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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52369 2024-12-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TDP-43 W334G/W385G/W412G TDP-43 Amyloid Fibril Formation via Phase Separation-Related and -Unrelated Pathways Download bibtex for citation iamge Guan-Wei W Wu, Jie-Rong R Huang, Jing-Rou R Huang, Pin-Han H Lin, U-Ser S Jeng, Wei-Min M Liu, Yu-Hao H Lin
52130 2023-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone assignment of C-teminus of yeast Oxa1 NMR-Based Characterization of the Interaction between Yeast Oxa1-CTD and Ribosomes Download bibtex for citation iamge Huiqin Zhang, Jing Yang, Junfeng Wang, Maosen Ruan, Yong Liu, Yunyan Li
51885 2023-12-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure, dynamics and stability of the smallest and most complex 71 protein knot Structure, dynamics and stability of the smallest and most complex 71 protein knot Download bibtex for citation iamge Chih-Hsuan Lai, Jing-Siou Huang, Kai-Fa Huang, Manoj K Sriramouju, Min-Feng Hsu, Shang-Te Danny Hsu, Tzu-Ping Ko, Yun-Ru Chen
51779 2023-02-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Bacillus subtilis SepF protein assembly (wild type) Structural Insights into the Interaction between Bacillus subtilis SepF Assembly and FtsZ by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Chang Zhang, Jing Deng, Jun Yang, Shaojie Ma, Wenjing Liu, Ziwei Chang
51716 2023-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Partial Backbone Assignment of The Q163C/Q309C Mutant of aMI-domain in the Co2+-Bound Form The Q163C/Q309C mutant of alphaMI-domain is an active variant suitable for NMR characterization Download bibtex for citation iamge Hoa Nguyen, Tianwei Jing, Xu Wang
51714 2023-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Partial Backbone Assignment of The Q163C/Q309C Mutant of aMI-domain in the Mg2+-Bound Form The Q163C/Q309C mutant of alphaMI-domain is an active variant suitable for NMR characterization Download bibtex for citation iamge Hoa Nguyen, Tianwei Jing, Xu Wang
51520 2023-07-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
bacteriophage lambda Ea22 C-terminal domain Ea22 Proteins from Lambda and Shiga Toxin-Producing Bacteriophages Balance Structural Diversity with Functional Similarity Download bibtex for citation iamge Alicja Wegrzyn, BoZena Nejman-Falenczyk, Grzegorz Wegrzyn, Jinge Tong, Logan W Donaldson, Sylwia Bloch
51510 2023-01-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR and biochemical characterization of the interaction between FGFR1 juxtamembrane domain and phospholipids NMR and biochemical characterization of the interaction between FGFR1 juxtamembrane domain and phospholipids Download bibtex for citation iamge Bo Wu, Huiqin Zhang, Jiarong Wang, Jing Yang, Junfeng Wang, Maosen Ruan, Yong Liu, Yunyan Li, Zhen Wang
51402 2022-07-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Bacillus subtilis SepF protein assembly (wild type) Structural Insights into the Interaction between Bacillus subtilis SepF Assembly and FtsZ by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Chang Zhang, Jing Deng, Jun Yang, Shaojie Ma, Wenjing Liu, Ziwei Chang
51282 2022-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Backbone Assignment of Nup358-Min Coil-to-alpha-helix transition at the Nup358-BicD2 interface activates BicD2 for dynein recruitment Download bibtex for citation iamge Chunyu Wang, Erik W Debler, Heying Cui, James M Gibson, Jing Zhao, Kathleen M Trybus, M Yusuf Y Ali, Sozanne R Solmaz, Xiaoxin Zhao
51181 2022-03-07 Chemical Shifts: 4 sets
1H/13C/15N Assignments for the transmembrane domains of Kv-like E71V mutant of the potassium channel KcsA A distinct mechanism of C-type inactivation in the Kv-like KcsA mutant E71V Download bibtex for citation iamge Ahmed Rohaim, Benoit Roux, Bram JA Vermeulen, Federico Napoli, Felix Kummerer, Jing Li, Joao Medeiros-Silva, Lydia Blachowicz, Markus Weingarth
51180 2022-03-07 Chemical Shifts: 3 sets
1H/13C/15N Assignments for the transmembrane domains of the potassium channel KcsA WT A distinct mechanism of C-type inactivation in the Kv-like KcsA mutant E71V Download bibtex for citation iamge Ahmed Rohaim, Benoit Roux, Bram JA Vermeulen, Federico Napoli, Felix Kummerer, Jing Li, Joao Medeiros-Silva, Lydia Blachowicz, Markus Weingarth
30951 2022-07-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR solution structure of a neurotoxic thionin from Urtica ferox Neurotoxic and cytotoxic peptides underlie the painful stings of the tree nettle Urtica ferox Download bibtex for citation iamge Brett R Hamilton, David J Craik, Edward K Gilding, Fabian Rehm, Irina Vetter, Jennifer R Deuis, Jing Xie, Kuok Yap, Lai Yue Y Chan, Lotten Ragnarsson, Peta J Harvey, Samuel D Robinson, Sina Jami, Thomas Durek
50625 2021-09-20 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
A (3+1) hybrid G-quadruplex containing right loop progression Two coexisting pseudo-mirror heteromolecular telomeric G-quadruplexes in opposite loop progressions differentially recognized by a low equivalent of Thioflavin T Download bibtex for citation iamge Haitao Jing, Huihui Li, Na Zhang, Suping Xu, Tao Wang, Wenqiang Fu, Wenxuan Hu, Xiaojuan Xu
