Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
12018 | 2018-07-17 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone resonance assignments of the YAP-binding domain of transcription factor TEAD4 of mouse |
Structural and ligand-binding analysis of the YAP-binding domain of transcription factor TEAD4
Ajaybabu V Pobbati, Alvin W Hung, Anders Poulsen, CongBao Kang, Elizabeth Yihui Ng, Jeffrey Hill, Rong Li, Shuang Liu, Thomas H Keller, Wanjin Hong, Yan Li |
27282 | 2018-03-16 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
Backbone assignment of Zika Virus NS2B-NS3 Protease in complex with a covalent inhibitor |
Structural Insights into the Inhibition of Zika Virus NS2B-NS3 Protease by a Small-Molecule Inhibitor
Anna Jansson, CongBao Kang, Dahai Luo, Hai Yan Yang, Jeffrey Hill, Kassoum Nacro, Rong Li, Thomas H Keller, Wint Wint Phoo, Yan Li, Ying Ru Loh, Yoon Sheng Yeap, Zhenzhen Zhang |
19327 | 2013-08-26 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR Structure of yahO protein from Salmonella typhimurium, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) Target StR106 |
Solution NMR Structure of yahO protein from Salmonella typhimurium
Alexander Eletsky, Burkhard Rost, Chioma Nwosu, Gaetano T Montelione, Gaohua Liu, GVT Swapna, Huang Wang, Jinfeng Liu, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Michael C Baran, Qi Zhang, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton, Thomas Szyperski |
19080 | 2013-06-04 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
Backbone assignment of an unlinked NS2B and NS3 protease complex of dengue virus 2 |
NMR Analysis of a Novel Enzymatically Active Unlinked Dengue NS2B-NS3 Protease Complex.
Alvin W Hung, Andy Yip, Angela Shuyi Chen, Cheng San Brian Chia, Christian G Noble, Congbao Kang, Huichang Annie Lim, Jeffrey Hill, John Liang Kuan Wee, Joma Joy, Le Tian Lee, Melgious Jin Yan Ang, Pei-Yong Shi, Qing-Yin Wang, Qiwei Huang, Rong Li, Shovanlal Gayen, Thomas H Keller, Young Mee Kim |
18112 | 2011-12-20 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Minimal Constraints Solution NMR Structure of Prospero Homeobox protein 1 from Homo sapiens. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target HR4660B. |
Minimal Constraints Solution NMR Structure of Prospero Homeobox protein 1 from Homo sapiens. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target HR4660B.
Colleen Ciccosanti, Gaetano T Montelione, Haleema Janjua, Hsiau-Wei Lee, John K Everett, Li Zhao, Melissa Maglaqui, Oliver A Lange, Paolo Rossi, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton |
16860 | 2010-04-29 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of holo acyl carrier protein from Geobacter metallireducens refined with NH RDCs. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target GmR141. |
Solution NMR structure of holo acyl carrier protein from Geobacter metallireducens refined with NH RDCs. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target GmR141.
Colleen Ciccosanti, Erica L Foote, Gaetano K Montelione, GVT Swapna, John T Everett, Keith Hamilton, Li Zhao, Matthew J Smola, Michael A Kennedy, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Theresa A Ramelot, Thomas B Acton |
16376 | 2009-07-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of the monomeric W187R mutant of A/Udorn NS1 effector domain. Northeast Structural Genomics target OR8C[W187R]. |
Solution NMR structure of the monomeric W187R mutant of A/Udorn NS1 effector domain. Northeast Structural Genomics target OR8C[W187R].
Colleen Ciccosanti, Gaetano T Montelione, Haleema Janjua, Hsiau-Wei Lee, James M Aramini, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Li Zhao, Robert M Krug, Rong Xiao, Yingyi Fang |
16186 | 2009-03-05 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of PSPTO_3016 from Pseudomonas syringae. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target PsR293. |
Solution NMR structure of PSPTO_3016 from Pseudomonas syringae. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target PsR293.
