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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52369 2024-12-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TDP-43 W334G/W385G/W412G TDP-43 Amyloid Fibril Formation via Phase Separation-Related and -Unrelated Pathways Download bibtex for citation iamge Guan-Wei W Wu, Jie-Rong R Huang, Jing-Rou R Huang, Pin-Han H Lin, U-Ser S Jeng, Wei-Min M Liu, Yu-Hao H Lin
31027 2023-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Intramembrane recognition between transmembrane domains of IL-9R and common gamma chain Structural basis of gamma-chain family receptor sharing at the membrane level Download bibtex for citation iamge H Wu, J J Chou, R Lenoir Capello, T Cai, X Pi
31026 2023-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Intramembrane recognition between transmembrane domains of IL-7R and common gamma chain Structural basis of gamma-chain family receptor sharing at the membrane level Download bibtex for citation iamge H Wu, J J Chou, R Lenoir Capello, T Cai, X Pi
36473 2023-03-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of Tetrahymena p75OB1-p50PBM Association of the CST complex and p50 in Tetrahymena is crucial for telomere maintenance Download bibtex for citation iamge B Wan, B Wu, H Xue, J Wu, M Lei, T Tang, Y Cao, Y Ma
28139 2020-11-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone resonance assignment of dopamine N-acetyltransferase (Dat) in complex with Ac-CoA An essential role of acetyl coenzyme A in the catalytic cycle of insect arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase Download bibtex for citation iamge Chih-Hsuan H Lai, Chu-Ya Y Wu, Hui-Chun C Cheng, I-Chen C Hu, Ping-Chiang C Lyu, Wei-Cheng C Ding, Yi-Chen C Yang, Yi-Chung C Liu, Yi-Zong Z Lee
50445 2020-11-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone resonance assignment of dopamine N-acetyltransferase (Dat) An essential role of acetyl coenzyme A in the catalytic cycle of insect arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase Download bibtex for citation iamge Chih-Hsuan H Lai, Chu-Ya Y Wu, Hui-Chun C Cheng, I-Chen C Hu, Ping-Chiang C Lyu, Wei-Cheng C Ding, Yi-Chen C Yang, Yi-Chung C Liu, Yi-Zong Z Lee
50385 2020-07-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Proton solid-state NMR assignment of pRN1 Protein Side-Chain-DNA Contacts Probed by Fast Magic-Angle Spinning NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander A Malar, Beat H Meier, Denis Lacabanne, Frederic H-T Allain, Julien Boudet, Loic Salmon, Pengzhi Wu, Riccardo Cadalbert, Thomas Wiegand
30769 2021-11-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of HIV-1 Vpr in complex with the human nucleotide excision repair protein hHR23A Structure of HIV-1 Vpr in complex with the human nucleotide excision repair protein hHR23A Download bibtex for citation iamge A M Gronenborn, C Hao, C H Byeon, G Calero, I-J L Byeon, J Ahn, J Jung, J Skowronski, M DeLucia, S Weiss, X Zhou, Y Wu
30523 2019-02-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 1 set
T1 Relaxation Values: 1 set
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution structure of the large extracellular loop of FtsX in Streptococcus pneumoniae Structure of the Large Extracellular Loop of FtsX and Its Interaction with the Essential Peptidoglycan Hydrolase PcsB in Streptococcus pneumoniae Download bibtex for citation iamge B E Rued, D P Giedroc, D Straume, H Wu, J A Hermoso, K A Edmonds, K E Bruce, L S Havarstein, M Alcorlo, M E Winkler, S Martinez-Caballero, Y Fu
30521 2018-12-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of spider toxin analogue [E17K]ProTx-II Peptide-Membrane Interactions Affect the Inhibitory Potency and Selectivity of Spider Toxins ProTx-II and GpTx-1 Download bibtex for citation iamge A H Benfield, A J Agwa, B Wu, C I Schroeder, D J Craik, J Ligutti, K Biswas, L P Miranda, N Lawrence, O Cheneval, S T Henriques
30522 2018-12-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of spider toxin analogue [F5A,M6F,T26L,K28R]GpTx-1 Peptide-Membrane Interactions Affect the Inhibitory Potency and Selectivity of Spider Toxins ProTx-II and GpTx-1 Download bibtex for citation iamge A H Benfield, A J Agwa, B Wu, C I Schroeder, D J Craik, J Ligutti, K Biswas, L P Miranda, N Lawrence, O Cheneval, S T Henriques
27576 2018-09-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for A97S TTR in 5% DMSO Biophysical characterization and modulation of Transthyretin Ala97Ser Download bibtex for citation iamge Frans Ricardo, Kon-Ping P Lin, Pei-Hao H Wu, Shing-Jong J Huang, Tsyr-Yan Y Yu, Yo-Tsen T Liu, Yu Chang, Yueh-Jung J Yen