36341 2023-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
N-terminal domain (NTD) Solution structure of aciniform spidroin (AcSpN) from Nephila antipodiana. Structural Basis of Oligomerization of N-Terminal Domain of Spider Aciniform Silk Protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chong Cheong C Lai, Daiwen Yang, Ganesh Srinivasan S Anand, Jing-Song S Fan, Palur Venkata V Raghuvamsi, Pin Xuan X Chee, Rusha Chakraborty
28081 2021-01-25 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets
Trimolecular G-quadruplex NMR structural study on the self-trimerization of d(GTTAGG) into a dynamic trimolecular G-quadruplex assembly preferentially in Na+ solution with a moderate K+ tolerance Download bibtex for citation iamge Haitao Jing, Miao He, Na Zhang, Suping Xu, Wenqiang Fu, Wenxuan Hu, Xiaojuan Xu, Yangzhong Liu
28059 2020-01-17 Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
1H-15N backbone Heteronuclear NOE values for free and ssDNA complex forms of Human YB1 cold shock domain. Structural basis of DNA binding to human YB-1 cold shock domain regulated by phosphorylation Download bibtex for citation iamge Bin Jiang, Daiwen Yang, Jiannan Wang, Jingfeng Zhang, Jing-Song S Fan, Maili Liu, Peng Sun, Qinjun Zhu, Shuangli Li, Yunhuang Yang
36243 2023-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Mouse receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIP3) amyloid structure by solid-state NMR The amyloid structure of mouse RIPK3 (receptor interacting protein kinase 3) in cell necroptosis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bing Li, Charles D Schwieters, Guo-Xiang X Wu, Hong Hu, Hua-Yi Y Wang, Jian Wang, Jing X Liu, Jing-Yu Y Lin, Jing Zhang, Jun-Xia X Lu, Xia-Lian L Wu, Xing-Qi Q Dong
27742 2019-09-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
hSmad2 MH1 domain Structural basis for distinct roles of SMAD2 and SMAD3 in FOXH1 pioneer-directed TGF-beta signaling Download bibtex for citation iamge Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis, Carles Torner, Eric Aragon, Jie Su, Jing Hu, Joan Massague, Jose A Marquez, Lidia Ruiz, Lin Tian, Maria J Macias, Qiong Wang, Saloni Agrawal, Sophie M Morgani, Tiago Gomes, Weiping Shu, Yilong Zou, Zuzanna Kaczmarska
27743 2019-09-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
hSmad2-beta MH1 domain Structural basis for distinct roles of SMAD2 and SMAD3 in FOXH1 pioneer-directed TGF-beta signaling Download bibtex for citation iamge Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis, Carles Torner, Eric Aragon, Jie Su, Jing Hu, Joan Massague, Jose A Marquez, Lidia Ruiz, Lin Tian, Maria J Macias, Qiong Wang, Saloni Agrawal, Sophie M Morgani, Tiago Gomes, Weiping Shu, Yilong Zou, Zuzanna Kaczmarska
27724 2018-12-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
NMR Assignments of the apo-form of Aedes aegypti odorant binding protein 22 Aedes aegypti Odorant Binding Protein 22 selectively binds fatty acids through a conformational change in its C-terminal tail Download bibtex for citation iamge David Jones, Emma J Murphy, Jay C Nix, Jing Wang
30550 2018-12-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 9 sets
Structure of Aedes aegypti OBP22 in the complex with arachidonic acid Aedes aegypti Odorant Binding Protein 22 selectively binds fatty acids through a conformational change in its C-terminal tail Download bibtex for citation iamge David Jones, Emma J Murphy, Jay C Nix, Jing Wang
27678 2019-11-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H/13C/15N Assignments for the TM domains of the KcsA potassium channel Shifts in the selectivity filter dynamics cause modal gating in K+ channels Download bibtex for citation iamge Benoit Roux, Christoph Muller-Hermes, Felix Kummerer, Jing Li, Joao Medeiros-Silva, Marc Baldus, Markus Weingarth, Shehrazade Jekhmane
27679 2019-11-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H/13C/15N Assignments for the TM domains of the KcsA potassium channel Shifts in the selectivity filter dynamics cause modal gating in K+ channels Download bibtex for citation iamge Benoit Roux, Christoph Muller-Hermes, Felix Kummerer, Jing Li, Joao Medeiros-Silva, Marc Baldus, Markus Weingarth, Shehrazade Jekhmane
27680 2019-11-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H/13C/15N Assignments for the TM domains of the KcsA potassium channel Shifts in the selectivity filter dynamics cause modal gating in K+ channels Download bibtex for citation iamge Benoit Roux, Christoph Muller-Hermes, Felix Kummerer, Jing Li, Joao Medeiros-Silva, Marc Baldus, Markus Weingarth, Shehrazade Jekhmane
27676 2019-11-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H/13C/15N Assignments for the TM domains of the KcsA potassium channel Shifts in the selectivity filter dynamics cause modal gating in K+ channels Download bibtex for citation iamge Benoit Roux, Christoph Muller-Hermes, Felix Kummerer, Jing Li, Joao Medeiros-Silva, Marc Baldus, Markus Weingarth, Shehrazade Jekhmane
