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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52564 2024-08-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N backbone resonance assignment of the calcium-activated EndoU endoribonuclease 1H, 13C and 15N backbone resonance assignment of the calcium-activated EndoU endoribonuclease Download bibtex for citation iamge Fedor V Karginov, Florian Malard, Sebastien Campagne
34885 2024-02-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of SMN-CX bound to the RNA helix formed upon SMN2 exon7 5'-splice site recognition The diversity of splicing modifiers acting on A-1 bulged 5'-splice sites reveals rules for rational drug design Download bibtex for citation iamge A Ecoutin, A Wolter, E Morvan, F H Allain, F Malard, J Marquevielle, S Campagne, S Rudisser
34879 2024-02-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of branaplam bound to the RNA duplex formed upon 5'-splice site recognition The diversity of splicing modifiers acting on A-1 bulged 5'-splice sites reveals rules for rational drug design Download bibtex for citation iamge A Ecoutin, A Wolter, E Morvan, F H Allain, F Malard, J Marquevielle, S Campagne, S Ruedisser
34878 2024-02-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of Risdiplam bound to the RNA duplex formed upon 5'-splice site recognition The diversity of splicing modifiers acting on A-1 bulged 5'-splice sites reveals rules for rational drug design Download bibtex for citation iamge A Ecoutin, A Wolter, E Morvan, F H Allain, F Malard, J Marquevielle, S Campagne, S Ruedisser
34784 2024-02-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the RNA helix formed by the 5'-end of U1 snRNA and an A-1 bulged 5'-splice site in complex with SMN-CY The diversity of splicing modifiers acting on A-1 bulged 5'-splice sites reveals rules for rational drug design Download bibtex for citation iamge A Ecoutin, A Wolter, E Morvan, F H Allain, F Malard, J Marquevielle, S Campagne, S Ruedisser
34715 2023-03-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of RBM39 RRM1 bound to U1 snRNA stem loop 3 Molecular basis of RNA-binding and autoregulation by the cancer-associated splicing factor RBM39 Download bibtex for citation iamge Daniel Jutzi, Florian Malard, Frederic H-T H Allain, Ksenija Romane, Maja Matoga, Marc-David D Ruepp, Martino Colombo, Miki Feldmuller, Sebastien Campagne
34692 2022-12-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of Npl3 RRM12 bound to the AUCCAGUGGAA RNA RNA recognition by Npl3p reveals U2 snRNA-binding compatible with a chaperone role during splicing Download bibtex for citation iamge Ahmed Moursy, Antoine Clery, Frederic H-T H Allain, Irene Beusch, Jaroslaw Mazur, Katharina M Betz, Malgorzata M Duszczyk, Mark D Robinson, Sanjana Rao, Sebastien Campagne, Stefan Gerhardy, Vikram Govind G Panse
34691 2022-10-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of Npl3 RRM1 bound to the AUCCAA RNA RNA recognition by Npl3p reveals U2 snRNA-binding compatible with a chaperone role during splicing Download bibtex for citation iamge Ahmed Moursy, Antoine Clery, Frederic H-T H Allain, Irene Beusch, Jaroslaw Mazur, Katharina M Betz, Malgorzata M Duszczyk, Mark D Robinson, Sanjana Rao, Sebastien Campagne, Stefan Gerhardy, Vikram Govind G Panse
34673 2023-01-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of RBM39 RRM2 bound to 5'-AGCUUUG-3 Molecular basis of RNA-binding and autoregulation by the cancer-associated splicing factor RBM39 Download bibtex for citation iamge Daniel Jutzi, Florian Malard, Frederic H-T H Allain, Ksenija Romane, Maja Matoga, Marc-David D Ruepp, Martino Colombo, Miki Feldmuller, Sebastien Campagne
34643 2022-02-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the human SF3A1 ubiquitin-like domain Sequence-specific RNA recognition by an RGG motif connects U1 and U2 snRNP for spliceosome assembly Download bibtex for citation iamge A Leitner, C P Sarnowski, F Allain, J Wong, K Sabath, S Campagne, S Jonas, S Sharma, T de Vries, W Martelly
34560 2021-02-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution structure of U1-A RRM2 (190-282) An in vitro reconstituted U1 snRNP allows the study of the disordered regions of the particle and the interactions with proteins and ligands Download bibtex for citation iamge Antoine Clery, Daniel Boehringer, Emil Dedic, Florian Malard, Frederic H-T H Allain, Georg Dorn, Joachim Kohlbrecher, Pavel Afanasyev, Sebastien Campagne, Tebbe de Vries
34427 2020-10-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 5 sets
Solution structure of the FUS/TLS RNA recognition motif in complex with U1 snRNA stem loop III Aberrant interaction of FUS with the U1 snRNA provides a molecular mechanism of FUS induced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Download bibtex for citation iamge Anny Devoy, Christine von Schroetter, Christoph Schweingruber, Daniel Jutzi, Eva Hedlund, Fionna E Loughlin, Foivos Gypas, Frederic H-T H Allain, Jonas Mechtersheimer, Marc-David D Ruepp, Martino Colombo, Mihaela Zavolan, Ralf Schmidt, Sebastien Campagne, Stefan Reber
34312 2019-08-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the RNA duplex formed by the 5'-end of U1snRNA and the 5'-splice site of SMN2 exon7 in complex with the SMN-C5 splicing modifier Structural basis of a small molecule targeting RNA for a specific splicing correction Download bibtex for citation iamge Ahmed Moursy, Anna Knorlein, Antoine Clery, Frederic H-T H Allain, Hasane Ratni, Jonathan Hall, Laurent Gillioz, Sarah Boigner, Sebastien Campagne, Simon Rudisser
