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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
36589 2023-10-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structures of the N-terminal divergent caplonin homology (NN-CH) domains of human intraflagellar transport protein 54 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments and solution structure of the N-terminal divergent calponin homology (NN-CH) domain of human intraflagellar transport protein 54 Download bibtex for citation iamge A Tanaka, F He, K Kuwasako, K Tsuda, M Shirouzu, M Takahashi, N Kobayashi, P Guentert, S Yokoyama, T KIgawa, T Nagat, W Dang, Y Muto
30557 2020-07-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Structure of WW291 Two distinct amphipathic peptide antibiotics with systemic efficacy Download bibtex for citation iamge Biswajit Mishra, Burkhard Bechinger, Caitlin Murphy, Daryl J Murry, D Zarena, Evgeniy S Salnikov, Fangyu Wang, Guangshun Wang, Jayaram Lakshmaiah Narayana, Kirk W Foster, Qianhui Wu, Santhi Gorantla, Tamara Lushnikova, Xiangli Dang, Yashpal S Chhonker, Yingxia Zhang
30558 2020-07-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of WW295 Two distinct amphipathic peptide antibiotics with systemic efficacy Download bibtex for citation iamge Biswajit Mishra, Burkhard Bechinger, Caitlin Murphy, Daryl J Murry, D Zarena, Evgeniy S Salnikov, Fangyu Wang, Guangshun Wang, Jayaram Lakshmaiah Narayana, Kirk W Foster, Qianhui Wu, Santhi Gorantla, Tamara Lushnikova, Xiangli Dang, Yashpal S Chhonker, Yingxia Zhang