27652 2020-05-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NZ118 1H Assigned Chemical Shifts for NZ118 Download bibtex for citation iamge Haitao Jing, Wenqiang Fu
27330 2021-07-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of SpyCatcher NMR Spectroscopic Studies Reveal the Critical Role of the Isopeptide Bond in Forming the Otherwise Unstable SpyTag-SpyCatcher Mutant Complexes Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Fang, Jing Liu, Nan Zhang, Shenlin Wang, Wen-Bin B Zhang, Wen-Hao H Wu, Xiao-Di D Da, Yajie Liu
27331 2021-07-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of SpyCatcher part of complex NMR Spectroscopic Studies Reveal the Critical Role of the Isopeptide Bond in Forming the Otherwise Unstable SpyTag-SpyCatcher Mutant Complexes Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Fang, Jing Liu, Nan Zhang, Shenlin Wang, Wen-Bin B Zhang, Wen-Hao H Wu, Xiao-Di D Da, Yajie Liu
36115 2019-08-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of YAP1-2 WW2 domain with LATS1 PPxY motif complex Biophysical studies and NMR structure of YAP2 WW domain - LATS1 PPxY motif complexes reveal the basis of their interaction Download bibtex for citation iamge Adrian Velazquez-Campoy, Apoorva Verma, Fan Jing-Song, Jayaraman Sivaraman, Marius Sudol, Megan L Finch-Edmondson, Shanker Balasegaran
36114 2019-08-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of YAP1-2 WW1 domain with LATS1 PPxY motif complex Biophysical studies and NMR structure of YAP2 WW domain - LATS1 PPxY motif complexes reveal the basis of their interaction Download bibtex for citation iamge Adrian Velazquez-Campoy, Apoorva Verma, Fan Jing-Song, Jayaraman Sivaraman, Marius Sudol, Megan L Finch-Edmondson, Shanker Balasegaran
36112 2018-07-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of the domain 5 of the E. coli ribosomal protein S1 Kinetoplastid membrane protein-11 adopts a four-helix bundle fold in DPC micelle Download bibtex for citation iamge Cynthia Y He, Jianxing Song, Jing Fu, Liang Zhong Z Lim, Shermaine Ee, Yanming Tan
27194 2017-08-02 Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Dynamics of Dehaloperoxidase-Hemoglobin A Derived from NMR Relaxation Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Dynamics of dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin A derived from NMR relaxation spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation Download bibtex for citation iamge Dorota Gudanis, Gerhard H Findenegg, Hanna Gracz, Jing Zhao, Mengjun Xue, Stefan Franzen, Zofia Gdaniec
36084 2017-06-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of C-terminal domain of TRADD Structure of the C-terminal domain of TRADD reveals a novel fold in the death domain superfamily Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing-Song S Fan, Ning Zhang, Wensu Yuan, Zhi Lin
27103 2021-07-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone assignment for Met66 prodomain of BDNF NMR backbone resonance assignments of the prodomain variants of BDNF in the urea denatured state Download bibtex for citation iamge Agustin Anastasia, Clay Bracken, Henrietta Bains, Jing Wang
27102 2021-07-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone assignments for the Val66 prodomain of BDNF NMR backbone resonance assignments of the prodomain variants of BDNF in the urea denatured state Download bibtex for citation iamge Agustin Anastasia, Clay Bracken, Henrietta Bains, Jing Wang
27059 2021-07-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
15N, 13C assignments of Leptosphaeria Rhodopsin Gd 3+-chelated lipid accelerates solid-state NMR spectroscopy of seven-transmembrane proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Chang Liu, Jing Liu, ShengQi Xiang, Shenlin Wang, Xiaojun Xu
36026 2017-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of human Gelsolin protein domain 1 at pH 5.0 Structural Basis for pH-mediated Regulation of F-actin Severing by Gelsolin Domain 1. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bo Xue, Daiwen Yang, Honzhen Goh, Jing-Song S Fan, Ke Ding, Robert C Robinson
36027 2017-10-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of human Gelsolin protein domain 1 at pH 7.3 Structural Basis for pH-mediated Regulation of F-actin Severing by Gelsolin Domain 1. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bo Xue, Daiwen Yang, Honzhen Goh, Jing-Song S Fan, Ke Ding, Robert C Robinson
36014 2017-08-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the Pin1-PPIase (S138A) mutant Dynamic Allostery Modulates Catalytic Activity by Modifying the Hydrogen Bonding Network in the Catalytic Site of Human Pin1. Download bibtex for citation iamge Arif Rashid, Jing Wang, Jun-Ichi I Uewaki, Naoya Tochio, Ryosuke Kawasaki, Shin-Ichi I Tate
26637 2016-07-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone assignments of dengue virus NS4B N-terminal region Secondary structure and membrane topology of dengue virus NS4B N-terminal 125 amino acids Download bibtex for citation iamge CongBao Kang, Jing Zou, Julien Lescar, Le Tian Lee, Pei-Yong Shi, Qing-Yin Wang, Qiwei Huang, Shovanlal Gayen, Xuping Xie, Yan Li, Ying Lei Wong, Young Mee Kim
