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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34911 2025-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of MDN-0066 in micellar DPC solution NMR structure of MDN-0066 in micellar DPC solution Download bibtex for citation iamge B Kovacs, J C Martins, N Geudens
52346 2024-09-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
CPEB4 N-terminal domain isoform lacking microexon 4 kinetic stabilization of translation-repression condensates by a neuron-specific microexon Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreea Balaceanu, Anna Bartomeu, Berta Duran-Arque, Carla Garcia-Cabau, Cesare De Pace, Giulio Tesei, Giuseppe Battaglia, Jesus Garcia, Jose J Lucas, Judit Martin, Julia Pose-Utrilla, Kai C Cheung, Kresten Lindorff-Larsen, Lorena Ruiz-Perez, Marcos Fernandez-Alfara, Raul Mendez, Ruben Hervas, Sara Pico, Xavier Salvatella
34907 2025-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of tanniamide in micellar DPC solution NMR structure of tanniamide in micellar DPC solution Download bibtex for citation iamge B Kovacs, J C Martins, N Geudens
34905 2025-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of orfamide A in micellar DPC solution NMR structure of orfamide A in micellar DPC solution Download bibtex for citation iamge B Kovacs, J C Martins, N Geudens
34902 2025-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of putisolvin I in micellar DPC solution NMR structure of putisolvin I in micellar DPC solution Download bibtex for citation iamge B Kovacs, J C Martins, N Geudens
34904 2025-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of entolysin A in micellar DPC solution NMR structure of entolysin A in micellar DPC solution Download bibtex for citation iamge B Kovacs, J C Martins, N Geudens
34903 2025-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of viscosin in micellar DPC solution NMR structure of viscosin in micellar DPC solution Download bibtex for citation iamge B Kovacs, J C Martins, N Geudens
34901 2025-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of xantholysin A in micellar DPC solution NMR structure of xantholysin A in micellar DPC solution Download bibtex for citation iamge B Kovacs, J C Martins, N Geudens
34841 2024-08-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of arthrofactin A in micellar DPC solution NMR structure of the cyclic lipodepsipeptide arthrofactin A in micellar DPC solution Download bibtex for citation iamge B Kovacs, J C Martins, N Geudens
51454 2022-08-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C Chemical Shift Assignments for 13C Methionine Labeled ACKR3 in complex with CCX777 Conformational selection guides beta-arrestin recruitment at a biased G protein-coupled receptor Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew B Kleist, Andrija Sente, Andy Chevigne, Brian F Volkman, Emilie I Anderson, Francis C Peterson, John D McCorvy, Lauren J Laskowski, Lisa M McNally, Maggie M Calkins, Martine J Smit, Martyna Szpakowska, M Madan M Babu, Monica A Thomas, Raimond Heukers, Shawn Jenjak, Vladimir Bobkov
51451 2022-08-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C Chemical Shift Assignments for 13C Methionine Labeled ACKR3 in complex with CXCL12 Conformational selection guides beta-arrestin recruitment at a biased G protein-coupled receptor Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew B Kleist, Andrija Sente, Andy Chevigne, Brian F Volkman, Emilie I Anderson, Francis C Peterson, John D McCorvy, Lauren J Laskowski, Lisa M McNally, Maggie M Calkins, Martine J Smit, Martyna Szpakowska, M Madan M Babu, Monica A Thomas, Raimond Heukers, Shawn Jenjak, Vladimir Bobkov
51452 2022-08-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C Chemical Shift Assignments for 13C Methionine Labeled ACKR3 in complex with VUN701 Conformational selection guides beta-arrestin recruitment at a biased G protein-coupled receptor Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew B Kleist, Andrija Sente, Andy Chevigne, Brian F Volkman, Emilie I Anderson, Francis C Peterson, John D McCorvy, Lauren J Laskowski, Lisa M McNally, Maggie M Calkins, Martine J Smit, Martyna Szpakowska, M Madan M Babu, Monica A Thomas, Raimond Heukers, Shawn Jenjak, Vladimir Bobkov
