Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
34414 | 2019-10-24 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
SPR and NMR characterization of the molecular interaction between A9 peptide and a model system of HER2 receptor: A fragment approach for selecting peptide structures specific for their target
D Diana, M Saviano, R Fattorusso, S De Luca, V Verdoliva |
34166 | 2018-06-01 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
Ligand-Based NMR Study of C-X-C Chemokine Receptor Type 4 (CXCR4)-Ligand Interactions in Living Cancer Cells |
Ligand-Based NMR Study of C-X-C Chemokine Receptor Type 4 (CXCR4)-Ligand Interactions on Living Cancer Cells.
A Carotenuto, A M Trotta, D Brancaccio, D Diana, E Novellino, F S Di Leva, L Marinelli, L Portella, L Russo, R Fattorusso, S Di Maro, S Scala, S Tomassi |
15373 | 2008-03-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
The prokaryotic Cys2His2 zinc finger adopts a novel fold as revealed by the NMR structure of A. tumefaciens Ros DNA binding domain |
The prokaryotic Cys2His2 zinc finger adopts a novel fold as revealed by the NMR structure of A.tumefaciens Ros DNA binding domain
B Di Blasio, C Isernia, E M Pedone, Gaetano Malgieri, I Baglivo, L Russo, L Zaccaro, P V Pedone, R Fattorusso, S Esposito |