25743 2016-10-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone and side-chain NMR assignments for the Bromodomain of mouse BAZ1A (ACF1) Backbone and side-chain NMR assignments for the bromodomain of mouse BAZ1A (ACF1) Download bibtex for citation iamge Bing Yao, Jiahai Zhang, Jun Jing, Kai Fan, Kaiqin Ye, Qi Yao, Shengrong Chen, Xiaoming Tu, Yifeng Ge
11587 2016-01-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of Human Pin1 PPIase mutant C113A Allosteric Breakage of the Hydrogen Bond within the Dual-Histidine Motif in the Active Site of Human Pin1 PPIase Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Wang, Jun-ichi Uewaki, Naoko Utsunomiya-Tate, Naoya Tochio, Ning Xu, Ryosuke Kawasaki, Shin-ichi Tate, Yu Tamari
11588 2016-01-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of Human Pin1 PPIase C113S mutant Allosteric Breakage of the Hydrogen Bond within the Dual-Histidine Motif in the Active Site of Human Pin1 PPIase Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Wang, Jun-ichi Uewaki, Naoko Utsunomiya-Tate, Naoya Tochio, Ning Xu, Ryosuke Kawasaki, Shin-ichi Tate, Yu Tamari
25254 2015-10-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the toxin, RhTx 1H assigned chemical shifts for RhTx Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Hong, Shilong Yang
25008 2014-08-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Phosphotyrosine binding domain Dimeric switch of Hakai-truncated monomers during substrate recognition: insights from solution studies and NMR Structure Download bibtex for citation iamge Fan Dr Jing-Song, Jayaraman Dr Sivaraman, Manjeet Dr Mukherjee
19953 2014-06-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) Specifically Recognizes Methylglyoxal Derived AGEs. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) Specifically Recognizes Methylglyoxal-Derived AGEs Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Shekhtman, David S Bohme, David S Burz, David Singer, Jing Xue, Ralf Hoffman, Rasmi Ray, Vivek Rai
11559 2014-12-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase domain of human Pin1 with sulfate ion The C113D mutation in human Pin1 causes allosteric structural changes in the phosphate binding pocket of the PPIase domain through the tug of war in the dual-histidine motif Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Wang, Jun-ichi Uewaki, Kazuhiko Igarashi, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoko Utsunomiya-Tate, Naoya Tochio, Ning Xu, Shin-ichi Tate, Takuma Shiraki, Yu Tamari
11560 2014-12-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase domain of C113D mutant with sulfate ion The C113D mutation in human Pin1 causes allosteric structural changes in the phosphate binding pocket of the PPIase domain through the tug of war in the dual-histidine motif Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Wang, Jun-ichi Uewaki, Kazuhiko Igarashi, Naohiro Kobayashi, Naoko Utsunomiya-Tate, Naoya Tochio, Ning Xu, Shin-ichi Tate, Takuma Shiraki, Yu Tamari
19813 2015-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of BmKTX-D19K/K6D Solution structure of BmKTX-D19K/K6D Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai Lin, Jing Hong, Yingliang Wu, Zongyun Chen
19810 2015-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of BmKTX-D19K Solution structure of BmKTX-D19K Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai Lin, Jing Hong, Yingliang Wu, Zongyun Chen
11532 2014-03-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution structure of oxidized human HMGB1 A box Redox-sensitive structural change in the A-domain of HMGB1 and its implication for the binding to cisplatin modified DNA Download bibtex for citation iamge Naoya Tochio, Shin-ichi Tate, Wang Jing
19416 2013-09-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Structure of Rrp7 C-terminal Domain An RNA-binding complex involved in ribosome biogenesis contains a protein with homology to tRNA CCA-adding enzyme. Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Lu, Jinzhong Lin, Keqiong Ye, Mengyi Sun, Yingang Feng
18811 2013-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural Characterization of Minor Ampullate Spidroin Domains and their Distinct Roles in Fibroin Solubility and Fiber Formation Structural characterization of minor ampullate spidroin domains and their distinct roles in fibroin solubility and fiber formation. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chong Cheong Lai, Daiwen Yang, Jing-Song Fan, Weidong Huang, Zhenwei Gao, Zhi Lin
18789 2013-11-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of Kunitz-type neurotoxin LmKKT-1a from scorpion venom Genomic and structural characterization of Kunitz-type peptide LmKTT-1a highlights diversity and evolution of scorpion potassium channel toxins Download bibtex for citation iamge Danyun Zeng, Fan Luo, Jing Feng, Ling Jiang, Maili Liu, Ruiming Zhao, Weishan Yang, Wenxin Li, Yingliang Wu, Zhijian Cao, Zongyun Chen
