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Data summary |
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52460 |
2024-10-22 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical shift assignment for the N-terminally acetylated ORF6 C-terminal region from SARS-CoV-2 |
An integrative characterization of proline cis and trans conformers in a disordered peptide
Alethea B Tabor, Alice J Pettitt, Angelo M Figueiredo, Chris D Lorenz, D Flemming Hansen, Gabriella T Heller, Lydia S Newton, Stephen McCarthy, Vaibhav K Shukla |
52459 |
2024-10-22 |
Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
Chemical shift assignment for the ORF6 C-terminal region from SARS-CoV-2 |
An integrative characterization of proline cis and trans conformers in a disordered peptide
Alethea B Tabor, Alice J Pettitt, Angelo M Figueiredo, Chris D Lorenz, D Flemming Hansen, Gabriella T Heller, Lydia S Newton, Stephen McCarthy, Vaibhav K Shukla |
51709 |
2023-03-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid 251-419 |
Molecular insight into the specific interactions of the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid with RNA and host protein
Anthony J Saviola, Christopher C Ebmeier, Elan Eisenmesser, Eunjeong Lee, Jasmina S Redzic, Kirk Charles C Hansen, Natalie Ahn, Nikolai N Sluchanko, Rui Zhao, Tatiana Kutateladze, Xueni Li |
51710 |
2023-03-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
SARS-CoV-2 Phosphorylated Nucleocapsid 1-209 at 35C |
Molecular insight into the specific interactions of the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid with RNA and host protein
Anthony J Saviola, Christopher C Ebmeier, Elan Eisenmesser, Eunjeong Lee, Jasmina S Redzic, Kirk Charles C Hansen, Natalie Ahn, Nikolai N Sluchanko, Rui Zhao, Tatiana Kutateladze, Xueni Li |
51473 |
2022-08-08 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
IL1R8 |
Human and Bacterial Toll-Interleukin Receptor Domains Exhibit Distinct Dynamic Features and Functions
Angelo D'Alessandro, Anthony J Saviola, Charles Dinarello, Elan Z Eisenmesser, Eunjeong Lee, Jasmina S Redzic, Kirk C Hansen, Monika Dzieciatkowska, Travis Nemkov |
51474 |
2022-08-08 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
tirE Coiled Coil |
Human and Bacterial Toll-Interleukin Receptor Domains Exhibit Distinct Dynamic Features and Functions
Angelo D'Alessandro, Anthony J Saviola, Charles Dinarello, Elan Z Eisenmesser, Eunjeong Lee, Jasmina S Redzic, Kirk C Hansen, Monika Dzieciatkowska, Travis Nemkov |
50835 |
2021-07-14 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid 1-209 35 C |
The Inherent Dynamics and Interaction Sites of the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid N-Terminal Region
Aaron Issaian, Alexandra Born, Angelo D'Alessandro, Ashley Blue, Beat Vogeli, Elan Zohar Z Eisenmesser, Eunjeong Lee, Jasmina S Redzic, Kirk C Hansen, Morkos A Henen, Parker J Nichols |
50153 |
2020-06-09 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Isolation and characterization of antimicrobial peptides with unusual disulfide connectivity from the colonial ascidian Synoicum turgens [Turgencin B(Mox2)] |
Isolation and characterization of antimicrobial peptides with unusual disulfide connectivity from the colonial ascidian Synoicum turgens
Aaron Andersen, Aaron G Poth, Celine Richard, David J Craik, Hans-Matti M Blencke, Ida Hansen, Johan Isaksson, Kine o Hansen, Klara Stensvag, Tor Haug |
27775 |
2019-07-02 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
HLS3_Olduvai |
Solution NMR backbone assignment reveals interaction-free tumbling of human lineage-specific Olduvai protein domains
Aaron Issaian, Alexandra Born, Beat Vogeli, James Sikela, Kirk Hansen, Lauren Schmitt, Morkos A Henen, Parker J Nichols |
27569 |
2019-07-02 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Human Lineage Specific 1 domain, NBPF15 |
Solution NMR backbone assignment reveals interaction-free tumbling of human lineage-specific Olduvai protein domains
Aaron Issaian, Alexandra Born, Beat Vogeli, James Sikela, Kirk Hansen, Lauren Schmitt, Morkos A Henen, Parker J Nichols |
27533 |
2019-07-02 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NBPF-15 HLS2-domain |
Solution NMR backbone assignment reveals interaction-free tumbling of human lineage-specific Olduvai protein domains
Aaron Issaian, Alexandra Born, Beat Vogeli, James Sikela, Kirk Hansen, Lauren Schmitt, Morkos A Henen, Parker J Nichols |
27451 |
2018-09-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 15N, 13C chemical shifts for Repressor of Primer (Rop) variant IVVA |
Resonance assignments of wild-type and two cysteine-free variants of the four-helix bundle protein, Rop
Alexandar L Hansen, Chunhua Yuan, David P Bowles, Jason J Lavinder, Kimberly Stephany, Thomas J Magliery |
27450 |
2018-09-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 15N, 13C assignments for Wild-Type Repressor of Primer (Rop) |
Resonance assignments of wild-type and two cysteine-free variants of the four-helix bundle protein, Rop
