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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
50249 2020-05-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
[r(UGGUGGPs)]4 G-quadruplex The origin of the high stability of 3'-terminal uridine tetrads: contributions of hydrogen bonding, stacking interactions, and steric factors evaluated using modified oligonucleotide analogs Download bibtex for citation iamge Joanna Sarzynska, Karolina Zielinska, Karol Pasternak, Ryszard Kierzek, Witold Andralojc, Zofia Gdaniec
50244 2020-05-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
[r(UGGUGG)(2'OMeU)]4 G-quadruplex The origin of the high stability of 3'-terminal uridine tetrads: contributions of hydrogen bonding, stacking interactions, and steric factors evaluated using modified oligonucleotide analogs Download bibtex for citation iamge Joanna Sarzynska, Karolina Zielinska, Karol Pasternak, Ryszard Kierzek, Witold Andralojc, Zofia Gdaniec
50245 2020-05-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
[r(UGGUGGC)]4 G-quadruplex The origin of the high stability of 3'-terminal uridine tetrads: contributions of hydrogen bonding, stacking interactions, and steric factors evaluated using modified oligonucleotide analogs Download bibtex for citation iamge Joanna Sarzynska, Karolina Zielinska, Karol Pasternak, Ryszard Kierzek, Witold Andralojc, Zofia Gdaniec
50246 2020-05-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
[r(UGGUGGT)]4 G-quadruplex The origin of the high stability of 3'-terminal uridine tetrads: contributions of hydrogen bonding, stacking interactions, and steric factors evaluated using modified oligonucleotide analogs Download bibtex for citation iamge Joanna Sarzynska, Karolina Zielinska, Karol Pasternak, Ryszard Kierzek, Witold Andralojc, Zofia Gdaniec
50247 2020-05-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
[r(UGGUGG)d(T)]4 G-quadruplex The origin of the high stability of 3'-terminal uridine tetrads: contributions of hydrogen bonding, stacking interactions, and steric factors evaluated using modified oligonucleotide analogs Download bibtex for citation iamge Joanna Sarzynska, Karolina Zielinska, Karol Pasternak, Ryszard Kierzek, Witold Andralojc, Zofia Gdaniec
50248 2020-05-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
[r(UGGUGG)(LNA-T)]4 G-quadruplex The origin of the high stability of 3'-terminal uridine tetrads: contributions of hydrogen bonding, stacking interactions, and steric factors evaluated using modified oligonucleotide analogs Download bibtex for citation iamge Joanna Sarzynska, Karolina Zielinska, Karol Pasternak, Ryszard Kierzek, Witold Andralojc, Zofia Gdaniec
50242 2020-05-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shifts for [r(UGGUGG)d(U)]4 G-quadruplex The origin of the high stability of 3'-terminal uridine tetrads: contributions of hydrogen bonding, stacking interactions, and steric factors evaluated using modified oligonucleotide analogs Download bibtex for citation iamge Joanna Sarzynska, Karolina Zielinska, Karol Pasternak, Ryszard Kierzek, Witold Andralojc, Zofia Gdaniec
18656 2011-05-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Major Conformation of the Internal Loop 5'GAGU/3'UGAG Novel conformation of an RNA structural switch. Download bibtex for citation iamge Douglas H Turner, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
16950 2010-07-02 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'AAGU/3'UGAA RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Blanton S Tolbert, Douglas H Turner, Nicholas B Hammond, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
16951 2010-07-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'GAGC/3'CGAG RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Blanton S Tolbert, Douglas H Turner, Nicholas B Hammond, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
16952 2010-07-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'UAGA/3'AGAU RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Blanton S Tolbert, Douglas H Turner, Nicholas B Hammond, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
16953 2010-07-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'UAGG/3'GGAU RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Blanton S Tolbert, Douglas H Turner, Nicholas B Hammond, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy