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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
50301 2020-07-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Urea Denatured Staphylococcal Nuclease Energetics and kinetics of substrate analog-coupled staphylococcal nuclease folding revealed by a statistical mechanical approach Download bibtex for citation iamge Heinrich Roder, Hisashi Okumura, Kosuke Maki, Kunio Ihara, Saho Segawa, Satoru G Itoh, Shunta Furuzawa, Takuya Mizukami, Teikichi Ikura
11462 2013-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
One-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: 1SS[76-94] Glycerol-enhanced detection of a preferential structure latent in unstructured 1SS-variants of lysozyme. Download bibtex for citation iamge Hideki Tachibana, Kenichi Kasai, Kuniaki Narama, Shin-Ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda
11459 2013-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
One-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: 1SS[6-127] Glycerol-enhanced detection of a preferential structure latent in unstructured 1SS-variants of lysozyme. Download bibtex for citation iamge Hideki Tachibana, Kenichi Kasai, Kuniaki Narama, Shin-Ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda
11460 2013-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
One-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: 1SS[30-115] Glycerol-enhanced detection of a preferential structure latent in unstructured 1SS-variants of lysozyme. Download bibtex for citation iamge Hideki Tachibana, Kenichi Kasai, Kuniaki Narama, Shin-Ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda
11461 2013-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
One-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: 1SS[64-80] Glycerol-enhanced detection of a preferential structure latent in unstructured 1SS-variants of lysozyme. Download bibtex for citation iamge Hideki Tachibana, Kenichi Kasai, Kuniaki Narama, Shin-Ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda
11428 2011-09-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N chemical shift assignments for a disulfide-deficient mutant of the starch-binding domain of glucoamylase NMR analysis of a kinetically trapped intermediate of a disulfide-deficient mutant of the starch-binding domain of glucoamylase Download bibtex for citation iamge Hayuki Sugimoto, Shin-ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda
11051 2009-04-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Disulfide-free variant of hen lysozyme: 0SS Glycerol-induced folding of unstructured disulfide-deficient lysozyme into a native-like conformation Download bibtex for citation iamge Gakuji Doi, Hideki Tachibana, Keiko Sakamoto, Ken-ichi Hirai, Kouta Yamazaki, Mitsunobu Yusa, Naoki Tokunaga, Shin-Ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda, Yoshiaki Kitamura
11052 2009-04-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Two-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: 2SS[6-127, 64-80] Glycerol-induced folding of unstructured disulfide-deficient lysozyme into a native-like conformation Download bibtex for citation iamge Gakuji Doi, Hideki Tachibana, Keiko Sakamoto, Ken-ichi Hirai, Kouta Yamazaki, Mitsunobu Yusa, Naoki Tokunaga, Shin-Ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda, Yoshiaki Kitamura
10116 2008-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The Confirmation of the Denatured Structure of Pyrrolidone Carboxyl Peptidase under Non denaturing Conditions: Helix Propensity of wild-type H6-peptide The confirmation of the denatured structure of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase under nondenaturing conditions: difference in helix propensity of two synthetic peptides with single amino acid substitution. Download bibtex for citation iamge Katsuhide Yutani, Satoshi Iimura, Shin-ichi Segawa, Taro Umezaki, Yasuo Noda
10117 2008-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The Confirmation of the Denatured Structure of Pyrrolidone carboxyl Peptidase under Non denaturing Conditions: Deference in Helix Propensity of Two Synthetic Peptides with Single Amino Acid Substitution The confirmation of the denatured structure of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase under nondenaturing conditions: difference in helix propensity of two synthetic peptides with single amino acid substitution. Download bibtex for citation iamge Katsuhide Yutani, Satoshi Iimura, Shin-ichi Segawa, Taro Umezaki, Yasuo Noda
