Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
52384 | 2024-07-22 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical shift assignments of a de novo designed 12 stranded transmembrane beta barrel |
Sculpting conducting nanopore size and shape through de novo protein design
Alex Kang, Anastassia A Vorobieva, Asim K Bera, Banumathi Sankaran, Binyong Liang, Carolin Berner, David Baker, David J Brockwell, G Nasir Khan, James Whitehouse, Lukas K Tamm, Sagardip Majumder, Samuel Berhanu, Sebastian Hiller, Sheena E Radford, Thomas Muntener |
52180 | 2024-07-31 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
SurA Ile and Met methyl assignments |
Dual client binding sites in the ATP-independent chaperone SurA
Anastasia Zhuravleva, Andrew J Wilson, Antonio N Calabrese, Bob Schiffrin, David J Brockwell, G Nasir Khan, Iain W Manfield, Joel A Crossley, Jonathan M Machin, Martin Walko, Sheena E Radford, Tomas Fessl |
51121 | 2022-07-28 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Single residue switches of aggregation in the N-terminal 'master controller' region of alpha-synuclein |
A short motif in the N-terminal region of a-synuclein is critical for both aggregation and function.
Ciaran Doherty, David J Brockwell, G Nasir N Khan, Jemma Makepeace, Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, Roberto Maya-Martinez, Sabine M Ulamec, Sarah C Good, Sheena E Radford |
51120 | 2022-07-28 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Single residue switches of aggregation in the N-terminal 'master controller' region of alpha-synuclein |
A short motif in the N-terminal region of a-synuclein is critical for both aggregation and function.
Ciaran Doherty, David J Brockwell, G Nasir N Khan, Jemma Makepeace, Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, Roberto Maya-Martinez, Sabine M Ulamec, Sarah C Good, Sheena E Radford |
50302 | 2020-07-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Human beta-2 microglobulin D76N variant |
The role of the IT-state in D76N b2-microglobulin aggregation
Alexander L Breeze, Emma E Cawood, Hugh I Smith, Nicolas Guthertz, Roberto Maya-Martinez, Sheena E Radford |
30753 | 2021-02-15 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of de novo designed TMB2.3 |
De novo design of transmembrane beta-barrels
Alex Kang, Alyssa Q Stiving, Anastassia A Vorobieva, Asim K Bera, Binyong Liang, Cameron M Chow, Dagan C Marx, David Baker, David J Brockwell, G Nasir N Khan, Jim E Horne, Karen G Fleming, Lukas K Tamm, Paul White, Sheena E Radford, Sinduja Marx, Sophie R Harvey, Stacey Gerben, Vicki H Wysocki |
28045 | 2020-04-03 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
A short motif in the N-terminal region of a-synuclein plays a critical role in aggregation and function |
A short motif in the N-terminal region of alpha-synuclein is critical for both aggregation and function
Ciaran Doherty, David Brockwell, Jemma Makepeace, Nasir Khan, Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, Roberto Carlos Maya Martinez, Sabine Ulamec, Sarah Good, Sheena Radford |
27900 | 2020-04-03 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Identification of a short peptide motif in the N-terminal region of alpha-synuclein that plays a critical role in aggregation and function |
A short motif in the N-terminal region of alpha-synuclein is critical for both aggregation and function
Ciaran Doherty, David Brockwell, Jemma Makepeace, Nasir Khan, Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, Roberto Carlos Maya Martinez, Sabine Ulamec, Sarah Good, Sheena Radford |
27901 | 2020-04-03 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Identification of a short peptide motif in the N-terminal region of alpha-synuclein that plays a critical role in aggregation and function |
A short motif in the N-terminal region of alpha-synuclein is critical for both aggregation and function
Ciaran Doherty, David Brockwell, Jemma Makepeace, Nasir Khan, Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, Roberto Carlos Maya Martinez, Sabine Ulamec, Sarah Good, Sheena Radford |
26916 | 2016-10-28 | Chemical Shifts: 4 sets |
Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor variant C3 (G-CSFC3) backbone assignments |
Elucidating a role for protein dynamics in the aggregation of a Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor variant
Andrew Buchanan, Arnout Kalverda, David Brockwell, Katie Stewart, Rhys Thomas, Sheena Radford |
17513 | 2012-01-30 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets Coupling Constants: 1 set Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set |
Towards an atomistic level understanding of the unfolded state of Immunity protein 7 in non-denaturing conditions |
Conformational properties of the unfolded state of Im7 in nondenaturing conditions.
