Entry ID |
Original Release date |
Data summary |
Entry Title |
Citation Title |
Authors |
6963 |
2006-06-28 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H Chemical Shift Assignments for the Second Kunitz domain of human WFIKKN1, Pro61 in cis- or trans- conformation |
Second Kunitz-type protease inhibitor domain of the human WFIKKN1 protein
Alinda Nagy, Edvards Liepinsh, Gottfried Otting, Laszlo Patthy, Maria Trexler |
5751 |
2003-08-08 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR structure of PCOLCE |
NMR Structure of the Netrin-like Domain (NTR) of Human Type 1 Procollagen C-Proteinase Enhancer Defines Structural Consensus of NTR Domains and Assesses Potential Proteinase Inhibitory Activity and Ligand Binding
Edvards Liepinsh, Gottfried Otting, Guido Pintacuda, Laszlo Banyai, Laszlo Patthy, Maria Trexler |
5047 |
2001-11-14 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR structure of the LCCL Domain and its Implications for DFNA9 Deafness Disorder |
NMR structure of the LCCL Domain and its Implications for DFNA9 Deafness Disorder
Andrei Kaikkonen, Edvards Liepinsh, Gottfried Otting, Johan Weigelt, Laszlo Banyai, Laszlo Patthy, Maria Trexler |
1474 |
1995-07-31 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Sequence-specific 1H NMR Assignments and Structural Characterization of Bovine Seminal Fluid Protein PDC-109 Domain b |
Sequence-specific 1H NMR Assignments and Structural Characterization of Bovine Seminal Fluid Protein PDC-109 Domain b
Keith L Constantine, Laszlo Banyai, Laszlo Patthy, Maria Trexler, M Llinas, Vasudevan Ramesh |