Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
52604 | 2024-12-02 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone NMR assignments of the human BACH1 BTB domain modified with BTFA at pH 7.5 |
Dual BACH1 regulation by complementary SCF-type E3 ligases
Alexandra Hinniger, Benedikt Goretzki, Britta Knapp, Catrin Swantje S Muller, Cesar Fernandez, Christine Stephan, Claude Tschopp, David Furkert, Dayana Argoti, Enrico Schmidt, Felix Freuler, Grigory Ryzhakov, Jimena Maria M Rada, Laurent Tenaillon, Luca Egger, Mario Iurlaro, Martin Schroder, Maryam Khoshouei, Merve Mutlu, Nele Dierlamm, Patrick Penner, Philipp Hoppe, Sandra Kapps, Sascha Gutmann, Simon Haenni, Zacharias Thiel |
52601 | 2024-12-02 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone NMR assignments of the human BACH1 BTB domain |
Dual BACH1 regulation by complementary SCF-type E3 ligases
Alexandra Hinniger, Benedikt Goretzki, Britta Knapp, Catrin Swantje S Muller, Cesar Fernandez, Christine Stephan, Claude Tschopp, David Furkert, Dayana Argoti, Enrico Schmidt, Felix Freuler, Grigory Ryzhakov, Jimena Maria M Rada, Laurent Tenaillon, Luca Egger, Mario Iurlaro, Martin Schroder, Maryam Khoshouei, Merve Mutlu, Nele Dierlamm, Patrick Penner, Philipp Hoppe, Sandra Kapps, Sascha Gutmann, Simon Haenni, Zacharias Thiel |
52602 | 2024-12-02 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone NMR assignments of the human BACH1 BTB domain at pH 7.5 |
Dual BACH1 regulation by complementary SCF-type E3 ligases
Alexandra Hinniger, Benedikt Goretzki, Britta Knapp, Catrin Swantje S Muller, Cesar Fernandez, Christine Stephan, Claude Tschopp, David Furkert, Dayana Argoti, Enrico Schmidt, Felix Freuler, Grigory Ryzhakov, Jimena Maria M Rada, Laurent Tenaillon, Luca Egger, Mario Iurlaro, Martin Schroder, Maryam Khoshouei, Merve Mutlu, Nele Dierlamm, Patrick Penner, Philipp Hoppe, Sandra Kapps, Sascha Gutmann, Simon Haenni, Zacharias Thiel |
52603 | 2024-12-02 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone NMR assignments of the human BACH1 BTB domain mutant F9A at pH 7.5 |
Dual BACH1 regulation by complementary SCF-type E3 ligases
Alexandra Hinniger, Benedikt Goretzki, Britta Knapp, Catrin Swantje S Muller, Cesar Fernandez, Christine Stephan, Claude Tschopp, David Furkert, Dayana Argoti, Enrico Schmidt, Felix Freuler, Grigory Ryzhakov, Jimena Maria M Rada, Laurent Tenaillon, Luca Egger, Mario Iurlaro, Martin Schroder, Maryam Khoshouei, Merve Mutlu, Nele Dierlamm, Patrick Penner, Philipp Hoppe, Sandra Kapps, Sascha Gutmann, Simon Haenni, Zacharias Thiel |
51866 | 2024-10-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Assignments for fibrillar Cysteine to Serine Double Mutant of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (hIAPP_C2S/C7S) |
Structural Insights into Seeding Mechanisms of hIAPP Fibril Formation
Bernd Reif, Christian Sustay Martinez, Diana C Rodriguez Camargo, Jonas Engler, Martin Zacharias, Natalia Rodina, Riddhiman Sarkar, Saba Suladze |
51865 | 2024-10-23 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Assignments for fibrillar Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (hIAPP) |
Structural Insights into Seeding Mechanisms of hIAPP Fibril Formation
Bernd Reif, Christian Sustay Martinez, Diana C Rodriguez Camargo, Jonas Engler, Martin Zacharias, Natalia Rodina, Riddhiman Sarkar, Saba Suladze |
51708 | 2023-05-16 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution state chemical shift NMR assignment of human l-III immunoglobulin light chain FOR005_GL |
Mechanistic insights into the aggregation pathway of the patient-derived immunoglobulin light chain variable domain protein FOR005
Bernd Reif, Kevin M Meighen-Berger, Martin Zacharias, Matthias J Feige, Riddhiman Sarkar, Tejaswini Pradhan |
51707 | 2023-05-16 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution state chemical shift NMR assignment of human l-III immunoglobulin light chain FOR005_R49G variant. |
Mechanistic insights into the aggregation pathway of the patient-derived immunoglobulin light chain variable domain protein FOR005
Bernd Reif, Kevin M Meighen-Berger, Martin Zacharias, Matthias J Feige, Riddhiman Sarkar, Tejaswini Pradhan |
34589 | 2022-01-16 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets |
Solution structure of the chloroplast outer envelope channel OEP21 |
Structural basis of metabolite transport by the chloroplast outer envelope channel OEP21
Bettina Bolter, Elisabeth Hausler, Franz Hagn, Jurgen Soll, Kai Klopfer, Laura E Sperl, Manuel Hitzenberger, Martin Zacharias, Umut Gunsel |
27584 | 2018-09-18 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 15N, 13C chemical shift assignments for the MAK33 CH2 antibody domain |
A single residue switch reveals principles of antibody domain integrity.
Benedikt Weber, Bernd Reif, Carolin Berner, Gina Maria M Feind, Johannes Buchner, Maria Daniela D Pulido Cendales, Martin Zacharias, Matthias J Brandl, Tejaswini Pradhan |
27585 | 2018-09-18 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 15N, 13C chemical shift assignments for MAK33 EV-CH2-SK antibody domain extended variant |
A single residue switch reveals principles of antibody domain integrity.
Benedikt Weber, Bernd Reif, Carolin Berner, Gina Maria M Feind, Johannes Buchner, Maria Daniela D Pulido Cendales, Martin Zacharias, Matthias J Brandl, Tejaswini Pradhan |
27109 | 2019-10-04 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution-state NMR assignment of the flexible C-terminal domain of the human eye lens molecular chaperone alphaA-crystallin |
The structure and oxidation of the eye lens chaperone alphaA-crystallin
Beate Rockel, Bernd Reif, Carsten Peters, Christoph JO Kaiser, Evgeny V Mymrikov, Johannes Buchner, Juan Zou, Juri Rappsilber, Maria Stavropoulou, Martin Haslbeck, Martin Zacharias, Philipp WN Schmid, Sam Asami, Sevil Weinkauf, Vinay Dahiya |
6562 | 2005-04-19 | Chemical Shifts: 2 sets Coupling Constants: 1 set |
A novel cGUUAg tetraloop structure with a conserved yYNMGg-type backbone conformation from cloverleaf 1 of bovine enterovirus 1 RNA |
A novel cGUUAg tetraloop structure with a conserved yYNMGg-type backbone conformation from cloverleaf 1 of bovine enterovirus 1 RNA
Elke Duchardt, Martin Zacharias, Matthias Gorlach, Oliver Ohlenschlager, Ramadurai Ramachandran, Roland Zell, Sabine Hafner, Simone Seitz, Yvonne Ihle |