Burkhard Rost, Colleen Ciccosanti, Erik A Feldmann, Gaetano T Montelione, GVT Swapna, John K Everett, Keith Hamilton, Li Zhao, Michael A Kennedy, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Theresa A Ramelot, Thomas B Acton |
16093 | 2009-03-05 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of protein SRU_2040 from Salinibacter ruber (strain DSM 13855). Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target SrR106 |
Solution structure of protein SRU_2040 from Salinibacter ruber (strain DSM 13855) . Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target SrR106
Alexander Eletsky, Dinesh Sukumaran, Erica Foote, Jia Hua, Li Zhao, Mei Jiang, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Yibing Wu |
15999 | 2008-12-03 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of HTH_XRE family transcriptional regulator BT_p548217 from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target BtR244. |
Solution NMR structure of HTH_XRE family transcriptional regulator BT_p548217 from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target BtR244.
Burkhard Rost, Erica L Foote, Gaetano T Montelione, GVT Swapna, John R Cort, Li Zhao, Mei Jiang, Michael A Kennedy, Michael C Baran, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Theresa A Ramelot, Thomas B Acton |
15834 | 2008-07-24 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Coupling Constants: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of FeoA protein from Chlorobium tepidum. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target CtR121 |
Solution NMR structure of FeoA protein from Chlorobium tepidum. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target CtR121
Alexander Eletsky, Ana Zeri, Bharathwaj Sathyamoorthy, Burkhard L Rost, Erica L Foote, Gaetano T Montelione, G VT Swapna, Jeffrey L Mills, Keith Hamilton, Li Zhao, Michael C Baran, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton, Thomas Szyperski |
15829 | 2009-05-07 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Burkhard Rost, Erica L Foote, Gaetano T Montelione, G VT Swapna, James M Aramini, John K Everett, Li Zhao, Mei Jiang, Paolo Rossi, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Seema Sharma, Thomas B Acton |
15812 | 2008-08-08 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR Structure of FeoA-like protein from Clostridium acetobutylicum: Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target CaR178 |
NMR Structure of FeoA-like protein from Clostridium acetobutylicum: Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target CaR178
Burkhard Rost, DINESH SUKUMARAN, Erica L Foote, Gaetano T Montelione, JIA HUA, KIRAN KUMAR SINGARAPU, Li Zhao, Mei Jiang, Michael C Baran, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Swapna GVT, Thomas Acton, THOMAS SZYPERSKI, YIBING WU |
15750 | 2008-05-12 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of the folded 79 residue fragment of Lin0334 fromListeria innocua. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target LkR15. |
Solution NMR structure of the folded 79 residue fragment of Lin0334 from Listeria innocua. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target LkR15.
Burkhard Rost, Erica L Foote, Gaetano T Montelione, GVT Swapna, Jinfeng Liu, Li Zhao, Mei Jiang, Michael A Kennedy, Michael C Baran, Rong Xiao, Theresa A Ramelot, Thomas B Acton |
15683 | 2008-03-19 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 5 sets |
Solution NMR Structure of the folded C-terminal fragment of YiaD from Escherichia coli, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target ER553. |
Solution NMR Structure of the folded C-terminal fragment of YiaD from Escherichia coli. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target ER553.
