Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
34355 | 2019-12-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets |
Solution Structure of the Zn-loaded form of a Metallothionein from Helix Pomatia |
The Solution Structure and Dynamics of Cd-Metallothionein from Helix pomatia Reveal Optimization for Binding Cd over Zn
Andrea Beil, Merce Capdevila, Oliver Zerbe, Oscar Palacios, Peter Guntert, Reinhard Dallinger, Reto Walser, Silvia Atrian, Simon Jurt, Tanja Schonhut |
34356 | 2019-12-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets |
Solution Structure of the Cd-loaded form of a Metallothionein from Helix Pomatia |
The Solution Structure and Dynamics of Cd-Metallothionein from Helix pomatia Reveal Optimization for Binding Cd over Zn
Andrea Beil, Merce Capdevila, Oliver Zerbe, Oscar Palacios, Peter Guntert, Reinhard Dallinger, Reto Walser, Silvia Atrian, Simon Jurt, Tanja Schonhut |
34076 | 2017-12-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets |
NMR structure of the Littorina littorea metallothionein, a snail MT folding into three distinct domains |
Structural Adaptation of a Protein to Increased Metal Stress: NMR Structure of a Marine Snail Metallothionein with an Additional Domain
A Beil, C Baumann, M Capdevila, M Niederwander, O Palacios, O Zerbe, R Dallinger, S Atrian, S Jurt |
34072 | 2017-04-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets |
NMR Structure of the Littorina littorea metallothionein, a snail MT folding into three distinct domains |
Structural Adaptation of a Protein to Increased Metal Stress: NMR Structure of a Marine Snail Metallothionein with an Additional Domain
Andrea Beil, Christian Baumann, Merce Capdevila, Michael Niederwanger, Oliver Zerbe, Oscar Palacios, Reinhard Dallinger, Silvia Atrian, Simon Jurt |