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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52384 2024-07-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignments of a de novo designed 12 stranded transmembrane beta barrel Sculpting conducting nanopore size and shape through de novo protein design Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex Kang, Anastassia A Vorobieva, Asim K Bera, Banumathi Sankaran, Binyong Liang, Carolin Berner, David Baker, David J Brockwell, G Nasir Khan, James Whitehouse, Lukas K Tamm, Sagardip Majumder, Samuel Berhanu, Sebastian Hiller, Sheena E Radford, Thomas Muntener
52180 2024-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
SurA Ile and Met methyl assignments Dual client binding sites in the ATP-independent chaperone SurA Download bibtex for citation iamge Anastasia Zhuravleva, Andrew J Wilson, Antonio N Calabrese, Bob Schiffrin, David J Brockwell, G Nasir Khan, Iain W Manfield, Joel A Crossley, Jonathan M Machin, Martin Walko, Sheena E Radford, Tomas Fessl
51120 2022-07-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Single residue switches of aggregation in the N-terminal 'master controller' region of alpha-synuclein A short motif in the N-terminal region of a-synuclein is critical for both aggregation and function. Download bibtex for citation iamge Ciaran Doherty, David J Brockwell, G Nasir N Khan, Jemma Makepeace, Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, Roberto Maya-Martinez, Sabine M Ulamec, Sarah C Good, Sheena E Radford
51121 2022-07-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Single residue switches of aggregation in the N-terminal 'master controller' region of alpha-synuclein A short motif in the N-terminal region of a-synuclein is critical for both aggregation and function. Download bibtex for citation iamge Ciaran Doherty, David J Brockwell, G Nasir N Khan, Jemma Makepeace, Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, Roberto Maya-Martinez, Sabine M Ulamec, Sarah C Good, Sheena E Radford
30753 2021-02-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of de novo designed TMB2.3 De novo design of transmembrane beta-barrels Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex Kang, Alyssa Q Stiving, Anastassia A Vorobieva, Asim K Bera, Binyong Liang, Cameron M Chow, Dagan C Marx, David Baker, David J Brockwell, G Nasir N Khan, Jim E Horne, Karen G Fleming, Lukas K Tamm, Paul White, Sheena E Radford, Sinduja Marx, Sophie R Harvey, Stacey Gerben, Vicki H Wysocki