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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52530 2024-08-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
HvfA-DSR2-3 modified peptide A multi-iron enzyme installs copper-binding oxazolone/thioamide pairs on a nontypeable Haemophilus inlfuenzae virulence factor Download bibtex for citation iamge Amy Rosenzweig, Isaac A Melendrez, Joshua J Ziarek, Neil L Kelleher, Olivia M Manley, Philip Palacios, Scott A Robson, Tian Xu, Tucker J Shriver, Yisong Guo
52531 2024-08-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
HvfA-DSR2- 3 unmodified peptide A multi-iron enzyme installs copper-binding oxazolone/thioamide pairs on a nontypeable Haemophilus inlfuenzae virulence factor Download bibtex for citation iamge Amy Rosenzweig, Isaac A Melendrez, Joshua J Ziarek, Neil L Kelleher, Olivia M Manley, Philip Palacios, Scott A Robson, Tian Xu, Tucker J Shriver, Yisong Guo
30572 2019-05-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Dimer-of-dimer amyloid fibril structure of glucagon The peptide hormone glucagon forms amyloid fibrils with two coexisting beta-strand conformations Download bibtex for citation iamge A J Dregni, D J Pochan, K J Smith, M D Gelenter, M Hong, M S Lamm, S Y Liao, T J Tucker, V S Mandala, X Wei, Y Su, Y Tian
30073 2017-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
LP2006, a handcuff-topology lasso peptide antibiotic A new genome mining tool redefines the lasso peptide biosynthetic landscape Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher J Schwalen, C H Tai, Douglas A Mitchell, Jonathan I Tietz, Parth S Patel, Patricia M Blair, Tucker Maxson, Uzma I Zakai
18753 2013-09-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of the biofilm matrix promoter AbbA from B. subtilis Structure of the biofilm matrix promoter AbbA from B. subtilis Download bibtex for citation iamge Allison V Banse, Andrew L Olson, Ashley T Tucker, Benjamin G Bobay, John Cavanagh, Kristen M Varney, Richard Losick, Richele J Thompson