18755 2012-11-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Structure of Mdm2 (6-125) with Pip-1 Ordering of the N-terminus of human MDM2 by small molecule inhibitors. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander M Long, Evelyn Yang, Jeffrey Lewis, Jing Zhou, John B Jordan, Klaus Michelsen, Leszek Poppe, Paul D Schnier, Peter Yakowec, Xin Huang, Yosup Rew
18539 2012-07-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda thioredoxin related protein 16 and its role in regulating transcription factor NF-kB activity NMR structure of Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda thioredoxin related protein 16 and its role in regulating transcription factor NF-kB activity Download bibtex for citation iamge Gautam Sethi, Jeak Ling Ding, Jing-Song Fan, J Sivaraman, Kunchithapadam Swaminathan, Pankaj Kumar Giri, Shanmugam Muthu Kumaraswamy
18350 2013-03-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
cathelicidin-PY Structure and function of a potent lipopolysaccharide-binding antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory peptide Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai Lin, Guoxiang Mo, Jing Hong, Juanjuan Yang, Lin Wei, Ren Lai, Xiaoqin He, Xiuwen Yan
18249 2013-02-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N backbone and side-chain resonance assignments of reduced CcmG from Escherichia coli (1)H, (13)C and (15)N backbone and side-chain resonance assignments of reduced CcmG from Escherichia coli. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chengyan Wu, Chenyun Guo, Donghai Lin, Hongyu Hu, Jing Hong, Xinli Liao, Xueji Wu
17992 2012-01-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
WSA minor conformation NMR structure and dynamics of a designed water-soluble transmembrane domain of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Download bibtex for citation iamge David Mowrey, Dejian Ma, Elizabeth Landrum, Jeffery G Saven, Jing He, Jose Manuel Perez-Aguilar, Pei Tang, Roderic G Eckenhoff, Tanxing Cui, Tommy Tillman, Vasyl Bondarenko, Wei Wang, Yan Xu
17991 2012-01-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
WSA major conformation NMR structure and dynamics of a designed water-soluble transmembrane domain of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Download bibtex for citation iamge David Mowrey, Dejian Ma, Elizabeth Landrum, Jeffery G Saven, Jing He, Jose Manuel Perez-Aguilar, Pei Tang, Roderic G Eckenhoff, Tanxing Cui, Tommy Tillman, Vasyl Bondarenko, Wei Wang, Yan Xu
17904 2011-12-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Solution Structure of Yeast Iso-1-cytochrome c Mutant P71H in reduced states Conformational toggling of Yeast Iso-1-cytochrome c in the oxidized and reduced states Download bibtex for citation iamge Chunyang Cao, Houming Wu, Jing Zhu, Maili Liu, Tianlei Ying, Wenxian Lan, Xiangshi Tan, Xianwang Jiang, Xu Zhang, Zhonghua Wang, Zhong-xian Huang, Zhongzheng Yang
17903 2011-12-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Solution Structure of Yeast Iso-1-cytochrome c Mutant P71H in oxidized states Conformational toggling of Yeast Iso-1-cytochrome c in the oxidized and reduced states Download bibtex for citation iamge Chunyang Cao, Houming Wu, Jing Zhu, Maili Liu, Tianlei Ying, Wenxian Lan, Xiangshi Tan, Xianwang Jiang, Xu Zhang, Zhonghua Wang, Zhong-xian Huang, Zhongzheng Yang
17770 2012-01-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Sequence specific backbone resonance assignment of Vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain (VDRLBD) complexed with 1,25(OH)2 D3 and LXXLL motif (DRIP205) Ligand-specific structural changes in the vitamin d receptor in solution Download bibtex for citation iamge Fariba M Assadi-Porter, Hector F DeLuca, Hongyu Rao, Jinge Zhu, John L Markley, Kiran K Singarapu, Marco Tonelli, William M Westler
20128 2011-07-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution structure of conotoxin qc16a Solution structure of conotoxin qc16a Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai Lin, Jing Hong
17378 2011-05-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of CEL-PEP-RAGE V domain complex Advanced Glycation End Product Recognition by the Receptor for AGEs. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Shekhtman, Ann Marie Schmidt, David S Burz, David Singer, Jingjing Xie, Jing Xue, Ralf Hoffmann, Sergey Reverdatto, Stefan Chabierski, Vivek Rai
16848 2010-05-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of a novel Ubiquitin-binding domain from Human PLAA (PFUC, Gly76-Pro77 cis isomer). Structural basis for ubiquitin recognition by a novel domain from human phospholipase A2-activating protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Ai-Xin Song, Chen-Jie Zhou, Dong-Hai Lin, Hong-Chang Gao, Hong-Yu Hu, Jing Hong, Qing-Shan Fu, Wen-Ming Yao, Ya-Jun Jiang, Zi-Ren Zhou
16818 2010-05-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of a novel Ubiquitin-binding domain from Human PLAA (PUBD, Gly76-Pro77 trans isomer) Structural basis for ubiquitin recognition by a novel domain from human phospholipase A2-activating protein Download bibtex for citation iamge Ai-Xin Song, Chen-Jie Zhou, Dong-Hai Lin, Hong-Chang Gao, Hong-Yu Hu, Jing Hong, Qing-Shan Fu, Wen-Ming Yao, Ya-Jun Jiang, Zi-Ren Zhou