Burkhard Rost, Gaetano T Montelione, GVT Swapna, Jinfeng Liu, Kieth Hamilton, Li Zhao, Melissa Maglaqui, Michael A Kennedy, Michael C Baran, Rong Xiao, Theresa A Ramelot, Thomas B Acton |
15603 | 2008-03-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 4 sets |
Solution NMR Structure of the NlpC/P60 Domain of Lipoprotein Spr from Escherichia coli: Structural Evidence for a Novel Cysteine Peptidase Catalytic Triad
Burkhard Rost, Gaetano T Montelione, James M Aramini, Jessica Locke, Li Zhao, Masayori Inouye, Mei Jiang, Melissa Maglaqui, Paolo Rossi, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton, Yuanpeng J Huang |
15476 | 2007-09-21 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of the folded N-terminal fragment of UPF0291 protein ynzC from Bacillus subtilis. Northeast Structural Genomics target SR384-1-46. |
Solution NMR structure of the SOS response protein YnzC from Bacillus subtilis
Burkhard Rost, Chi Kent Ho, Gaetano T Montelione, Gurla VT Swapna, James M Aramini, Jinfeng Liu, Karishma Shetty, Kellie Cunningham, Leah A Owens, Li-Chung Ma, Li Zhao, Mei Jiang, Micheal C Baran, Rong Xiao, Seema Sharma, Thomas B Acton, Yuanpeng J Huang |
15386 | 2007-08-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of PefI protein from Salmonella typhimurium. Northeast Structural Genomics target StR82. |
Solution NMR structure of the plasmid-encoded fimbriae regulatory protein PefI from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.
Gaetano T Montelione, James M Aramini, John R Cort, Li-Chung Ma, Paolo Rossi, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton |
15350 | 2007-07-31 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 4 sets |
Northeast Structural Genomics Target SR478 |
NMR Structure of the Bacillus subtilis Protein YvfG, Northeast Structural Genomics Target SR478
Burkhard Rost, Dongyan Wang, Fang Tian, Gaetano T Montelione, G VT Swapna, Haleema Janjua, James H Prestegard, Jinfeng Liu, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Megan A Macnaughtan, Michael Baran, Rong Xiao, Sonal Bansal, Thomas B Acton, Thomas Weldeghiorghis, Xu Wang |
15338 | 2007-08-02 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 4 sets |
NMR Structure of Protein YfgJ from Salmonella Typhimurium. Northeast Structural Genomics Target StR86. |
NMR Structure of Protein YfgJ from Salmonella Typhimurium.
Burkhard Rost, Chioma Nwosu, Gaetano T Montelione, Gurla VT Swapna, Huang Wang, Jinfeng Liu, John R Cort, Kellie Cunningham, Keyang Ding, Leah Owens, Li-Chung Ma, Michael A Kennedy, Michael C Baran, Rong Xiao, Theresa A Ramelot, Thomas B Acton |
15339 | 2007-07-27 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets |
Solution NMR Structure of Ribosome Modulation Factor VP1593 from Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Northeast Structural Genomics Target VpR55 |
Solution NMR Structure of Ribosome Modulation Factor VP1593 from Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Burkhard Rost, Gaetano T Montelione, GVT Swapna, Huang Wang, Jinfeng Liu, Kellie Cunningham, Leah Owens, Li-Chung Ma, Mei Jiang, Michael C Baran, Paolo Rossi, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton, Yuefeng Tang |
15281 | 2007-08-16 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of CC0527 from Caulobacter crescentus. Northeast Structural Genomics target CcR55. |
Solution NMR structure of CC0527 from Caulobacter crescentus. Northeast Structural Genomics target CcR55.