51453 2022-08-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C Chemical Shift Assignments for 13C Methionine Labeled ACKR3 in complex with LIH383 Conformational selection guides beta-arrestin recruitment at a biased G protein-coupled receptor Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew B Kleist, Andrija Sente, Andy Chevigne, Brian F Volkman, Emilie I Anderson, Francis C Peterson, John D McCorvy, Lauren J Laskowski, Lisa M McNally, Maggie M Calkins, Martine J Smit, Martyna Szpakowska, M Madan M Babu, Monica A Thomas, Raimond Heukers, Shawn Jenjak, Vladimir Bobkov
34697 2022-06-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Conformational ensemble of solnatide in solution Conformational ensemble of the TNF-derived peptide solnatide in solution Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernhard Fischer, Douglas C Eaton, Hendrik Fischer, Josep Farrera-Sinfreu, Maria J Macias, Pau Martin-Malpartida, Rudolf Lucas, Silvia Arrastia-Casado, Susan Tzotzos
51137 2022-02-18 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Assignment of base 15N and 1H chemical shifts for <5_SL5C> 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignment of the stem-loops 5b + c from the 5'-UTR of SARS-CoV-2 Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexey Sudakov, Andreas Oxenfarth, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wacker, Betul Ceylan, Boris Furtig, Bozana Knezic, Christian Richter, Daniel Hymon, Elke Stirnal, Harald Schwalbe, Jan-Peter Ferner, Jasleen Kaur Bains, Jennifer Vogele, Jens Wohnert, Jihyun Kim, J Tassilo Grun, Julia E Weigand, Julia Wirmer-Bartoschek, Katharina F Hohmann, Klara R Mertinkus, Lucio Frydman, Maria A Wirtz Martin, Martin Hengesbach, Mihajlo Novakovic, Nadide Altincekic, Nusrat S Qureshi, Robbin Schnieders, Stephen A Peter, Tali Scherf
51138 2022-02-18 Chemical Shifts: 3 sets
Assignment of base 15N and 1H chemical shifts for <5_SL5B_GC> 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignment of the stem-loops 5b + c from the 5'-UTR of SARS-CoV-2 Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexey Sudakov, Andreas Oxenfarth, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wacker, Betul Ceylan, Boris Furtig, Bozana Knezic, Christian Richter, Daniel Hymon, Elke Stirnal, Harald Schwalbe, Jan-Peter Ferner, Jasleen Kaur Bains, Jennifer Vogele, Jens Wohnert, Jihyun Kim, J Tassilo Grun, Julia E Weigand, Julia Wirmer-Bartoschek, Katharina F Hohmann, Klara R Mertinkus, Lucio Frydman, Maria A Wirtz Martin, Martin Hengesbach, Mihajlo Novakovic, Nadide Altincekic, Nusrat S Qureshi, Robbin Schnieders, Stephen A Peter, Tali Scherf
30945 2022-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of uperin 3.5 in SDS micelles Secondary Structure Transitions for a Family of Amyloidogenic, Antimicrobial Uperin 3 Peptides in Contact with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Download bibtex for citation iamge A K Prasad, A Rodger, A S Panwar, C Tiwari, D A Armstrong, K J Rosengren, L L Martin, S Holden, S Ray
50798 2021-08-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
GHR-TMD in DHPC micelles Order and disorder-An integrative structure of the full-length human growth hormone receptor Download bibtex for citation iamge Abigail Barclay, Adree Khondker, Aneta J Lenard, Anne S Ulrich, Birthe B Kragelund, Cagla Sahin, Helena Steinocher, Jochen Burck, Katrine Bugge, Kresten Lindorff-Larsen, Lise Arleth, Maikel C Rheinstadter, Martin Cramer Pedersen, Michael Landreh, Noah Kassem, Per Amstrup Pedersen, Raul Araya-Secchi, Yong Wang
50658 2022-02-01 : sets
5_SL5b+c Exploring the druggability of conserved RNA regulatory elements in the SARS-CoV-2 genome Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexey Sudakov, Alix Troster, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Niesteruk, Anna Wacker, Betul Ceylan, Boris Furtig, Bozana Knezic, Christian Richter, Daniel Hymon, Dennis J Pyper, Elke Stirnal, Hannes Berg, Harald Schwalbe, Jan Ferner, Jasleen Kaur K Bains, Jason Martins, Jennifer Adam, Jennifer Vogele, Jens Wohnert, J Tassilo T Grun, Julia E Weigand, Julia Wirmer-Bartoschek, Kamal Azzaoui, Katharina F Hohmann, Klara R Mertinkus, Marcel Blommers, Maria A Wirtz Martin, Martin Hengesbach, M Gobel, Nadide Altincekic, Nusrat S Qureshi, Robbin Schnieders, Sridhar Sreeramulu, Stephen A Peter, Tobias Matzel, Ute Scheffer
