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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
50768 2024-10-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H and 13C chemical-shift assignments of the isoleucine, leucine and valine methyl groups of Bombyx Mori Vasa Long-range conformational changes in the nucleotide-bound states of the DEAD-box helicase Vasa Download bibtex for citation iamge John P Kirkpatrick, Luca Codutti, Suzanne zur Lage, Teresa Carlomagno
50769 2024-10-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H and 15N chemical-shift assignments of the backbone amide groups of the RecA_N domain of Bombyx Mori Vasa Long-range conformational changes in the nucleotide-bound states of the DEAD-box helicase Vasa Download bibtex for citation iamge John P Kirkpatrick, Luca Codutti, Suzanne zur Lage, Teresa Carlomagno
50770 2024-10-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H and 15N chemical-shift assignments of the backbone amide groups of the RecA_C domain of Bombyx Mori Vasa Long-range conformational changes in the nucleotide-bound states of the DEAD-box helicase Vasa Download bibtex for citation iamge John P Kirkpatrick, Luca Codutti, Suzanne zur Lage, Teresa Carlomagno