Arnout P Kalverda, Clare L Pashley, Colin Kleanthous, Gareth J Morgan, Gary S Thompson, Sheena E Radford |
17165 | 2011-02-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Prion-like conversion during amyloid formation at atomic resolution |
Conformational Conversion during Amyloid Formation at Atomic Resolution
Arnout P Kalverda, Gary S Thompson, Sheena E Radford, Steve W Homans, Timo Eichner |
17166 | 2011-02-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
Prion-like conversion during amyloid formation at atomic resolution |
Conformational Conversion during Amyloid Formation at Atomic Resolution
Arnout P Kalverda, Gary S Thompson, Sheena E Radford, Steve W Homans, Timo Eichner |
15666 | 2009-11-10 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Mutant Collision E7 protein IM7 with an extended helix III in M Urea |
Amino acid insertion reveals a necessary three-helical intermediate in the folding pathway of the colicin E7 immunity protein Im7.
Angelo Miguel Figueiredo, Geoffrey R Moore, Sara B-M Whittaker, Sheena E Radford, Stuart E Knowling |
15645 | 2009-10-14 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Amino acid insertion reveals a necessary three-helical intermediate in the folding pathway of the colicin E7 immunity protein Im7.
Angelo Miguel Figueiredo, Geoffrey R Moore, Sara B-M Whittaker, Sheena E Radford, Stuart E Knowling |
7316 | 2007-05-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1HN, 15N, and 13C Chemical Shift Assignments for wt Im7* (* denotes his-tag) and its variants, Im7*L53AI54A and Im7*YY |
NMR analysis of the conformational properties of the trapped on-pathway folding intermediate of the bacterial immunity protein Im7.
Geoffrey R Moore, Graham R Spence, Guenter J Grossmann, Sara B-M Whittaker, Sheena E Radford |
7317 | 2007-05-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1HN, 15N, and 13C Chemical Shift Assignments for wt Im7* (* denotes his-tag) and its variants, Im7*L53AI54A and Im7*YY |
NMR analysis of the conformational properties of the trapped on-pathway folding intermediate of the bacterial immunity protein Im7.
Geoffrey R Moore, Graham R Spence, Guenter J Grossmann, Sara B-M Whittaker, Sheena E Radford |
7318 | 2007-05-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1HN, 15N, and 13C Chemical Shift Assignments for wt Im7* (* denotes his-tag) and its variants, Im7*L53AI54A and Im7*YY |
NMR analysis of the conformational properties of the trapped on-pathway folding intermediate of the bacterial immunity protein Im7.
Geoffrey R Moore, Graham R Spence, Guenter J Grossmann, Sara B-M Whittaker, Sheena E Radford |
7188 | 2006-10-30 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
Im7, Immunity Protein of Colicin E7 |
Characterisation of the Conformational Properties of Urea-unfolded Im7: Implications for the Early Stages of Protein Folding
Cecile S Le Duff, Geoffrey R Moore, Sara B-M Whittaker, Sheena E Radford |
4466 | 2002-08-09 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical Shift assignments for Cu(I) Pseudoazurin from Paracoccus pantotrophus |
The Structure and Dynamics in Solution of Cu(I) Pseudoazurin from Paracoccus pantotrophus.
Christina Redfield, Gary S Thompson, Sheena E Radford, Stuart J Ferguson, Yun-Chung Leung |
2651 | 1995-07-31 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Site-Directed Mutagenesis and 1H NMR Spectroscopy of an Interdomain Segment in the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Multienzyme Complex of Escherichia coli |
Site-Directed Mutagenesis and 1H NMR Spectroscopy of an Interdomain Segment in the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Multienzyme Complex of Escherichia coli
Ernest D Laue, Frieda L Texter, John R Guest, John S Miles, Richard N Perham, Sheena E Radford |