50392 2020-09-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical shift assignments of coronavirus-2 non-structural protein Nsp10 1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical shift assignments of coronavirus-2 non-structural protein Nsp10 Download bibtex for citation iamge A Schlundt, A Wacker, B Ceylan, B Furtig, B Hargittay, C Fuks, C Richter, D J Pyper, F Kutz, F Lohr, H Schwalbe, J E Weigand, J Ferner, J K Bains, J Wirmer-Bartoschek, J Wohnert, K Saxena, M A Wirtz Martin, M Hengesbach, M T Hutchison, N Altincekic, N Kubatova, N Meiser, N S Qureshi, R Abele, S Sreeramulu, S Trucks, V de Jesus, V Linhard
50387 2020-08-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical shift assignments of the macrodomain of SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein 3b 1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical shift assignments of the apo and the ADP-ribose bound forms of the macrodomain of SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein 3b Download bibtex for citation iamge Aikaterini C Tsika, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wacker, Boris Furtig, Bruno Hargittay, Christian Richter, Christin Fuks, Dennis J Pyper, Felicitas Kutz, Francesca Cantini, Frank Lohr, Georgios A Spyroulias, Harald Schwalbe, Jan-Niklas Tants, Jasleen K Bains, Jens Wohnert, Julia E Weigand, Karthikeyan Dhamotharan, Krishna Saxena, Lucia Banco, Marie T Hutchison, Martin Hengesbach, Nadide Altincekic, Nathalie Meiser, Nikolaos K Fourkiotis, Nina Kubatova, Nusrat S Qureshi, Santosh L Gande, Sophie M Korn, Sridhar Sreeramulu, Verena Linhardt
50388 2020-08-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical shift assignments of the macrodomain of SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein 3b bound to ADPr 1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical shift assignments of the apo and the ADP-ribose bound forms of the macrodomain of SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein 3b Download bibtex for citation iamge Aikaterini C Tsika, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wacker, Boris Furtig, Bruno Hargittay, Christian Richter, Christin Fuks, Dennis J Pyper, Felicitas Kutz, Francesca Cantini, Frank Lohr, Georgios A Spyroulias, Harald Schwalbe, Jan-Niklas Tants, Jasleen K Bains, Jens Wohnert, Julia E Weigand, Karthikeyan Dhamotharan, Krishna Saxena, Lucia Banco, Marie T Hutchison, Martin Hengesbach, Nadide Altincekic, Nathalie Meiser, Nikolaos K Fourkiotis, Nina Kubatova, Nusrat S Qureshi, Santosh L Gande, Sophie M Korn, Sridhar Sreeramulu, Verena Linhardt
50339 2020-07-10 Chemical Shifts: 3 sets
Assignment of base 15N and 1H chemical shifts for <5_SL5B+C> Secondary structure determination of conserved SARS-CoV-2 RNA elements by NMR spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexey Sudakov, Alvaro Simba-Lahuasi, Andreas Oxenfarth, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wacker, Betul Ceylan, Blanton S Tolbert, Boris Furtig, Bozana Knezic, Carolin Hacker, Christian Richter, Christina Haddad, Christina Muhs, Daniel Hymon, Dennis J Pyper, Elke Duchardt-Ferner, Elke Stirnal, Elnaz Banijamali, Erhan Cetiner, Fabian Hiller, Frank Lohr, Harald Schwalbe, Heidi Zetzsche, Heiko Keller, Henry Jonker, Jan Ferner, Jan-Niklas Tants, Jasleen Kaur Bains, Jenny Vogele, Jens Wohnert, Jesse Davila-Calderon, Jesus Castillo-Martinez, Jose Gallego, J Tassilo Grun, Judith Schlagnitweit, Julia E Weigand, Julia Wirmer-Bartoschek, Karthikeyan Dhamotharan, Katharina F Hohmann, Katja Petzold, Klara R Mertinkus, Krishna Saxena, Lena Weiss, Liang-Yuan Chiu, Lucio Frydman, Luke Luo, Magdalena Riad, Maria A Wirtz Martin, Martina Palomino-Schatzlein, Martin Hahnke, Martin Hengesbach, Mihajlo Novakovic, Nadide Altincekic, Nusrat S Qureshi, Oliver Binas, Robbin Schnieders, Sabine R Akabayov, Sridhar Sreeramulu, Stephen A Peter, Tali Scherf, Tatjana Schamber, Tom Landgraf, Vanessa De Jesus