Alexandar L Hansen, Chunhua Yuan, David P Bowles, Jason J Lavinder, Kimberly Stephany, Thomas J Magliery |
27449 |
2018-09-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13, 15N Chemical Shifts for Repressor of Primer (Rop) Variant C38A C52V (Ala-Val) |
Resonance assignments of wild-type and two cysteine-free variants of the four-helix bundle protein, Rop
Alexandar L Hansen, Chunhua Yuan, David P Bowles, Jason J Lavinder, Kimberly Stephany, Thomas J Magliery |
30311 |
2018-04-11 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of phage displayed derived peptide inhibitor of frizzled 7 receptor |
A selective peptide inhibitor of Frizzled 7 receptors disrupts intestinal stem cells
Aaron H Nile, Christopher Koth, Emily B Gogol, Felipe de Sousa E Melo, Frederic J de Sauvage, Laszlo G Komuves, Lijuan Zhou, Rami N Hannoush, Robert Piskol, Simon Hansen, Stephane Angers, Susmith Mukund, Wayne J Fairbrother, Weiru Wang, Yingnan Zhang, Yue Fu, Yvonne Franke, Zora Modrusan |
11551 |
2014-12-01 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of antimicrobial peptide anoplin in DPC micelles |
Rational Design of alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides: DOs and DON'Ts
Jens Munk, Lars E Uggerhoej, Marlene Fredborg, Niels Frimodt-Moeller, Paul R Hansen, Reinhard Wimmer, Tanja J Poulsen, Teis E Sondergaard |
11552 |
2014-12-01 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of anoplin mutant R5W in DPC micelles |
Rational Design of alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides: DOs and DON'Ts
Jens Munk, Lars E Uggerhoej, Marlene Fredborg, Niels Frimodt-Moeller, Paul R Hansen, Reinhard Wimmer, Tanja J Poulsen, Teis E Sondergaard |
11553 |
2014-12-01 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of anoplin double mutant R5K T8W in DPC micelles |
Rational Design of alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides: DOs and DON'Ts
Jens Munk, Lars E Uggerhoej, Marlene Fredborg, Niels Frimodt-Moeller, Paul R Hansen, Reinhard Wimmer, Tanja J Poulsen, Teis E Sondergaard |
11554 |
2014-12-01 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of anoplin double mutant R5F T8W in DPC micelles |
Rational Design of alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides: DOs and DON'Ts
Jens Munk, Lars E Uggerhoej, Marlene Fredborg, Niels Frimodt-Moeller, Paul R Hansen, Reinhard Wimmer, Tanja J Poulsen, Teis E Sondergaard |
16968 |
2010-06-22 |
Chemical Shifts: 3 sets |
The Solution Structure of a Conformationally Restricted Fully Active Derivative of the Human Relaxin-like Factor (RLF) |
The Solution Structure of a Conformationally Restricted Fully Active Derivative of the Human Relaxin-like Factor (RLF)
Christian Schwabe, Erika E Bullesbach, Flemming D Hansen, Jens J Led, Malene R Jensen, Mathias AS Hass, Soren M Kristensen |
16901 |
2010-05-19 |
Chemical Shifts: 4 sets |
Solution structure of the relaxin-like factor |
Solution Structure of a Conformationally Restricted Fully Active Derivative of the Human Relaxin-like Factor (dagger) (double dagger).
Christian Schwabe, D Flemming Hansen, Erika E Bullesbach, Jens J Led, Malene R Jensen, Mathias AS Hass, Sren M Kristensen |
16293 |
2009-09-04 |
Chemical Shifts: 2 sets |
Solution structure of CA150 FF1 domain and FF1-FF2 interdomain linker |
Structural studies of FF domains of the transcription factor CA150 provide insights into the organization of FF domain tandem arrays.
D Flemming Hansen, D Ranjith Muhandiram, Frank Sicheri, James M Murphy, Julie D Forman-Kay, Lewis E Kay, Matthew J Smith, Mikael Borg, Silke Wiesner, Tony Pawson |
6989 |
2007-03-06 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Ribosomal Protein S24E |
Placement of protein and RNA structures into a 5 A-resolution map of the 50S ribosomal subunit.
J Hansen, M Capel, N Ban, Peter Moore, P Nissen, T Steitz |
1587 |
1995-07-31 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the B9(Asp)Mutant of Human Insulin Sequential Assignment and Secondary Structure |
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the B9(Asp)Mutant of Human Insulin Sequential Assignment and Secondary Structure
Anne MarieM Jorgensen, Finn B Hansen, Jens J Led, Per Balschmidt, Soren M Kristensen |
1586 |
1995-07-31 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the B9(Asp)Mutant of Human Insulin Sequential Assignment and Secondary Structure |
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the B9(Asp)Mutant of Human Insulin Sequential Assignment and Secondary Structure
Anne MarieM Jorgensen, Finn B Hansen, Jens J Led, Per Balschmidt, Soren M Kristensen |
1585 |
1995-07-31 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the B9(Asp)Mutant of Human Insulin Sequential Assignment and Secondary Structure |
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the B9(Asp)Mutant of Human Insulin Sequential Assignment and Secondary Structure
Anne MarieM Jorgensen, Finn B Hansen, Jens J Led, Per Balschmidt, Soren M Kristensen |