27575 2018-09-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for transthyetin in 5% DMSO Biophysical characterization and modulation of Transthyretin Ala97Ser Download bibtex for citation iamge Frans Ricardo, Kon-Ping P Lin, Pei-Hao H Wu, Shing-Jong J Huang, Tsyr-Yan Y Yu, Yo-Tsen T Liu, Yu Chang, Yueh-Jung J Yen
27528 2019-08-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone Assignments for human WDR5 The MLL1 trimeric catalytic complex is a dynamic conformational ensemble stabilized by multiple weak interactions Download bibtex for citation iamge Abdellah Allali-Hassani, Alexander Lemak, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Fengling Li, Hong Wu, Hong Zeng, Lilia Kaustov, Lixin Fan, Marco Faini, Masoud Vedadi, Ruedi Aebersold, Scott Houliston, Shili Duan, Xianyang Fang, Yong Wei, Yunxing Wang
30458 2019-05-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Direct Activation of the Executioner Domain of MLKL by a Select Repertoire of Inositol Phosphates Direct Activation of Human MLKL by a Select Repertoire of Inositol Phosphate Metabolites Download bibtex for citation iamge A Nourse, A T Hale, C D Guibao, C M Dovey, C R Cai, C R Grace, D E McNamara, D R Green, G Quarato, H Wu, J Carette, J Diep, J D York, R C Kalathur, T Moldoveanu
30413 2018-05-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
JzTx-V toxin peptide, wild-type Pharmacological characterization of potent and selective NaV1.7 inhibitors engineered from Chilobrachys jingzhao tarantula venom peptide JzTx-V. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Zou, B D Moyer, B Wu, D Liu, J B Jordan, J H Lee, J K Murray, J Ligutti, J Long, K Andrews, K Biswas, K Sham, L P Miranda, L Shi, P Favreau, R Stocklin, R Yin, V Yu
30411 2018-04-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of JzTx-V, a Nav 1.7 inhibitory peptide Pharmacological characterization of potent and selective NaV1.7 inhibitors engineered from Chilobrachys jingzhao tarantula venom peptide JzTx-V. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Zou, B D Moyer, B Wu, D Liu, J B Jordan, J H Lee, J K Murray, J Ligutti, J Long, K Andrews, K Biswas, K Sham, L Miranda, L Shi, P Favreau, R Stocklin, R Yin, V Yu
36162 2018-10-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the SBDalpha domain of yeast Ssa1 The C-terminal GGAP motif of Hsp70 mediates substrate recognition and stress response in yeast Download bibtex for citation iamge G W Jones, H Wu, H Zhang, J Wang, L Xu, S Perrett, S Wu, W Gong, W Hu
36161 2018-10-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the SBDbeta domain of yeast Ssa1 The C-terminal GGAP motif of Hsp70 mediates substrate recognition and stress response in yeast Download bibtex for citation iamge G W Jones, H Wu, H Zhang, J Wang, L Xu, S Perrett, S Wu, W Gong, W Hu
34220 2019-01-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Solution Structure of MINA-1(254-334) MINA-1 and WAGO-4 are part of regulatory network coordinating germ cell death and RNAi in C. elegans Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Kanitz, Ana M Matia-Gonzalez, Andre P Gerber, Andres Kaech, Anneke Brummer, Ataman Sendoel, Deni Subasic, Erich Michel, Frederic H-T H Allain, Ines Kohler, Jochen Imig, Jonathan Hall, Kapil Dev D Singh, Luca Ducoli, Martin Keller, Michael O Hengartner, Mihaela Zavolan, Nitish Mittal, Ruedi Aebersold, Shivendra Kishore, Xue Zheng, Yibo Wu
27330 2021-07-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of SpyCatcher NMR Spectroscopic Studies Reveal the Critical Role of the Isopeptide Bond in Forming the Otherwise Unstable SpyTag-SpyCatcher Mutant Complexes Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Fang, Jing Liu, Nan Zhang, Shenlin Wang, Wen-Bin B Zhang, Wen-Hao H Wu, Xiao-Di D Da, Yajie Liu
27331 2021-07-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of SpyCatcher part of complex NMR Spectroscopic Studies Reveal the Critical Role of the Isopeptide Bond in Forming the Otherwise Unstable SpyTag-SpyCatcher Mutant Complexes Download bibtex for citation iamge Jing Fang, Jing Liu, Nan Zhang, Shenlin Wang, Wen-Bin B Zhang, Wen-Hao H Wu, Xiao-Di D Da, Yajie Liu
36117 2018-02-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF HUMAN MOG1 Mitosis-specific acetylation tunes Ran effector binding for chromosome segregation Download bibtex for citation iamge H Liu, J Wu, J Zhang, K Ruan, Q Gong, Q Hu, R Tian, S Akram, W Wang, X Bao, X Liu, X Yao, X Yuan, Y Liu, Y Shi, Y Zhang, Z Dou, Z Zhang