28103 2021-07-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone assignments of reduced BpsDsbA NMR fragment screening reveals a novel small molecule binding site near the catalytic surface of the disulfide-dithiol oxidoreductase enzyme DsbA from Burkholderia pseudomallei Download bibtex for citation iamge Ashley Taylor, Ben Capuano, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bradley C Doak, Gaurav Sharma, Jennifer L Martin, Karyn L Wilde, Maria A Halili, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, R Bryn B Fenwick, Roisin M McMahon, Stefan Nebl, Wesam S Alwan
28102 2021-07-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Resonance assignments of oxidized BpsDsbA NMR fragment screening reveals a novel small molecule binding site near the catalytic surface of the disulfide-dithiol oxidoreductase enzyme DsbA from Burkholderia pseudomallei Download bibtex for citation iamge Ashley Taylor, Ben Capuano, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bradley C Doak, Gaurav Sharma, Jennifer L Martin, Karyn L Wilde, Maria A Halili, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, R Bryn B Fenwick, Roisin M McMahon, Stefan Nebl, Wesam S Alwan
34395 2019-10-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure and 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments for the complex of NECAP1 PHear domain with phosphorylated AP2 mu2 148-163 Temporal Ordering in Endocytic Clathrin-Coated Vesicle Formation via AP2 Phosphorylation. Download bibtex for citation iamge A G Wrobel, A J McCoy, B T Kelly, D J Owen, D Neuhaus, F Sroubek, J C Yang, J Kamenicky, P R Evans, S Honing, S Martin, S Muller, T Herrmann, Z Kadlecova
34394 2019-10-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure and 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments for NECAP1 PHear domain Temporal Ordering in Endocytic Clathrin-Coated Vesicle Formation via AP2 Phosphorylation. Download bibtex for citation iamge A G Wrobel, A J McCoy, B T Kelly, D J Owen, D Neuhaus, F Sroubek, J C Yang, J Kamenicky, P R Evans, S Honing, S Martin, S Muller, T Herrmann, Z Kadlecova
30478 2019-01-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR solution structure of wild type hFABP1 in the presence of GW7647 A ligand-induced structural change in fatty acid-binding protein 1 is associated with potentiation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonists Download bibtex for citation iamge Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bonan Liu, Bradley C Doak, Christopher Porter, Craig S Clements, Indu R Chandrashekaran, Laurent Vuillard, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Michelle L Halls, Olga Ilyichova, Patrick Genissel, Rahul Patil, Richard J Weaver, Stephen J Headey
30477 2019-01-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR solution structure of wild type apo hFABP1 at 308 K A ligand-induced structural change in fatty acid-binding protein 1 is associated with potentiation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonists Download bibtex for citation iamge Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bonan Liu, Bradley C Doak, Christopher Porter, Craig S Clements, Indu R Chandrashekaran, Laurent Vuillard, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Michelle L Halls, Olga Ilyichova, Patrick Genissel, Rahul Patil, Richard J Weaver, Stephen J Headey
27510 2018-12-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for hFABP1 triple-mutant (K57A,E77A,K96A)in complex with GW7647 A ligand-induced structural change in fatty acid-binding protein 1 is associated with potentiation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonists Download bibtex for citation iamge Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bonan Liu, Bradley C Doak, Christopher Porter, Craig S Clements, Indu R Chandrashekaran, Laurent Vuillard, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Michelle L Halls, Olga Ilyichova, Patrick Genissel, Rahul Patil, Richard J Weaver, Stephen J Headey
