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36133 |
2018-12-13 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of BCL-XL bound to P73-TAD peptide |
Cytoplasmic pro-apoptotic function of the tumor suppressor p73 is mediated through a modified mode of recognition of the anti-apoptotic regulator Bcl-XL.
B C Park, B Kim, B-Y, D Lee, D-H, J Ha, J-H, J H Cho, J Kim, J-H, J Lee, J-Y, J S Choi, J Song, K Bae, K-H, M Lee, M-K, M Lee, M-S, M Yoon, M-K, S A Kim, S Chi, S-W, S G Park, S Kim, S U Choi | |
26961 |
2017-02-15 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for SUSP4(201-300) |
The Mechanism of p53 Rescue by SUSP4
Chewook Lee, Do-Hyoung H Kim, Eun-Ji J Cha, Ji-Eun E Lim, Joan J Han, Kyou-Hoon H Han, Kyung-Tae T Kim, Seung-Hee H Hong, Si-Hyung H Lee, Ye-Jin J Cho | |
25685 |
2015-09-02 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of the Transmembrane Electron Transporter CcdA |
NMR Structure of the Transmembrane Electron Transporter CcdA
James J Chou, Jean-Francois Collet, Jessica A Williamson, Jiqing Ye, Jonathan R Beckwith, Seung-Hyung Cho | |
26529 |
2015-06-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
WHB in complex with UBCH10 |
RING E3 mechanism for ubiquitin ligation to a disordered substrate visualized for human anaphase-promoting complex
Brenda A Schulman, Christy R Grace, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Holger Stark, Jan-Michael Peters, Jeremiah J Frye, Marcelo L Actis, Masaya Yamaguchi, Naoaki Fujii, Nicholas G Brown, Patrick Rodrigues, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Shein E Cho | |
26527 |
2015-06-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
RING E3 mechanism for ubiquitin ligation to a disordered substrate visualized for human anaphase-promoting complex
Brenda A Schulman, Christy R Grace, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Holger Stark, Jan-Michael Peters, Jeremiah J Frye, Marcelo L Actis, Masaya Yamaguchi, Naoaki Fujii, Nicholas G Brown, Patrick Rodrigues, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Shein E Cho | |
26528 |
2015-06-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
UBCH10 in complex with WHB |
RING E3 mechanism for ubiquitin ligation to a disordered substrate visualized for human anaphase-promoting complex
Brenda A Schulman, Christy R Grace, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Holger Stark, Jan-Michael Peters, Jeremiah J Frye, Marcelo L Actis, Masaya Yamaguchi, Naoaki Fujii, Nicholas G Brown, Patrick Rodrigues, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Shein E Cho | |
26526 |
2015-06-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
UBCH10 |
RING E3 mechanism for ubiquitin ligation to a disordered substrate visualized for human anaphase-promoting complex
Brenda A Schulman, Christy R Grace, Edmond R Watson, Florian Weissmann, Holger Stark, Jan-Michael Peters, Jeremiah J Frye, Marcelo L Actis, Masaya Yamaguchi, Naoaki Fujii, Nicholas G Brown, Patrick Rodrigues, Prakash Dube, Renping Qiao, Ryan VanderLinden, Shein E Cho | |
19089 |
2014-12-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 4 sets |
Backbone 1H, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for wild-type Escherichia coli Adenylate Kinase with 20mM ADP at 293, 298, 303, and 313K |
Catalytic Strategies used by Kinases in Phosphoryl-Transfer Reactions
Dimitr V Pachov, Dorothee Kern, Francesco Pontiggia, Lien A Phung, Michael F Hagan, Padraig N Murphy, Renee Otten, Roman V Agafonov, S Jordan J Kerns, Vu Thai, Young-Jin Cho | |
19090 |
2014-12-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for wild-type Escherichia coli Adenylate Kinase with 20mM ADP and Calcium at 298K |
Catalytic Strategies used by Kinases in Phosphoryl-Transfer Reactions
Dimitr V Pachov, Dorothee Kern, Francesco Pontiggia, Lien A Phung, Michael F Hagan, Padraig N Murphy, Renee Otten, Roman V Agafonov, S Jordan J Kerns, Vu Thai, Young-Jin Cho | |
19091 |
2014-12-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for wild-type Escherichia coli Adenylate Kinase with 20mM ADP and Magnesium at 298K |