30333 2018-02-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Capped-strapped peptide Design of a Short Thermally Stable alpha-Helix Embedded in a Macrocycle Download bibtex for citation iamge A Acharyya, F Gai, H Jo, H Wu, L Liu, W F DeGrado, Y Wu
26725 2016-02-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
MtRpsA_S4 (1)H, (15)N, (13)C resonance assignments for pyrazinoic acid binding domain of ribosomal protein S1 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Download bibtex for citation iamge Biling Huang, Chenyun Guo, Donghai Lin, Jinglin Fu, Xinli Liao, Xueji Wu
25371 2022-05-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR assignments of a novel lectin from sea mussel Crenomytilus grayanus A Multivalent Marine Lectin from Crenomytilus grayanus Possesses Anti-cancer Activity through Recognizing Globotriose Gb3 Download bibtex for citation iamge Chih-Ta Henry T Chien, Chung-Yi Y Wu, Han-Ying Y Wu, I-Fan F Tu, I-Ming M Lee, Iren Wang, Jiahn-Haur H Liao, Kai-Fa F Huang, Meng-Ru R Ho, Pavel A Lukyanov, Shang-Te Danny T Hsu, Shih-Hsiung H Wu, Wei Li, Yu-Ling L Shih
25236 2014-12-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
ssNMR structure of a designed rocker protein De novo design of a transmembrane Zn(II) transporting four-helix bundle Download bibtex for citation iamge Gevorg Grigoryan, Manasi P Bhate, Mei Hong, Michael Grabe, Nathan H Joh, Rudresh Acharya, Tuo Wang, William F DeGrado, Yibing Wu
25234 2014-12-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NOE-based model of the influenza A virus M2 (19-49) bound to drug 11 Flipping in the Pore: Discovery of Dual Inhibitors that Bind in Different Orientations to the Wild-Type versus the Amantadine-Resistant S31N Mutant of the Influenza A Virus M2 Proton Channel Download bibtex for citation iamge Belgin Canturk, Chunlong Ma, Eleonora Gianti, Giacomo Fiorin, Hyunil Jo, Jun Wang, Lawrence H Pinto, Michael L Klein, Robert A Lamb, William F DeGrado, Yibing Wu
25233 2014-12-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NOE-based model of the influenza A virus S31N mutant (19-49) bound to drug 11 Flipping in the Pore: Discovery of Dual Inhibitors that Bind in Different Orientations to the Wild-Type versus the Amantadine-Resistant S31N Mutant of the Influenza A Virus M2 Proton Channel Download bibtex for citation iamge Belgin Canturk, Chunlong Ma, Eleonora Gianti, Giacomo Fiorin, Hyunil Jo, Jun Wang, Lawrence H Pinto, Michael L Klein, Robert A Lamb, William F DeGrado, Yibing Wu
19710 2014-04-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of CDYL2 chromodomain Solution structure of CDYL2 chromodomain Download bibtex for citation iamge Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Hong Wu, Jinrong Min, Scott Houliston, Su Qin
19392 2013-10-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Human Bcl10 CARD Structural Architecture of the CARMA1/Bcl10/MALT1 Signalosome: Nucleation-Induced Filamentous Assembly Download bibtex for citation iamge Ari H Melnick, Chao Zheng, Chenghua Yang, Clay Bracken, Edward Egelman, Hao Wu, Liron David, Lorena Fontan, Monica Rosen, Qi Qiao, Xiong Yu
19325 2014-02-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for a proteasome related subunit (1)H, (13)C and (15)N resonance assignments of the VWA domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rpn10, a regulatory subunit of 26S proteasome. Download bibtex for citation iamge Changwen Jin, Yujie Wu, Yunfei Hu
19000 2013-02-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of VV2_0175 from Vibrio vulnificus, NESG target VnR1 and CSGID target IDP91333 Solution NMR structure of VV2_0175 from Vibrio vulnificus, NESG target VnR1 and CSGID target IDP91333 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexander Lemak, Alexei Savchenko, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Maite Garcia, Scott Houliston
18987 2013-02-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution NMR structure of SACOL0876 from Staphylococcus aureus COL, NESG target ZR353 and CSGID target IDP00841 Solution NMR structure of SACOL0876 from Staphylococcus aureus COL, NESG target ZR353 and CSGID target IDP00841 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexei Savchenko, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Maite Garcia, Scott Houliston