27509 2018-12-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for hFABP1 triple-mutant (K57A,E77A,K96A) A ligand-induced structural change in fatty acid-binding protein 1 is associated with potentiation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonists Download bibtex for citation iamge Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bonan Liu, Bradley C Doak, Christopher Porter, Craig S Clements, Indu R Chandrashekaran, Laurent Vuillard, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Michelle L Halls, Olga Ilyichova, Patrick Genissel, Rahul Patil, Richard J Weaver, Stephen J Headey
27461 2018-07-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Human TGIF1 c-term domain TGIF1 homeodomain interacts with Smad MH1 domain and represses TGF-beta signaling. Download bibtex for citation iamge Agnieszka Konkol, Antoni Riera, Carles Torner, David Sunol, Eric Aragon, Ewelina Guca, Jorge Cordero, Lidia Ruiz, Maria J Macias, Pau Martin-Malpartida
27015 2017-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignments (HN,N,CA,CB) of reduced c-NmDsbD H(N), N, C(alpha) and C(beta) assignments of the two periplasmic domains of Neisseria meningitidis DsbD Download bibtex for citation iamge Begona Heras, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Roxanne P Smith
27014 2017-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignments (HN,N,CA,CB) of oxidised c-NmDsbD H(N), N, C(alpha) and C(beta) assignments of the two periplasmic domains of Neisseria meningitidis DsbD Download bibtex for citation iamge Begona Heras, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Roxanne P Smith
27012 2017-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignments (HN,N,CA,CB) of oxidised n-NmDsbD H(N), N, C(alpha) and C(beta) assignments of the two periplasmic domains of Neisseria meningitidis DsbD Download bibtex for citation iamge Begona Heras, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Roxanne P Smith
27013 2017-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignments (HN,N,CA,CB) of reduced n-NmDsbD H(N), N, C(alpha) and C(beta) assignments of the two periplasmic domains of Neisseria meningitidis DsbD Download bibtex for citation iamge Begona Heras, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Roxanne P Smith
30235 2017-11-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Solution Structure of the Two-component Bacteriocin CbnXY Identification and three-dimensional structure of carnobacteriocin XY, a class IIb bacteriocin produced by Carnobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge C T Lohans, J C Vederas, J Z Acedo, K M Towle, L A Martin-Visscher, M Miskolzie, R T McKay, T Doerksen
30236 2017-11-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Solution Structure of the Two-component Bacteriocin CbnXY Identification and three-dimensional structure of carnobacteriocin XY, a class IIb bacteriocin produced by Carnobacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge C T Lohans, J C Vederas, J Z Acedo, K M Towle, L A Martin-Visscher, M Miskolzie, R T McKay, T Doerksen
26582 2015-12-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N, and 13C Chemical Shift Assignments of the Dark-state Cyanobacteriochrome (NpR6012g4) 1H, 15N, and 13C chemical shift assignments of cyanobacteriochrome NpR6012g4 in the red-absorbing dark state Download bibtex for citation iamge James B Ames, J Clark Lagarias, Nathan C Rockwell, Qinhong Yu, Shelley S Martin
26577 2015-12-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Light-adapted Cyanobacteriochrome NpR6012g4 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments of cyanobacteriochrome NpR6012g4 in the green-absorbing photoproduct state Download bibtex for citation iamge James B Ames, J Clark Lagarias, Nathan C Rockwell, Shelley S Martin, Sunghyuk Lim
25134 2019-07-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
