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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52156 2024-09-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
LTA-binding domain of SlpA, the S-layer protein from Lactobacillus amylovorus The molecular architecture of Lactobacillus S-layer: Assembly and attachment to teichoic acids Download bibtex for citation iamge Airi Palva, Ana Medina, Andela Dordic, Christoph Buhlheller, Christoph Grinninger, Claudia Millan, Djenana Vejzovic, Elisabeth Damisch, Francesca Berni, Isabel Uson, Jeroen Codee, Lukas Petrowitsch, Markus Eder, Monika Oberer, Natalia Kulminskaya, Nermina Malanovic, Nina Gubensak, Pedro Sanchez Murcia, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Theo Sagmeister, Ulla Hynonen, Walter Keller
34798 2024-02-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of an i-motif domain with the cytosine analog 1,3-diaza-2-oxophenoxacione (tC) at neutral pH Site-specific incorporation of a fluorescent nucleobase analog enhances i-motif stability and allows monitoring of i-motif folding inside cells Download bibtex for citation iamge Albert Gandioso, Bartomeu Mir, Carlos Gonzalez, Israel Serrano-Chacon, Miguel Garavis, Modesto Orozco, Montserrat Terrazas, Nuria Escaja, Pedro Medina, Veronica Macaluso