18706 2013-01-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of the influenza A virus S31N mutant (19-49) in presence of drug M2WJ332 Structure and inhibition of the drug-resistant S31N mutant of the M2 ion channel of influenza A virus. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chunlong Ma, Giacomo Fiorin, Jizhou Wang, Jun Wang, Lawrence H Pinto, Michael L Klein, Robert A Lamb, William F Degrado, Yibing Wu
18559 2012-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of the PHD domain of human MLL5. Northeast structural genomics consortium target HR6512A. Solution NMR structure and histone binding of the PHD domain of human MLL5. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexander Lemak, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Damian Yap, Hong Wu, Hong Zeng, Ludmila Dombrovski, Samuel Aparicio, Scott Houliston
18546 2013-05-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the tandem zinc finger domain of fission yeast Stc1 Structural analysis of Stc1 provides insights into the coupling of RNAi and chromatin modification. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chao He, Elizabeth H Bayne, Francesca Taglini, Fudong Li, Jiahai Zhang, Jihui Wu, Ke Ruan, Sreerekha S Pillai, Yunyu Shi
18437 2012-07-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of gpFI C-terminal domain Structural and biochemical characterization of phage FI protein (gpFI) reveals a novel mechanism of DNA packaging chaperone activity. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alan R Davidson, Aled M Edwards, Ana Popovic, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Karen L Maxwell
18249 2013-02-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N backbone and side-chain resonance assignments of reduced CcmG from Escherichia coli (1)H, (13)C and (15)N backbone and side-chain resonance assignments of reduced CcmG from Escherichia coli. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chengyan Wu, Chenyun Guo, Donghai Lin, Hongyu Hu, Jing Hong, Xinli Liao, Xueji Wu
18214 2012-03-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution NMR structure of TSTM1273 from Salmonella typhimurium LT2, NESG target STT322, CSGID target IDP01027 and OCSP target TSTM1273 Solution NMR structure of TSTM1273 from Salmonella typhimurium LT2, NESG target STT322, CSGID target IDP01027 and OCSP target TSTM1273 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexei Savchenko, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Maite Garcia, Scott Houliston
17918 2012-08-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the TbPIN1 Solution Structural Analysis of the Single-Domain Parvulin TbPin1 Download bibtex for citation iamge Donghai H Lin, Jian-Yuan H Goh, Lifang F Sun, Xueji H Wu, Yih-Cherng F Liou, Yufen F Zhao, Yu F Peng
17737 2011-07-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of HopPmal_281_385 from Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola str. ES4326, Midwest Center for Structural Genomics target APC40104.5 and Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target PsT2A Structural analysis of HopPmaL reveals the presence of a second adaptor domain common to the HopAB family of Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexei Savchenko, Alex U Singer, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Hong Cui, Maite Garcia, Scott Houliston, Tatiana Skarina, Xiaohui Xu
17739 2011-07-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of HopABPph1448_220_320 from Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola str. 1448A, Midwest Center for Structural Genomics target APC40132.4 and Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target PsT3A Structural analysis of HopPmaL reveals the presence of a second adaptor domain common to the HopAB family of Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexei Savchenko, Alex U Singer, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Hong Cui, Maite Garcia, Scott Houliston, Tatiana Skarina, Xiaohui Xu
17735 2011-07-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of sf3636, a two-domain unknown function protein from Shigella flexneri 2a, determined by joint refinement of NMR, residual dipolar couplings and small-angle X-ray scatting, NESG target SfR339/OCSP target sf3636 Solution structure of sf3636, a two-domain unknown function protein from Shigella flexneri 2a, determined by joint refinement of NMR, residual dipolar couplings and small-angle X-ray scatting Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Hsiau-Wei Lee, James H Prestegard, Maite Garcia, Xianyang Fang, Yun-xing Wang