H, N, Calpha assignments of AMA1-bound R1 peptide at pH 7 and 313k Identification of the Binding Site of Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA1) Inhibitors Using a Paramagnetic Probe Download bibtex for citation iamge Bankala Krishnarjuna, Cael O Debono, Christopher A MacRaild, Geqing Wang, Mansura Akter, Martin J Scanlon, Nyssa Drinkwater, Peter J Scammells, Raymond S Norton, Shane M Devine, Sheena McGowan, Simon C Drew
25096 2015-03-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of MciZ from Bacillus subtilis Filament capping regulates the bacterial FtsZ cytoskeleton Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexandre Martins, Alexandre W Bisson-Filho, Ana C M Zeri, Andrea Dessen, Frederico J Gueiros-Filho, Harold P Erickson, Karen F Discola, Mauricio L Sforca, Patricia Castellen, Valdir Blasios, Wanius Garcia
19839 2019-01-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
H, N, Calpha and Cbeta assignments of reduced Escherichia coli DsbA at pH 6.8 Application of fragment-based screening to the design of inhibitors of Escherichia coli DsbA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Begona Heras, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bradley C Doak, Brent R Plumb, Ellen C Gleeson, James Horne, Jamie S Simpson, Jennifer L Martin, Kieran Rimmer, Luke A Adams, Makrina Totsika, Mansha Vazirani, Mark D Mulcair, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Olga V Ilyichova, Pooja Sharma, Sofia Caria, Stephen J Headey, Stephen R Shouldice
19838 2019-01-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
H, N, Calpha and Cbeta assignments of oxidized Escherichia coli DsbA at pH 6.8 Application of fragment-based screening to the design of inhibitors of Escherichia coli DsbA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Begona Heras, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Bradley C Doak, Brent R Plumb, Ellen C Gleeson, James Horne, Jamie S Simpson, Jennifer L Martin, Kieran Rimmer, Luke A Adams, Makrina Totsika, Mansha Vazirani, Mark D Mulcair, Martin J Scanlon, Martin L Williams, Olga V Ilyichova, Pooja Sharma, Sofia Caria, Stephen J Headey, Stephen R Shouldice
19629 2014-02-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N, and 13C Chemical Shift Assignments of the Dark State of a Cyanobacterial GAF Domain (NpF2164-GAF3) (1)H, (15)N, and (13)C chemical shift assignments of cyanobacteriochrome NpF2164g3 in the photoproduct state. Download bibtex for citation iamge James B Ames, J Clark Lagarias, Nathan C Rockwell, Shelley S Martin, Sunghyuk Lim
19150 2013-08-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N, and 13C Chemical Shift Assignments of the Light-activated State of a Cyanobacterial GAF Domain (NpF2164-GAF3) (1)H, (15)N, and (13)C chemical shift assignments of cyanobacteriochrome NpF2164g3 in the photoproduct state. Download bibtex for citation iamge James B Ames, J Clark Lagarias, Nathan C Rockwell, Shelley S Martin, Sunghyuk Lim
18865 2013-10-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Ovine Doppel Signal peptide (1-30) NMR solution structure and SRP54M predicted interaction of the N-terminal sequence (1-30) of the ovine Doppel protein Download bibtex for citation iamge Aldino Viegas, Carlos MGA Fontes, Eurico J Cabrita, Ivo C Martins, Joao Sardinha, Jorge Pimenta, Jose A Prates, Rosa MLN Pereira
18132 2012-03-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
THERMOSTABLE PROTEIN FROM HYPERTHERMOPHILIC VIRUS SSV-RH Structural studies of E73 from a hyperthermophilic archaeal virus identify the "RH3" domain, an elaborated ribbon-helix-helix motif involved in DNA recognition. Download bibtex for citation iamge Anupam Goel, Brian P Tripet, Casey Schlenker, C Martin Lawrence, Mark J Young, Mensur Dlakic, Smita Menon, Taylor Willi, Valerie Copie
17833 2016-02-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Skint1 IgV Characterisation of a putative receptor binding surface on Skint-1, a critical determinant of dendritic epidermal T cell selection Download bibtex for citation iamge Adrian C Hayday, Benjamin E Willcox, Carrie Willcox, Fiyaz Mohammed, Mahboob Salim, Martin Woodard, Michael Overduin, Timothy J Knowles
