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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
51428 2022-05-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Variant 5 isolated CTD Many dissimilar NusG protein domains switch between alpha-helix and beta-sheet folds Download bibtex for citation iamge Allen K Kim, Ananya Majumdar, Brett D Mensh, Lauren L Porter, Loren L Looger, Marie-Paule P Strub, Mary R Starich, Swechha Rimal
51429 2022-05-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Full-length Variant 5 (CTD only) Many dissimilar NusG protein domains switch between alpha-helix and beta-sheet folds Download bibtex for citation iamge Allen K Kim, Ananya Majumdar, Brett D Mensh, Lauren L Porter, Loren L Looger, Marie-Paule P Strub, Mary R Starich, Swechha Rimal
51433 2022-05-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Variant 8 CTD Many dissimilar NusG protein domains switch between alpha-helix and beta-sheet folds Download bibtex for citation iamge Allen K Kim, Ananya Majumdar, Brett D Mensh, Lauren L Porter, Loren L Looger, Marie-Paule P Strub, Mary R Starich, Swechha Rimal