Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
30543 | 2019-07-12 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets Spectral_peak_list: 5 sets |
NMR solution structure of the homodimeric, autoinhibited state of the CARD9 CARD and first coiled-coil |
Structures of autoinhibited and polymerized forms of CARD9 reveal mechanisms of CARD9 and CARD11 activation
A Rodriguez Gama, A Rohou, A Witt, B T Walters, C P Arthur, E C Dueber, M J Holliday, R Halfmann, W J Fairbrother |
6597 | 2006-01-11 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Human ARNT C-terminal PAS domain |
Structural Basis of ARNT PAS-B Dimerization: Use of a Common Beta-sheet Interface for Hetero- and Homodimerization.
K H Gardner, P B Card, P J Erbel |