-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution structure of 1-23 GBP (growth-blocking peptide) C-terminal elongation of growth-blocking peptide enhances its biological activity and micelle binding affinity. Download bibtex for citation iamge Hiroko Yamamoto, Kaori Muto, Keiichi Kawano, Makoto Demura, Masakatsu Kamiya, Mineyuki Mizuguchi, Tomoyasu Aizawa, Yasuhiro Kumaki, Yoichi Hayakawa, Yoshitaka Umetsu
10254 2009-11-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the C-terminal PH domain of FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing protein 3 (FGD3) from human Solution structure of the C-terminal PH domain of FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing protein 3 (FGD3) from human Download bibtex for citation iamge H Li, M Inoue, N Tochio, S Koshiba, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Tomizawa, Y Muto
10213 2008-08-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Solution structure of the GUCT domain from human ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX50, DEAD box protein 50 Solution structure of the GUCT domain from human RNA helicase II/Gubeta reveals the RRM fold, but implausible RNA interactions. Download bibtex for citation iamge Akiko Tanaka, Kimmo Paakkonen, Manami Sato, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoya Tochio, Peter Guntert, Satoru Watanabe, Satoshi Ohnishi, Seizo Koshiba, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Takanori Kigawa, Takushi Harada, Yutaka Muto
11042 2010-03-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assigned chemical shifts of RelE Download bibtex for citation iamge Chie Takemoto, Masahito Kawazoe, Mikako Shirouzu, Sakura Suzuki, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Tatsuya Kaminishi, Yutaka Muto
10139 2008-06-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone NMR assignments of RimM from Thermus thermophilus Structural characterization of the ribosome maturation protein, RimM Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tatsuguchi, C Takemoto, E Matsumoto, M Kawazoe, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kaminishi, Y Muto
10140 2008-06-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone NMR assignments of of RimM complexed with rS19 Structural characterization of the ribosome maturation protein, RimM Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tatsuguchi, C Takemoto, E Matsumoto, M Kawazoe, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kaminishi, Y Muto
10138 2008-06-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the N-terminal domain of RimM from Thermus thermophilus HB8 Structural characterization of the ribosome maturation protein, RimM Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tatsuguchi, C Takemoto, E Matsumoto, M Kawazoe, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kaminishi, Y Muto
10126 2008-09-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the R3H domain from human hypothetical protein BAA76846 Solution structure of the R3H domain from human hypothetical protein BAA76846 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Nagata, T Terada, Y Muto
10127 2008-09-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the alpha-helical domain from mouse hypothetical PNPase Solution structure of the alpha-helical domain from mouse hypothetical PNPase Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Nagata, T Terada, Y Muto
10125 2008-09-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the dsRBD from hypothetical protein BAB26260 Solution structure of the dsRBD from hypothetical protein BAB26260 Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Nagata, T Terada, Y Muto
10085 2008-08-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the first RRM domain in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H Solution structure of the first RRM domain in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
10082 2008-08-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of RRM domain in calcipressin 1 Solution structure of RRM domain in calcipressin 1 Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
10071 2008-08-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of RRM domain in RNA-binding protein NP_057951 Solution structure of RRM domain in RNA-binding protein NP_057951 Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
10077 2008-08-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the RNA binding domain of eukaryotic initiation factor 4B Solution structure of the RNA binding domain of eukaryotic initiation factor 4B Download bibtex for citation iamge M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Suzuki, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Nagata, T Terada, Y Muto
10072 2008-08-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of RRM domain in HNRPC protein Solution structure of RRM domain in HNRPC protein Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
10070 2008-08-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of RRM domain in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H' Solution structure of RRM domain in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H' Download bibtex for citation iamge F He, M Inoue, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, T Kigawa, T Terada, Y Muto
10004 2006-04-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the 2'-5' RNA ligase-like protein from Pyrococcus furiosus 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the 2'-5' RNA ligase-like protein from Pyrococcus furiosus Download bibtex for citation iamge Akio Kanai, Gota Kawai, Kiyoshi Okada, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Taiichi Sakamoto, Takashi Matsuda, Yutaka Muto
6097 2004-09-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Proton chemical shift assignments for human spliceosomal protein U1C zinc finger domain The structure and biochemical properties of the human spliceosomal protein U1C Download bibtex for citation iamge Carol V Robinson, Chris Oubridge, Daniel Pomeranz Krummel, David Neuhaus, Helena Hernandez, Kiyoshi Nagai, Yutaka Muto
4496 2000-03-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution nmr structure of the mitochondrial protein import receptor Tom20 from rat in a complex with a presequence peptide derived from rat aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) Structure Basis of Presequence Recognition by the Mitochondrial Protein Import Receptor Tom20 Download bibtex for citation iamge D Kohda, H Torii, K Mihara, S Nishikawa, T Endo, T Muto, T Shodai, Y Abe