16802 2014-03-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of N-terminal domain of CcmH from Escherichia.coli Biochemical properties and catalytic domain structure of the CcmH protein from Escherichia coli. Download bibtex for citation iamge Dong-Hai Lin, Hai-Yin Li, Hong-Yu Hu, Jing Hong, Xue-Ming Zheng
16618 2010-05-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of the J-domain (residues 2-72) in the Escherichia coli CbpA Structural basis of the regulation of the CbpA co-chaperone by its specific modulator CbpM. Download bibtex for citation iamge Jason Baardsnes, Jing Cheng, Maureen Cygler, Miroslaw Ekiel, Naghmeh S Sarraf
16616 2010-10-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
assignment for the I214V variant of rabbit prion protein (91-228) Solution Structure and Dynamics of the I214V Mutant of the Rabbit Prion Protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai Lin, Jing Hong, Jun Li, Minqian Xiong, Wenming Yao, Yi Wen, Yu Peng
16405 2012-08-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the Tandem UIM Domain of Ataxin-3 Complexed with Ubiquitin Structural Transformation of the Tandem Ubiquitin-Interacting Motifs in Ataxin-3 and Their Cooperative Interactions with Ubiquitin Chains Download bibtex for citation iamge Ai-Xin Song, Chen-Jie Zhou, Dong-Hai Lin, Hong-Yu Hu, Jing Hong, Qing-Shan Fu, Xue-Chao Gao, Yu Peng, Zi-Ren Zhou
16328 2010-07-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
the S173N variant of rabbit prion protein (91-228) Unique structural characteristics of the rabbit prion protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai Lin, Gengfu Xiao, Jing Hong, Jun Li, Minqian Xiong, Wenming Yao, Yi Wen, Yu Peng
16156 2009-03-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the Coiled-coil Domain of Synphilin-1 Solution Structure of the Coiled-coil Domain of Synphilin-1 Download bibtex for citation iamge Chenjie Zhou, Donghai Lin, Hongyu Hu, Jing Hong, Yuanyuan Xie, Ziren Zhou
16094 2009-06-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution structure of anntoxin The first gene-encoded amphibian neurotoxin. Download bibtex for citation iamge Dewen You, Donghai Lin, Hailong Yang, Haining Yu, Jing Hong, Jing Wu, Mingqiang Rong, Ren Lai, Songping Liang, Yufang Ma
16033 2009-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Solution structure and dynamics of S100A5 in the apo states Solution structure and dynamics of S100A5 in the apo and Ca2+-bound states. Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Soumyasri Das Gupta, Tilemachos Karavelas, Xiaoyu Hu
16034 2009-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Solution structure and dynamics of S100A5 in the Ca2+ -bound states Solution structure and dynamics of S100A5 in the apo and Ca2+-bound states. Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Soumyasri Das Gupta, Tilemachos Karavelas, Xiaoyu Hu
7423 2009-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Solution structure of CaM complexed to DAPk peptide Accurate Solution Structures of Proteins from X-ray Data and a Minimal Set of NMR Data: Calmodulin-Peptide Complexes As Examples Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Juha Vahokoski, Matthias Wilmanns, Petri Kursula
7424 2009-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Solution structure of CaM complexed to DAPk peptide Accurate Solution Structures of Proteins from X-ray Data and a Minimal Set of NMR Data: Calmodulin-Peptide Complexes As Examples Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Juha Vahokoski, Matthias Wilmanns, Petri Kursula
15852 2009-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Solution structure of CaM complexed to DAPk peptide Accurate Solution Structures of Proteins from X-ray Data and a Minimal Set of NMR Data: Calmodulin-Peptide Complexes As Examples Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Juha Vahokoski, Matthias Wilmanns, Petri Kursula
7425 2009-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Solution structure of CaM complexed to DAPk peptide Accurate Solution Structures of Proteins from X-ray Data and a Minimal Set of NMR Data: Calmodulin-Peptide Complexes As Examples Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Juha Vahokoski, Matthias Wilmanns, Petri Kursula
7416 2009-10-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Solution structure of CaM complexed to DRP1p Accurate solution structures of proteins from X-ray data and a minimal set of NMR data: calmodulin-peptide complexes as examples Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Juha Vahokoski, Petri Kursula
15650 2009-10-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Solution structure of CaM complexed to DRP1p Accurate solution structures of proteins from X-ray data and a minimal set of NMR data: calmodulin-peptide complexes as examples Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Juha Vahokoski, Petri Kursula
7417 2009-10-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Solution structure of CaM complexed to DRP1p Accurate solution structures of proteins from X-ray data and a minimal set of NMR data: calmodulin-peptide complexes as examples Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Juha Vahokoski, Petri Kursula