10052 2007-06-13 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
characterization of PCP-0SH in the D1 state was examined by using H/D exchange experiments. Characterization of the denatured structure of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase from a hyperthermophile under non-denaturing conditions: Role of the C-terminal a-helix of the protein in folding and stability Download bibtex for citation iamge Hideo Akutsu, Hiromasa Yagi, Katsuhide Yutani, Kyoko Ogasahara, Makoto Takeuchi, Mineyuki Mizuguchi, Satoshi Iimura, Shin-ichi Segawa, Taro Umezaki, Yasuo Noda
7160 2008-11-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H chemical shift assignments of metLYZ at pH 3.8 and 25 C NMR structural study of two-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: 2SS[6-127, 30-115]--a disulfide intermediate with a partly unfolded structure Download bibtex for citation iamge A Yokota, D Horii, H Tachibana, S Segawa, T Tominaga, Y Noda, Y Tanisaka
7159 2008-11-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H chemical shift assignments of 2SS[6-127, 30-115] at pH 3.8 and 25 C NMR structural study of two-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: 2SS[6-127, 30-115]--a disulfide intermediate with a partly unfolded structure Download bibtex for citation iamge A Yokota, D Horii, H Tachibana, S Segawa, T Tominaga, Y Noda, Y Tanisaka
7135 2008-11-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignments of 2SSalpha in 8M urea, pH 2, 293 K Characterisation of Disulfide Bond Dynamics in Non-Native States of Lysozyme and its Disulfide Deletion Mutants by NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher M Dobson, Emily S Collins, Harald Schwalbe, Hideki Tachibana, Julia Wirmer, Kenichi Hirai, Shin-ichi Segawa
7136 2008-11-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignments of 2SSbeta in 8M urea, pH 2, 293 K Characterisation of Disulfide Bond Dynamics in Non-Native States of Lysozyme and its Disulfide Deletion Mutants by NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher M Dobson, Emily S Collins, Harald Schwalbe, Hideki Tachibana, Julia Wirmer, Kenichi Hirai, Shin-ichi Segawa
6415 2005-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Three-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: C30A/C115A NMR Characterization of Three-Disulfide Variants of Lysozyme, C64A/C80A, C76A/C94A, and C30A/C115A -A Marginally Stable State in Folded Proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Atsushi Yokota, Hideki Tachibana, Hiroyo Miyauchi, Kazuyuki Akasaka, Kenichi Hirai, Kyouko Inoue, Satoshi Iimura, Shin-ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda
5804 2004-09-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Three-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: C76A/C94A NMR characterization of three-disulfide variants of lysozyme, C64A/C80A, C76A/C94A, and C30A/C115A--a marginally stable state in folded proteins. Download bibtex for citation iamge Atsushi Yokota, Hideki Tachibana, Hiroyo Miyauchi, Kazuyuki Akasaka, Kenichi Hirai, Kyouko Inoue, Satoshi Iimura, Shin-ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda
5803 2004-09-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Three-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: C64A/C80A NMR characterization of three-disulfide variants of lysozyme, C64A/C80A, C76A/C94A, and C30A/C115A--a marginally stable state in folded proteins. Download bibtex for citation iamge Atsushi Yokota, Hideki Tachibana, Hiroyo Miyauchi, Kazuyuki Akasaka, Kenichi Hirai, Kyouko Inoue, Satoshi Iimura, Shin-ichi Segawa, Yasuo Noda
5069 2003-05-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Structural Study of Two-Disulfide Variant of hen Lysozyme: 2SS[6-127, 30-115]-A Disulfide Intermediate with a Partly Unfolded Structure NMR Structural Study of Two-disulfide Variant of hen Lysozyme : 2SS[6-127, 30-115]--A Disulfide Intermediate with a Partly Unfolded Structure Download bibtex for citation iamge Atsushi Yokota, Daisuke Horii, Hideki Tachibana, Shin-ichi Segawa, Takeshi Tominaga, Yasuo Noda, Yoshiaki Tanisaka
5068 2003-12-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Recombinant hen lysozyme containing the extra N-terminal Met as the standard reference for the study of hen lysozyme variants NMR Structural Study of Two-disulfide Variant of hen Lysozyme: 2SS[6-127, 30-115]--A Disulfide Intermediate with a Partly Unfolded Structure Download bibtex for citation iamge Atsushi Yokota, Daisuke Horii, Hideki Tachibana, Shin-ichi Segawa, Takeshi Tominaga, Yasuo Noda, Yoshiaki Tanisaka