Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
16986 | 2010-07-26 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
N-terminal domain of the DP1 subunit of an archaeal D-family DNA polymerase |
Solution structure of the N-terminal domain of the archaeal D-family DNA polymerase small subunit reveals evolutionary relationship to eukaryotic B-family polymerases.
Fumio Arisaka, Ikuo Matsui, Kazuhiko Yamasaki, Tomoko Yamasaki, Yuji Urushibata |
11081 | 2011-05-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of the human DDEF1 SH3 domain |
Structural basis of the recognition of the SAMP motif of adenomatous polyposis coli by the Src-homology 3 domain.
Chiyuki Matsui, Shuji Kaieda, Takahisa Ikegami, Yuko Mimori-Kiyosue |
11082 | 2011-05-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of the complex between the DDEF1 SH3 domain and the APC SAMP1 motif |
Structural basis of the recognition of the SAMP motif of adenomatous polyposis coli by the Src-homology 3 domain.
Chiyuki Matsui, Shuji Kaieda, Takahisa Ikegami, Yuko Mimori-Kiyosue |
11060 | 2010-01-11 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Unusual Thermal Disassembly of the SPFH Domain Oligomer from Pyrococcus horikoshii |
Unusual Thermal Disassembly of the SPFH Domain Oligomer from Pyrococcus horikoshii
Hidekazu Hiroaki, Hideshi Yokoyama, Ikuo Matsui, Satoru Unzai, Takahisa Ikegami, Takashi Nagata, Yohta Kuwahara, Yoko Hiroaki, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi |
15364 | 2008-06-18 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set |
Solution Structure of Human Immunodificiency Virus Type-2 Nucleocapsid Protein |
RNA recognition mechanism of the minimal active domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type-2 nucleocapsid protein
E Miyauchi, H Endoh, H Komatsu, K Sato, T Kohno, T Maeda, T Matsui, T Tanaka, Y Kodera |
7384 | 2008-08-14 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution Structure of Human Immunodificiency Virus Type-2 Nucleocapsid Protein |
Structural role of the secondary active domain of HIV-2 NCp8 in multi-functionality.
Emi Miyauchi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Endoh, Hiroyoshi Komatsu, Tadakazu Maeda, Takashi Matsui, Takeshi Tanaka, Toshiyuki Kohno, Yoshio Kodera |
15196 | 2008-05-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR structure of the HIV-2 nucleocapsid protein |
RNA recognition mechanism of the minimal active domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type-2 nucleocapsid protein
E Miyauchi, H Endoh, H Komatsu, T Kohno, T Maeda, T Matsui, T Sato, T Tanaka, Y Kodera |
10118 | 2008-09-22 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H 13C and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for C-terminal domain of PH0471 |
The solution structure of the C-terminal domain of NfeD reveals a novel membrane-anchored OB-fold
Ayako Ohno, Hidehito Tochio, Hidekazu Hiroaki, Hideshi Yokoyama, Ikuo Matsui, Masahiro Shirakawa, Taichi Morii, Yohta Kuwahara |