7418 2009-10-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Solution structure of CaM complexed to DRP1p Accurate solution structures of proteins from X-ray data and a minimal set of NMR data: calmodulin-peptide complexes as examples Download bibtex for citation iamge Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Ivano Bertini, Jing Yuan, Juha Vahokoski, Petri Kursula
20001 2008-07-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Homonuclear NOE Values: 1 set
A novel lectin-like peptide from Odorrana grahami odorranalectin is a small peptide lectin with potential for drug delivery and targeting Download bibtex for citation iamge Bingxian Wu, Donghai Lin, Hailong Yang, Hongbing Wu, Huw H Rees, Jianhua Zhu, Jianxu Li, Jing Hong, Mark C Prescott, Ren Lai, Xinguo Jiang, Xueqing Xu, Yipeng Wang
15534 2008-07-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the UBA domain from c-Cbl Differential Ubiquitin Binding of the UBA Domains from Human c-Cbl and Cbl-b: NMR Structural and Biochemical Insights Download bibtex for citation iamge Ai-Xin Song, Chen-Jie Zhou, Dong-Hai Lin, Hong-Chang Gao, Hong-Yu Hu, Jing Hong, Yong-Gang Chang, Zi-ren Zhou
15399 2010-10-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of rabbit prion protein mutation I214V Solution Structure and Dynamics of the I214V Mutant of the Rabbit Prion Protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai Lin, Jing Hong, Jun Li, Minqian Xiong, Wenming Yao, Yi Wen, Yu Peng
15394 2010-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of rabbit prion protein mutation S173N Unique structural characteristics of the rabbit prion protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai Lin, Gengfu Xiao, Jing Hong, Jun Li, Minqian Xiong, Wenming Yao, Yi Wen, Yu Peng
15302 2008-08-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
a novel lectin-like peptide from Odorrana grahami Odorranalectin is a small peptide lectin with potential for drug delivery and targeting. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bingxian Wu, Donghai Lin, Hailong Yang, Hongbing Wu, Huw H Rees, Jianhua Zhu, Jianxu Li, Jing Hong, Mark C Prescott, Ren Lai, Xinguo Jiang, Xueqing Xu, Yipeng Wang
15124 2007-05-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Discovery and optimization of a natural HIV-1 entry inhibitor targeting the gp41 fusion peptide Discovery and optimization of a natural HIV-1 entry inhibitor targeting the gp41 fusion peptide Download bibtex for citation iamge Axel Schulz, Bernd Meyer, Chawaree Chaipan, Dennis Wilhelm, Frank Kirchhoff, Hong Lu, Jan Munch, Knut Adermann, Ludger Standker, M Schindler, R Chinnadurai, Shibo Jiang, Stefan Pohlmann, Thomas Peters, Thorsten Biet, Weiguo Jing, Wolf-Georg Forssmann
15111 2008-07-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the UBA Domain from Cbl-b Differential Ubiquitin Binding of the UBA Domains from Human c-Cbl and Cbl-b: NMR Structural and Biochemical Insights Download bibtex for citation iamge Ai-Xin Song, Chen-Jie Zhou, Dong-Hai Lin, Hong-Chang Gao, Hong-Yu Hu, Jing Hong, Yong-Gang Chang, Zi-Ren Zhou
15095 2009-09-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of a Dodecapeptide from Alpha-Synuclein Bound with Synphilin-1 Interaction with synphilin-1 promotes inclusion formation of alpha-synuclein: mechanistic insights and pathological implication. Download bibtex for citation iamge Ai-Xin Song, Chen-Jie Zhou, Dong-Hai Lin, Hong-Yu Hu, Jing Hong, Mei-Xia Che, Qing-Shan Fu, Yuan-Yuan Xie, Zi-Ren Zhou
7220 2006-11-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
ephrinB2 ectodomain NMR assignment of Human ephrinB2 ectodomain Download bibtex for citation iamge Jianxing Song, Jing-song Fan, Xiaoyuan Ran
7194 2006-08-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Transcription Factor IIIA zinc fingers 4-6 bound to 5S rRNA 55mer Induced Fit and 'Lock and Key' Recognition of 5 S RNA by Zinc Fingers of Transcription Factor IIIA Download bibtex for citation iamge Brian M Lee, Bryan K Clarkson, Dave A Case, H Jane Dyson, Jing Xu, Joel M Gottesfeld, Maria A Martinez-Yamout, Peter E Wright
7036 2011-08-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for 3rd SH3 domain of human NCK2 adaptor protein Structural Insight into the Binding Diversity between the Human Nck2 SH3 Domains and Proline-Rich Proteins(,) Download bibtex for citation iamge Jianxing Song, Jing-song Fan, Jingxian Liu, Minfen Li, Xiaoyuan Ran
7035 2007-09-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for 2nd SH3 domain of human NCK2 adaptor protein Structural Insight into the Binding Diversity between the Human Nck2 SH3 Domains and Proline-Rich Proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Jianxing Song, Jing-song Fan, Jingxian Liu, Minfen Li, Xiaoyuan Ran
6979 2006-06-26 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
An Alternating Sheared AA Pair and Elements of Stability for a Single Sheared Purine-Purine Pair Flanked by Sheared GA Pairs An Alternating Sheared AA Pair and Elements of Stability for a Single Sheared Purine-Purine Pair Flanked by Sheared GA Pairs in RNA Download bibtex for citation iamge Douglas H Turner, Gang Chen, Jing Qiao, Scott D Kennedy, Thomas R Krugh
