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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
25700 2016-05-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of R. palustris CsgH Electrostatically-guided inhibition of Curli amyloid nucleation by the CsgC-like family of chaperones Download bibtex for citation iamge Alfonso de Simone, Andres Escalera-Maurer, Benjamin Turner, Catherine Fletcher, Doryen Bubeck, Joanne Lo, Jonathan D Taylor, Lea Sefer, Marion Koch, Nicholas Darvill, Nicola Scull, Rosemary Wenman, Sebastian Lambert, Sergei G Kazarian, Steve J Matthews, Tuomas PJ Knowles, William J Hawthorne, Yinqi Xu
7400 2009-10-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of rhodostomin P48A mutant Dynamic Properties of the RGD Motif of Disintegrin Modulate its Recognition to Integrin a5b1 Download bibtex for citation iamge C Y Chen, J H Shiu, S J Lo, W J Chuang, Y C Chen, Y C Liu, Y H Hsieh, Y T Chang
5557 2002-12-27 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Solution NMR structure of the outer membrane enzyme PagP in DPC micelles Solution Structure and Dynamics of the Outer Membrane Enzyme PagP by NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge C RH Raetz, E I Lo, G G Prive, J D Forman-Kay, L Chen, L E Kay, P M Hwang, R E Bishop, W-Y Choy