Catalytic Strategies used by Kinases in Phosphoryl-Transfer Reactions
Dimitr V Pachov, Dorothee Kern, Francesco Pontiggia, Lien A Phung, Michael F Hagan, Padraig N Murphy, Renee Otten, Roman V Agafonov, S Jordan J Kerns, Vu Thai, Young-Jin Cho | |
19092 |
2014-12-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for R156K mutant Escherichia coli Adenylate Kinase with 20mM ADP at 293K |
Catalytic Strategies used by Kinases in Phosphoryl-Transfer Reactions
Dimitr V Pachov, Dorothee Kern, Francesco Pontiggia, Lien A Phung, Michael F Hagan, Padraig N Murphy, Renee Otten, Roman V Agafonov, S Jordan J Kerns, Vu Thai, Young-Jin Cho | |
19093 |
2014-12-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for R156K mutant Escherichia coli Adenylate Kinase with 20mM ADP and magnesium at 293K |
Catalytic Strategies used by Kinases in Phosphoryl-Transfer Reactions
Dimitr V Pachov, Dorothee Kern, Francesco Pontiggia, Lien A Phung, Michael F Hagan, Padraig N Murphy, Renee Otten, Roman V Agafonov, S Jordan J Kerns, Vu Thai, Young-Jin Cho | |
7396 |
2008-06-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution Structure of ETO-TAFH refined in explicit solvent |
A TAF4-homology domain from the corepressor ETO is a docking platform for positive and negative regulators of transcription
C Woodrell, J Lausen, M H Werner, N Biris, N Kobayashi, S Cho, S Liu, S Yokoyama, Y Wei | |
6222 |
2006-01-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution Structure of Kurtoxin |
Solution Structure of Kurtoxin
C W Lee, E M Cho, H J Min, J I Kim, T Kohno, Y J Eu | |
5927 |
2010-07-16 |
Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
NMR Structure of a Cyclic Polyamide-DNA Complex |
NMR Structure of a Cyclic Polyamide-DNA Complex
D A Case, D E Wemmer, J Cho, P B Dervan, Q Zhang, T J Dwyer, V Tsui | |
5868 |
2005-05-19 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of XPC binding domain of hHR23B |
Solution structure and backbone dynamics of the XPC-binding domain of the human DNA repair protein hHR23B.
B K Kim, B-S Choi, H J Kim, K-S Ryu, S J Cho | |
4633 |
2002-12-23 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution Structure, Backbone Dynamics, and stability of a Double Mutant Single-Chain Monellin. Structural origin of sweetness |
Solution Structure, Backbone Dynamics, and stability of a Double Mutant Single-Chain Monellin. Structural origin of sweetness
H J Chang, J M Cho, J Shin, W Lee, Y H Sung | |
17551 |
2012-05-10 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of chicken ileal BABP in complex with glycochenodeoxycholic acid |
Structural requirements for cooperativity in ileal bile acid-binding proteins.
Alejandro Giorgetti, Mariapina Molinari, Michael Assfalg, Serena Zanzoni | Entity name: CHO |
bmse010507 |
2013-01-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
lignin_cw_compound_3038 |
NMR Database of Lignin and Cell Wall Model Compounds.
John Ralph, Larry L Landucci, Sally A Ralph | Formula: CHO |
bmse010438 |
2013-01-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 3 sets |
G-b-S-OH |
NMR Database of Lignin and Cell Wall Model Compounds.
John Ralph, Larry L Landucci, Sally A Ralph | Formula: CHO |
17767 |
2012-03-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR structure of cl-BABP/SS complexed with glycochenodeoxycholic and glycocholic acids |
A disulfide bridge allows for site-selective binding in liver bile Acid binding protein thereby stabilising the orientation of key amino Acid side chains.
Clelia Cogliati, Henriette Molinari, Katiuscia Pagano, Laura Ragona, Michael Assfalg, Serena Zanzoni, Simona Tomaselli | Entity name: CHO |
16458 |
2010-03-08 |
Binding_constants: 1 set |
NMR-based modeling and binding studies of a ternary complex between chicken liver bile acid binding protein and bile acids |
NMR-based modeling and binding studies of a ternary complex between chicken liver bile acid binding protein and bile acids
Alexandre MJJ Bonvin, Henriette Molinari, Laura Ragona, Lucia Zetta, Michael Assfalg, Pasquale Ferranti, Renato Longhi, Simona Tomaselli | Entity name: CHO |