17345 2011-01-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution NMR structure of human NFATC2IP ubiquitin-like domain, NFATC2IP_244_338, NESG target HT65A/OCSP target hs00387_244_338/SGC-toronto Human NFATC2IP ubiquitin-like domains Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aled M Edwards, Alexander Lemak, Bin Wu, C Bulter, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Johan Weigelt, Ryan Doherty, Sampath Srisalam, Scott Houliston, Sirano Dhe-Paganon
17132 2010-09-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution Structure of human UBA-like domain of OTUD7A_11_83, NESG target HT6304a/OCSP target OTUD7A_11_83/SGC-Toronto The amino-terminal UBA domain of OTUD7A Download bibtex for citation iamge Abdalin Asinas, Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Ryan Doherty, Scott Houliston, Sirano Dhe-Paganon
16979 2010-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution structure of Enzyme IIB subunit of PTS system from Escherichia coli K12. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target ER315/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target ec0544 Solution structure of Enzyme IIB subunit of PTS system from Escherichia coli K12. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target ER315/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target ec0544 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Anthony Semest, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith
16549 2009-11-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution NMR structure of the Mus81 N-terminal HhH. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target MmT1A Solution NMR structure and DNA binding mode of the Mus81 n-terminal helix-hairpin-helix domain. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Natalie Herzanych, Rob C Laister, Shili Duan
16490 2009-10-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets
Solution structure of protein sf3929 from Shigella flexneri 2a. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target SfR81/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target sf3929 Solution Structure of protein sf3929 from Shigella flexneri 2a. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target SfR81/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target sf3929 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semest, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares
16372 2009-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of protein af2351 from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target AtT9/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target af2351 Solution structure of protein af2351 from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target AtT9/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target af2351 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semest, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Sigrun Rumpel
16374 2009-09-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution Structure of C-terminal domain of reduced NleG2-3 (residue 90-191) from Pathogenic E. coli O157:H7. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium and Midwest Center for Structural Genomics target ET109A Pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 NleG family of Type 3 secretion effectors features a common C-terminal U-box domain and E3 ubiquitin ligase activity Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aled Edwards, Alexander Lemak, Alexander Singer, Alexei Savchenko, Anthony Semest, Bin Wu, Brian Coomes, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Marie Claude
16375 2009-09-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution Structure of C-terminal domain of oxidized NleG2-3 (residue 90-191) from Pathogenic E. coli O157:H7. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium and Midwest Center for Structural Genomics target ET109A Pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 NleG family of Type 3 secretion effectors features a common C-terminal U-box domain and E3 ubiquitin ligase activity Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aled Edwards, Alexander Lemak, Alexander Singer, Alexei Savchenko, Anthony Semest, Bin Wu, Brian Coomes, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Marie Claude
16371 2009-08-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets
Solution Structure Of Protein DSY2949 From Desulfitobacterium hafniense. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target DhR27 Solution Structure Of Protein DSY2949 From Desulfitobacterium hafniense. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target DhR27 Download bibtex for citation iamge B Rost, C Ciccosanti, Dinesh Sukumaran, GT Montelione, GVT Swapna, H Wang, Jeffrey Mills, JK Everett, M Jiang, Qi Zhang, R Nair, R Xiao, TB Acton, Thomas Szyperski, Yibing Wu
