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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
31128 2024-11-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of Asterias rubens peptide (KASH2) Structural analysis of an Asterias rubens peptide indicates the presence of a disulfide-directed beta-hairpin Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex Loukas, Casey A Schmidt, David T Wilson, Guangzu Zhao, Justine Le Quilliec, Kartik Sunagar, Michael J Liddell, Michael J Smout, Naeem Y Shaikh, Norelle L Daly, Rozita Takjoo
31129 2024-11-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of Asterias rubens peptide KASH2-amide Structural analysis of an Asterias rubens peptide indicates the presence of a disulfide-directed beta-hairpin Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex Loukas, Casey A Schmidt, David T Wilson, Guangzu Zhao, Justine Le Quilliec, Kartik Sunagar, Michael J Liddell, Michael J Smout, Naeem Y Shaikh, Norelle L Daly, Rozita Takjoo
30896 2022-07-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of Hact-4 Newly Discovered Peptides from the Coral Heliofungia actiniformis Show Structural and Functional Diversity Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex Loukas, Casey A Schmidt, David J Miller, David T Wilson, Ira Cooke, Jan Tytgat, Matthew Field, Michael J Smout, Norelle L Daly, Rozita Takjoo, Steve Peigneur
30873 2022-07-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of Hact-SCRiP1 Newly Discovered Peptides from the Coral Heliofungia actiniformis Show Structural and Functional Diversity Download bibtex for citation iamge Alex Loukas, Casey A Schmidt, David J Miller, David T Wilson, Ira Cooke, Jan Tytgat, Matthew Field, Michael J Smout, Norelle L Daly, Rozita Takjoo, Steve Peigneur