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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors Additional Matches
36320 2020-09-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution structure of anti-CRISPR AcrIF7 Structural and mechanistic insights into the CRISPR inhibition of AcrIF7 Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghyun Ka, Euiyoung Bae, Eun-Hee H Kim, Iktae Kim, Jasung Koo, Jeong-Yong Y Suh, So Young Y An, Suji Hong
28082 2021-07-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of anti-CRISPR protein AcrIF7 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Phage Structural and mechanistic insights into the CRISPR inhibition of AcrIF7. Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghyun Ka, Euiyoung Bae, Eun-Hee H Kim, Iktae Kim, Jasung Koo, Jeong-Yong Y Suh, So Young Y An, Suji Hong
50185 2020-06-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
AcrIIA5 Intrinsic disorder is essential for Cas9 inhibition of anti-CRISPR AcrIIA5 Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghyun Ka, Euiyoung Bae, Eun-Hee H Kim, Iktae Kim, Jeong-Yong Y Suh, Nak-Kyoon K Kim, So Young Y An
36133 2018-12-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of BCL-XL bound to P73-TAD peptide Cytoplasmic pro-apoptotic function of the tumor suppressor p73 is mediated through a modified mode of recognition of the anti-apoptotic regulator Bcl-XL. Download bibtex for citation iamge B C Park, B Kim, B-Y, D Lee, D-H, J Ha, J-H, J H Cho, J Kim, J-H, J Lee, J-Y, J S Choi, J Song, K Bae, K-H, M Lee, M-K, M Lee, M-S, M Yoon, M-K, S A Kim, S Chi, S-W, S G Park, S Kim, S U Choi
27108 2017-09-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for SH3 domain of Noxa1 C-terminal tail of NADPH oxidase organizer 1 (Noxo1) mediates interaction with NADPH oxidase activator (Noxa1) in the NOX1 complex Download bibtex for citation iamge Ji-Hye H Yun, Myeongkyu Kim, Pravesh Shrestha, Weontae Lee, Yoon-Joo J Ko, Yun Soo S Bae
15397 2008-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NH, NN, C, CA and CB chemical shift assignment of the transcriptional activation domain 1 of the nuclear hormone receptor coactivator ACTR in the free state NMR Relaxation Study of the Complex Formed Between CBP and the Activation Domain of the Nuclear Hormone Receptor Coactivator ACTR Download bibtex for citation iamge H Jane Dyson, Marc-Olivier Ebert, Peter E Wright, Sung-Hun Bae
15398 2008-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NH, NN, C and CA chemical shift assignment of the nuclear coactivator binding domain of CBP in the free state NMR Relaxation Study of the Complex Formed Between CBP and the Activation Domain of the Nuclear Hormone Receptor Coactivator ACTR Download bibtex for citation iamge H Jane Dyson, Marc-Olivier Ebert, Peter E Wright, Sung-Hun Bae
5553 2003-03-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of influenza A virus C4 promoter A Single-nucleotide Natural Variation (U4 to C4) in an Influenza A Virus Promoter Exhibits a Large Structural Change: Implications for Differential Viral RNA Synthesis by RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase Download bibtex for citation iamge B-S Choi, C Cheong, C-J Park, H-K Cheong, M-K Lee, S-H Bae
5528 2003-07-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the complementary RNA promoter of influenza a virus Solution Structure of the Influenza A Virus cRNA Promoter: Implications for Differential Recognition of Viral Promoter Structures by RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase Download bibtex for citation iamge B-S Choi, C-J Park, G Varani, M-K Lee, S-H Bae
4816 2002-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural Features of an Influenza Virus Promoter and their Implications for Viral RNA Synthesis Structural Features of an Influenza Virus Promoter and Their Implications for Viral RNA Synthesis Download bibtex for citation iamge B-S Choi, C Cheong, H-K Cheong, J-H Lee, M Kainosho, S-H Bae
4409 2000-12-15 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
DNA DECAMER DUPLEX CONTAINING T-T DEWAR PHOTOPRODUCT The Dewar Photoproduct of the Thymidylyl(3' to 5')-thymidine (Dewar Product) Exhibits Mutagenic Behavior in Accordance with the "A rule" Download bibtex for citation iamge B S Choi, J H Lee, S H Bae
bmse010152 2010-02-08 Chemical Shifts: 3 sets
H-b-S NMR Database of Lignin and Cell Wall Model Compounds. Download bibtex for citation iamge John Ralph, Larry L Landucci, Sally A Ralph Assembly name: H-b-S