17589 2011-06-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone Resonance Assignments for Prp24-RRM3 A novel occluded RNA recognition motif in Prp24 unwinds the U6 RNA internal stem loop. Download bibtex for citation iamge Ashley C Richie, David A Brow, Lawrence J Clos, Samuel E Butcher, Stephen Martin-Tumasz
17490 2011-06-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the C-terminal domain of Prp24 A novel occluded RNA recognition motif in Prp24 unwinds the U6 RNA internal stem loop. Download bibtex for citation iamge Ashley C Richie, David A Brow, Lawrence J Clos, Samuel E Butcher, Stephen Martin-Tumasz
17491 2011-06-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone Resonance Assignments for the C-terminus of Prp24 A novel occluded RNA recognition motif in Prp24 unwinds the U6 RNA internal stem loop. Download bibtex for citation iamge Ashley C Richie, David A Brow, Lawrence J Clos, Samuel E Butcher, Stephen Martin-Tumasz
17375 2012-11-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignment of Human Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Complexed with a 20 Amino Acids Peptide from the C-terminal Region of p21 (WAF1/CIP1) Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) Interactions in Solution Studied by NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge Alfredo De Biasio, David Pantoja-Uceda, Francisco Castillo, Francisco J Blanco, Irene Luque, Jorge P Lopez-Alonso, Jose M Martin-Garcia, Maider Villate, Nekane Merino, Ramon Campos-Olivas, Ricardo Sanchez
17376 2012-11-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone Assignment of Human Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Complexed with a 12 Amino Acids Peptide from the C-terminal Region of p21 (WAF1/CIP1) Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) Interactions in Solution Studied by NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge Alfredo De Biasio, David Pantoja-Uceda, Francisco Castillo, Francisco J Blanco, Irene Luque, Jorge P Lopez-Alonso, Jose M Martin-Garcia, Maider Villate, Nekane Merino, Ramon Campos-Olivas, Ricardo Sanchez
17069 2010-08-24 Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Order Parameters: 1 set
Spectral Density Values: 1 set
Backbone dynamics of E73 from SSV-RH Structure and dynamics characterization of the E73 protein from Sulfolobus Spindle-shaped Virus Ragged Hills (SSV-RH), a hyperthermophilic crenarchaeal virus from Yellowstone National Park. Download bibtex for citation iamge Anupam Goel, Brian P Tripet, Casey J Schlenker, C Martin Lawrence, Copie Valerie, Smita K Menon
15673 2008-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR solution structure of PisI Nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure of PisI, a group B immunity protein that provides protection against the type IIa bacteriocin piscicolin 126, PisA. Download bibtex for citation iamge John C Vederas, Leah A Martin-Visscher, Lucas J Gursky, Tara Sprules
4061 1998-02-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Overexpression of Myoglobin and Assignment of Its Amide, C Alpha and C Beta Resonances Overexpression of Myoglobin and Assignment of Its Amide, C Alpha and C Beta Resonances Download bibtex for citation iamge Martin J Stone, Patricia A Jennings, Peter E Wright
2281 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Assignment and Secondary Structure of the Cell Adhesion Type III Module of Fibronectin 1H NMR Assignment and Secondary Structure of the Cell Adhesion Type III Module of Fibronectin Download bibtex for citation iamge Alison L Main, Helen J Mardon, Iain D Campbell, Jonathan Boyd, Martin Baron, Paul C Driscoll
218 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
219 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
220 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
221 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
222 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
223 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
224 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
225 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
226 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
217 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
216 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert