Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
50235 | 2021-01-25 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone assignments of the cIAP1-Bir3 domain |
Snapshots and ensembles of BTK and cIAP1 protein degrader ternary complexes.
Adam M Gilbert, Carolyn Leverett, Daniel P Uccello, James Schiemer, Justin I Montgomery, Kris Borzilleri, Mark C Noe, Matthew F Brown, Matthew F Calabrese, Matthew M Hayward, Reto Horst, Stephen Brown, Xidong Feng, Ye Che, Yilin Meng, Yingrong Xu |
30738 | 2020-07-20 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of the myristoylated feline immunodeficiency virus matrix protein |
Structural and Mechanistic Studies of the Rare Myristoylation Signal of the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
C Nyaunu, C T O'Hern, E O Freed, H Carter, H R Summers, J B Brown, J Marchant, L A Brown, M F Summers, M Moser, P N Canova, S Abbott, S D Ablan, S Maxwell, T Johnson |
30739 | 2020-07-20 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of the unmyristoylated feline immunodeficiency virus matrix protein |
Structural and Mechanistic Studies of the Rare Myristoylation Signal of the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
C Nyaunu, C T O'Hern, E O Freed, H Carter, H R Summers, J B Brown, J Marchant, L A Brown, M B Moser, M F Summers, P N Canova, S Ablan, S Maxwell, S T Abbott, T Johnson |
30740 | 2020-07-20 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR Structure of the G4L/Q5K/G6S (NOS) Unmyristoylated Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Matrix Protein |
Structural and Mechanistic Studies of the Rare Myristoylation Signal of the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
C Nyaunu, C T O'Hern, E O Freed, H Carter, H R Summers, J B Brown, J Marchant, L A Brown, M B Moser, M F Summers, P N Canova, S A Ablan, S Maxwell, S T Abbott, T Johnson |
30590 | 2019-08-07 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
Structure of WHB in complex with Ubiquitin Variant |
Protein engineering of a ubiquitin-variant inhibitor of APC/C identifies a cryptic K48 ubiquitin chain binding site.
B A Schulman, C RR Grace, D Haselbach, D J Miller, D L Bolhuis, E R Watson, E T Kulko, H Stark, I F Davidson, J M Peters, J R Prabu, N G Brown, R Vollrath, S S Sidhu, S Yu, W Zhang |
26783 | 2018-06-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
APC11 binding Ubiquitin Variant |
Dual RING E3 Architectures Regulate Multiubiquitination and Ubiquitin Chain Elongation by APC/C.
Alban Ordureau, Brenda A Schulman, Brian Kuhlman, Christy Grace, Darcie J Miller, David Haselbach, David Yanishevski, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Georg Petzold, Holger Stark, Iain F Davidson, Jan-Michael M Peters, Joseph S Harrison, J Wade W Harper, Kuen-Phon P Wu, Marc A Jarvis, Marc W Kirschner, Masaya Yamaguchi, Michael R Brunner, Nicholas G Brown, Peter Y Mercredi, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Sachdev S Sidhu, Shanshan Yu, Wei Zhang, Ying Lu |
26784 | 2018-06-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Ubiquitin Variant in complex with APC11 |
Dual RING E3 Architectures Regulate Multiubiquitination and Ubiquitin Chain Elongation by APC/C.
Alban Ordureau, Brenda A Schulman, Brian Kuhlman, Christy Grace, Darcie J Miller, David Haselbach, David Yanishevski, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Georg Petzold, Holger Stark, Iain F Davidson, Jan-Michael M Peters, Joseph S Harrison, J Wade W Harper, Kuen-Phon P Wu, Marc A Jarvis, Marc W Kirschner, Masaya Yamaguchi, Michael R Brunner, Nicholas G Brown, Peter Y Mercredi, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Sachdev S Sidhu, Shanshan Yu, Wei Zhang, Ying Lu |
26785 | 2018-06-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
APC11 in complex with Ubiquitin Variant |
Dual RING E3 Architectures Regulate Multiubiquitination and Ubiquitin Chain Elongation by APC/C.
Alban Ordureau, Brenda A Schulman, Brian Kuhlman, Christy Grace, Darcie J Miller, David Haselbach, David Yanishevski, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Georg Petzold, Holger Stark, Iain F Davidson, Jan-Michael M Peters, Joseph S Harrison, J Wade W Harper, Kuen-Phon P Wu, Marc A Jarvis, Marc W Kirschner, Masaya Yamaguchi, Michael R Brunner, Nicholas G Brown, Peter Y Mercredi, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Sachdev S Sidhu, Shanshan Yu, Wei Zhang, Ying Lu |
6555 | 2008-07-01 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of YBL071w-A from Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Biochemical and Structural Characterization of a Novel Family of Cystathionine beta-Synthase Domain Proteins Fused to a Zn Ribbon-Like Domain
Aled M Edwards, Alexander F Yakunin, Alexei V Savchenko, Alexey G Murzin, Alex Singer, Andrew Binkowski, Andrzej Joachimiak, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Greg Brown, Jonathan A Lukin, Linda Xu, Michael Proudfoot, Rongguang Zhang, Stephen A Sanders |
5673 | Unknown | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR Solution Structure of the Glucagon Antagonist [desHis1, desPhe6, Glu9]Glucagon Amide in the Presence of Perdeuterated Dodecylphosphocholine Micelles |
NMR Solution Structure of the Glucagon Antagonist [desHis(1), desPhe(6), Glu(9)] Glucagon Amide in the Presence of Perdeuterated Dodecylphosphocholine Micelles
J-M Ahn, J Ying, M F Brown, N E Jacobsen, V J Hruby |