Burkhard Rost, Chioma Nwosu, Dongyan Wang, Gaetano T Montelione, Gurla VT Swapna, Hunter NB Moseley, James M Aramini, Jinfeng Liu, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Micheal C Baran, Paolo Rossi, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton |
15211 | 2007-06-05 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of protein , Northeastprotein yxeF Structural Genomics Consortium target Sr500a |
Solution NMR structure of protein, Northeastprotein yxeF Structural Genomics Consortium target Sr500a
Chen X Chen, Chioma Nwosu, Gaetano Montelione, Gaohua Liu, GVT Swapna, Jessica Locke, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Michael C Baran, Qi Zhang, Rong Xiao, Sagar Bhatnagar, Thomas Acton, Thomas Szyperski, Yibing Wu |
15133 | 2007-03-27 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of protein Uncharacterized BCR, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target CgR1 |
Solution NMR structure of protein Uncharacterized BCR, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target CgR1
Burkhard Rost, Chen Chen, Chioma Nwosu, Gaetano Montelione, Gaohua Liu, GVT Swapna, Jinfeng Liu, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Michael Baran, Qi Zhang, Rong Xiao, Thomas Szyperski, Yibing Wu |
15090 | 2007-03-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR Structure of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 Secreted Protein STM0082: Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target StR109 |
Solution NMR Structure of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 Secreted Protein STM0082: Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target StR109
Alexander Eletsky, Burkhard Rost, David Parish, Dinesh Sukumaran, Gaetano Montelione, Gaohua Liu, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Mei Jiang, Rong Xiao, Thomas Szyperski |
15089 | 2008-09-25 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of Q8ZRJ2 from Salmonella typhimurium. Northeast Structural Genomics target StR65. |
Solution NMR structure of Q8ZRJ2 from Salmonella typhimurium. Northeast Structural Genomics target StR65.
Acton B Thomas, Baran C Micheal, Cunningham Kellie, Gaetano T Montelione, Ho K Chi, James M Aramini, John R Cort, Liu Jinfeng, Ma Li-Chung, Rost Burkhard, Swapna VT Gurla, Xiao Rong |
15079 | 2007-02-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of the ygdR protein from Escherichia coli. Northeast Structural Genomics target ER382A. |
Solution NMR structure of the ygdR protein from Escherichia coli. Northeast Structural Genomics target ER382A.
Burkhard Rost, Chen X Chen, Gaetano T Montelione, GVT Swapna, Jinfeng Liu, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Mei Jiang, Michael C Baran, Paolo Rossi, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton |
7170 | 2015-04-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 4 sets |
1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Bacillus subtilis Hypothetical Protein yvyC: Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target SR482 |
Solution NMR Structure of Bacillus subtilis Protein yvyC
Alexandre Eletsky, Burkhard Rost, Dinesh Sukumaran, Dongyan Wang, Gaetano T Montelione, Gaohua Liu, Haleema Janjua, Hanudatta S Atreya, Jinfeng Liu, Kellie Cunningham, Li-Chung Ma, Michael Baran, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton, Thomas Szyperski |
6799 | 2006-09-05 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Resonance Assignments for Methanococcus Maripaludis Protein Mmp0443: The Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target Mrr16 |
Resonance Assignments for Methanococcus Maripaludis Protein Mmp0443: The Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target Mrr16
Chih-Sheng Yang, Gaetano Montelione, Gaohua Liu, Li-Chung Ma, Rong Xiao, Thomas Szyperski, Tom Acton, Yang Shen |
6693 | 2006-04-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 7 sets |
Structure Determination of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target BoR11 |
1H, 13C, and 15N Resonance Assignments for the Protein Coded by Gene Locus BB0938 of Bordetella bronchiseptica
Chi Ho, Gaetano Montelione, Li-Chung Ma, Michael Kennedy, Paolo Rossi, Rong Xiao, Theresa Ramelot, Thomas Acton |
6256 | 2005-08-22 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical Shift Assignments of TM1509 |
NMR solution structure of Thermotoga maritima protein TM1509 reveals a Zn-metalloprotease-like tertiary structure
Adelinda Yee, Catherine LM Herve du Penhoat, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Diana Murray, Hanudatta S Atreya, Rong Xiao, Seho Kim, Thomas Szyperski, Zhaohui Li |
5845 | 2004-10-10 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Coupling Constants: 1 set |
Backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for S. aureus protein MW2441 / SACOL2532. Northeast Structural Genomics Target ZR31. |
Backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for S. aureus protein MW2441 / SACOL2532. Northeast Structural Genomics Target ZR31.
Gaetano T Montelione, John R Cort, Li-Chung Ma, Michael A Kennedy, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton |