Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
30744 | 2020-08-31 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
NMR Structure of HSP1-NH2 antimicrobial peptide in presence of SDS-d25 micelles |
Membrane interactions of the anuran antimicrobial peptide HSP1-NH 2: Different aspects of the association to anionic and zwitterionic biomimetic systems
A N Souza, C O Matos, G A Cardoso, I P Gomes, J M Resende, L MF Costa, L M Liao, L O Nunes, R M Verly, T L Santos |
30745 | 2020-08-31 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
NMR Structure of HSP1-NH2 antimicrobial peptide in presence of DPC-d38 micelles |
Membrane interactions of the anuran antimicrobial peptide HSP1-NH 2: Different aspects of the association to anionic and zwitterionic biomimetic systems
A N Souza, C O Matos, G A Cardoso, I P Gomes, J M Resende, L MF Costa, L M Liao, L O Nunes, R M Verly, T L Santos |
34014 | 2016-09-02 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR structure of Chicken AvBD7 defensin |
The Unusual Resistance of Avian Defensin AvBD7 to Proteolytic Enzymes Preserves Its Antibacterial Activity.
A C Lalmanach, A Joulin-Giet, A Kravtzoff, A P Teixeira-Gomes, C Landon, C Schouler, D Bromme, F B Gilbert, F Lecaille, G Bailleul, G Lalmanach, H Meudal, K Loth, L Coquet, T Jouenne, V Labas |
26790 | 2017-03-02 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H Chemical Shift Assignments for AvBD7 |
The Unusual Resistance of Avian Defensin AvBD7 to Proteolytic Enzymes Preserves Its Antibacterial Activity
Alix Joulin-Giet, Amanda Kravtzoff, Ana-Paula P Teixeira-Gomes, Anne-Christine C Lalmanach, Catherine Schouler, Celine Landon, Dieter Bromme, Fabien Lecaille, Florence B Gilbert, Geoffrey Bailleul, Gilles Lalmanach, Herve Meudal, Karine Loth, Laurent Coquet, Thierry Jouenne, Valerie Labas |
15267 | 2007-10-29 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR structure of the anticoccidial peptide PW2 in DPC micelles |
Structural biology of membrane-acting peptides: Conformational plasticity of anticoccidial peptide PW2 probed by solution NMR
Ana Paula CL Valente, C Cruzeiro-Silva, E M Cilli, Fabio CL Almeida, Francisco Gomes-Neto, Luzineide W Tinoco, P A Lapido-Loureiro, P M Bisch, P VR Barros |