Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
36112 | 2018-07-11 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR structure of the domain 5 of the E. coli ribosomal protein S1 |
Kinetoplastid membrane protein-11 adopts a four-helix bundle fold in DPC micelle
Cynthia Y He, Jianxing Song, Jing Fu, Liang Zhong Z Lim, Shermaine Ee, Yanming Tan |
15981 | 2009-02-09 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR Structure of Cgi121 from Methanococcus jannaschii. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target MJ0187 |
Atomic structure of the KEOPS complex: an ancient protein kinase-containing molecular machine
Christophe Fares, Cynthia S Ho, Daniel Durocher, Daniel Y Mao, Dante Neculai, Derek F Ceccarelli, Frank Sicheri, Igor Kurinov, Jenny S Ho, Leo Wan, Michael Downey, Rachel K Szilard, Sigrun Rumpel, Stephen Orlicky, Wei Zhang, Yosr Haffani |