34311 2019-08-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the RNA duplex formed by the 5'-end of U1snRNA and the 5'-splice site of SMN2 exon7 Structural basis of a small molecule targeting RNA for a specific splicing correction Download bibtex for citation iamge Ahmed Moursy, Anna Knorlein, Antoine Clery, Frederic H-T H Allain, Hasane Ratni, Jonathan Hall, Laurent Gillioz, Sarah Boigner, Sebastien Campagne, Simon Rudisser
34172 2018-06-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of the complex formed by an engineered region 2 of sigmaE in complex with GTAAAA Engineered promoter selectivity of an ECF sigma factor Download bibtex for citation iamge F H Allain, G Capitani, J A Vorholt, M E Marsh, S Campagne
34171 2017-08-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR derived model of the 5'-splice site of SMN2 in complex with the 5'-end of U1 snRNA Binding to SMN2 pre-mRNA-protein complex elicits specificity for small molecule splicing modifiers. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adrian R Krainer, Ahmed Moursy, Angelique Augustin, Antoine Clery, Balazs Banfai, Frederic H-T H Allain, Friedrich Metzger, Gonzalo Duran-Pacheco, Hasane Ratni, Helene Meistermann, Jens Lamerz, Kathleen D McCarthy, Manaswini Sivaramakrishnan, Manuel Tzouros, Martin Ebeling, Melanie N Hug, Nicolas Giroud, Nikos Berntenis, Pascale Birrer, Roland Schmucki, Sabrina Golling, Sarah Khawaja, Sebastien Campagne, Sergey Paushkin, Sonja Meier, Sylwia Huber, Thomas Luebbers, Tobias Heckel, Ying Hsiu Liu
30025 2016-07-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the BeF3-activated conformation of SdrG from Pseudomonas melonis Fr1 Role of the PFXFATG[G/Y] Motif in the Activation of SdrG, a Response Regulator Involved in the Alphaproteobacterial General Stress Response Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas Kaczmarczyk, Anne Francez-Charlot, Frederic H-T Allain, Julia A Vorholt, Lisa Gottschlich, Maxence Thibault, Miriam Bortfeld-Miller, Sebastian Dintner, Sebastien Campagne
30023 2016-07-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of SdrG from Sphingomonas melonis Fr1 Role of the PFXFATG[G/Y] Motif in the Activation of SdrG, a Response Regulator Involved in the Alphaproteobacterial General Stress Response Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas Kaczmarczyk, Anne Francez-Charlot, Frederic H-T Allain, Julia A Vorholt, Lisa Gottschlich, Maxence Thibault, Miriam Bortfeld-Miller, Sebastian Dintner, Sebastien Campagne
25967 2016-12-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of ZitP zinc finger Modularity and determinants of a (bi-)polarization control system from free-living and obligate intracellular bacteria Download bibtex for citation iamge Frederic H-T H Allain, Johann Mignolet, Laurence Theraulaz, Matthieu Berge, Patrick H Viollier, Seamus Holden, Sebastien Campagne, Suliana Manley
19366 2014-02-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of region 2 of E. coli sigmaE Structural basis for -10 promoter element melting by environmentally induced sigma factors. Download bibtex for citation iamge Frederic H-T Allain, Guido Capitani, Julia A Vorholt, May E Marsh, Sebastien Campagne
19367 2014-02-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the complex formed by the region 2 of E. coli sigmaE and its cognate -10 non template element TGTCAAA Structural basis for -10 promoter element melting by environmentally induced sigma factors. Download bibtex for citation iamge Frederic H-T Allain, Guido Capitani, Julia A Vorholt, May E Marsh, Sebastien Campagne
17784 2012-04-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of the PhyRSL-NepR complex from Sphingomonas sp. Fr1 Structural basis for sigma factor mimicry in the general stress response of Alphaproteobacteria. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas Kaczmarczyk, Anne Francez-Charlot, Frederic H-T Allain, Fred F Damberger, Julia A Vorholt, Sebastien Campagne
17456 2012-09-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N, 13C chemical shift assignment of the THAP domain 1-81 from the cell growth suppressor human THAP11 protein NMR studies of a new family of DNA binding proteins: the THAP proteins. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alain Milon, Isabelle Muller, Jade Durand, Sebastien Campagne, Virginie Gervais
16485 2010-02-17 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Solution structure of the THAP zinc finger of THAP1 in complex with its DNA target Structural determinants of specific DNA-recognition by the THAP zinc finger. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alain Milon, Olivier Saurel, Sebastien Campagne, Virginie Gervais
15300 2008-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N, 13C chemical shift assignment of the THAP domain 1-90 from human THAP1 protein Structure-Function Analysis of the THAP Zinc Finger of THAP1, a Large C2CH DNA-binding Module Linked to Rb/E2F Pathways. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alain Milon, Chrystelle Lacroix, Damien Bessiere, Frederic Lopez, J Czaplicki, Jean-Philippe Cirard, Lionel Mourey, Pascal Demange, Sebastien Campagne, Valerie Guillet, Vincent Ecochard, Virginie Gervais
15289 2008-02-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N chemical shift assignment of the THAP domain 1-81 from human THAP1 protein Structure-Function Analysis of the THAP Zinc Finger of THAP1, a Large C2CH DNA-binding Module Linked to Rb/E2F Pathways. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alain Milon, Chrystelle Lacroix, Damien Bessiere, Frederic Lopez, J Czaplicki, Jean-Philippe Cirard, Lionel Mourey, Pascal Demange, Sebastien Campagne, Valerie Guillet, Vincent Ecochard, Virginie Gervais