6753 2007-01-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H,13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for the PH1 domain of alpha-syntrophin Structure of the split PH domain and distinct lipid-binding properties of the PH-PDZ supramodule of alpha-syntrophin. Download bibtex for citation iamge Jia-fu Long, Jing Yan, Marvin E Adams, Mingjie Zhang, Stanley C Froehner, Weiguang Xu, Wenyu Wen
6752 2007-01-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone and sidechain 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for the PH-PDZ tandem of alpha syntrophin Structure of the split PH domain and distinct lipid-binding properties of the PH-PDZ supramodule of alpha-syntrophin Download bibtex for citation iamge Jia-fu Long, Jing Yan, Marvin E Adams, Mingjie Zhang, Stanley C Froehner, Weiguang Xu, Wenyu Wen
6754 2007-01-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone and sidechain 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for the PDZ domain of alpha syntrophin Structure of the split PH domain and distinct lipid-binding properties of the PH-PDZ supramodule of alpha-syntrophin. Download bibtex for citation iamge Jia-fu Long, Jing Yan, Marvin E Adams, Mingjie Zhang, Stanley C Froehner, Weiguang Xu, Wenyu Wen
6628 2005-11-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Specificity and Mechanism of the Histone Methyltransferase Pr-Set7 Specificity and mechanism of the histone methyltransferase Pr-Set7 Download bibtex for citation iamge Bing Xiao, Chun Jing, Danny Reinberg, Frederick W Muskett, Geoff Kelly, Jonathan R Wilson, Kavitha Sarma, Philip A Walker, Steven J Gamblin, Steve R Martin, Thomas A Frenkiel
6605 2005-10-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
E. Coli Ada in a complex with DNA A Methylation-Dependent Electrostatic Switch Controls DNA Repair and Transcriptional Activation by E. coli Ada Download bibtex for citation iamge Chuan He, Derek PG Norman, Gerhard Wagner, Gregory L Verdine, Hua Wei, Jean-Christophe Hus, John D Gross, Li Jing Sun, Pei Zhou, Volker Dotsch, William S Lane
6264 2005-02-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of cryptdin-4, the most potent alpha-defensin from mouse Paneth cells Solution structure of cryptdin-4, a mouse paneth cell alpha-defensin Download bibtex for citation iamge A J Ouellette, H J Vogel, H N Hunter, H Tanabe, W Jing
5499 2003-02-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The PDZ7 of Glutamate Receptor Interacting Protein Binds to its Target via a Novel Hydrophobic Surface Area PDZ7 of Glutamate Receptor Interacting Protein Binds to its Target via a Novel Hydrophobic Surface Area Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing-Song Fan, Ming Jiang, Mingjie Zhang, Wei Feng, Ya-Wei Shi
5455 2008-09-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the human phosphatase PRL-3 Letter to the Editor: 1H, 13C and 15N Resonance Assignments of the Human Phosphatase PRL-3 Download bibtex for citation iamge Carine Lievre, Denis Banville, Guennadi Kozlov, Irena Ekiel, Jing Cheng, Kalle Gehring
4931 2001-08-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of dynein light chain 8 (DLC8) and bim peptide complex Structural Basis of Diverse Sequence-dependent Target Recognition by the 8 kDa Dynein Light Chain Download bibtex for citation iamge Hidehito Tochio, Jing-song Fan, Mingjie Zhang, Ming Li, Qiang Zhang
4911 2001-08-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural Basis of Diverse Sequence-dependent Target Recognition by the 8kDa Dynein light chain Structural Basis of Diverse Sequence-dependent Target Recognition by the 8kDa Dynein light chain Download bibtex for citation iamge Hidehito Tochio, Jing-Song Fan, Mingjie Zhang, Ming Li, Qiang Zhang
4912 2001-08-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural Basis of Diverse Sequence-dependent Target Recognition by the 8kDa Dynein light chain Structural Basis of Diverse Sequence-dependent Target Recognition by the 8kDa Dynein light chain Download bibtex for citation iamge Hidehito Tochio, Jing-Song Fan, Mingjie Zhang, Ming Li, Qiang Zhang
4416 2000-06-17 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Solution-State Structure of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex Containing a Cis-Syn Thymine Cyclobutane Dimer. Solution-state Structure of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex Containing a Cis-Syn Thymine Cyclobutane Dimer, the Major UV photoproduct of DNA. Download bibtex for citation iamge J Kao, J-S Taylor, K McAteer, M A Kennedy, Y Jing
4415 1999-12-06 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Solution-state structure of a DNA dodecamer duplex containing a cis-syn thymine cyclobutane dimer. Solution-state Structure of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex Containing a Cis-Syn Thmine Cyclobutane Dimer, the Major UV photoproduct of DNA Download bibtex for citation iamge J Kao, J -S Taylor, K McAteer, M A Kennedy, Y Jing