16267 2009-04-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 4 sets
Solution NMR structure of tungsten formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit D from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target AtT7 Solution NMR structure of tungsten formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit D from Archaeoglobus fulgidus Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexander Eletsky, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Hsiau-Wei Lee, James H Prestegard, Thomas Szyperski, Yibing Wu
16109 2009-05-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of human ubiquitin-like domain of Herpud2_9_85, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) target HT53A Structure of human homocysteine-inducible, endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducible, ubiquitin-like domain member 2 (Herpud2 or Herp) Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Ryan S Doherty, Sirano Dhe-Paganon
16064 2009-05-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of Bacteroides fragilis protein BF1650. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target BfR218 Solution NMR structure of Bacteroides fragilis protein BF1650. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target BfR218 Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Eletsky, Burkhard Rost, Dinesh Sukumaran, Dong Y Lee, Erica L Foote, Gaetano T Montelione, GVT Swapna, Hsiau-Wei Lee, James H Prestegard, John K Everett, Mei Jiang, Rajesh Nair, Rong Xiao, Thomas B Acton, Thomas Szyperski, Yibing Wu
15701 2008-04-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
solution struture of human C-terminal domain of pirh2/Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) target HT2C Molecular basis of Pirh2-mediated p53 ubiquitylation Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Lemak, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Elizabeth Tai, Jonathan Lukin, Maria Sunnerhagen, Murthy Karra, Rob C Laister, Sam Benchimol, Sampath Srisailam, Shili Duan, Yi Sheng
15700 2009-04-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
solution struture of human N-terminal domain of pirh2/Northeast Structure Genomics Consortium (NESG) target HT2A Molecular basis of Pirh2-mediated p53 ubiquitylation Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Lemak, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Elizabeth Tai, Jonathan Lukin, Maria Sunnerhagen, Murthy Karra, Rob C Laister, Sam Benchimol, Sampath Srisailam, Shili Duan, Yi Sheng
15661 2009-05-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets
Solution NMR Structure of protein hp1203 from Helicobacter pylori 26695 Solution NMR structure of protein hp1203 from helicobacter pyloric 26695/Northeast Structure Genomics Consortium (NESG) target PT1/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target hp1203 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semest, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, John Cort, Michael A Kenney
15562 2009-06-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Heteronuclear NOE Values: 2 sets
T1 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
T2 Relaxation Values: 2 sets
Order Parameters: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 2 sets
Solution Structure of S. cerevisiae PDCD5-like Protein Ymr074cp Solution structure of S. cerevisiae PDCD5-like protein and its promoting role in H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis in yeast. Download bibtex for citation iamge Jiahai Zhang, Jihui Wu, Jingjun Hong, Su Qin, Yunyu Shi, Zhijun Liu
20001 2008-07-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Homonuclear NOE Values: 1 set
A novel lectin-like peptide from Odorrana grahami odorranalectin is a small peptide lectin with potential for drug delivery and targeting Download bibtex for citation iamge Bingxian Wu, Donghai Lin, Hailong Yang, Hongbing Wu, Huw H Rees, Jianhua Zhu, Jianxu Li, Jing Hong, Mark C Prescott, Ren Lai, Xinguo Jiang, Xueqing Xu, Yipeng Wang
15377 2008-03-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of human DESR1 Solution structure of human DESR1, a CSL zinc-binding protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Fangming Wu, F Yang, H Huang, J Sun, J Wu, J Zhang, M Yu, P Ji, W Chu, Y Shi, Z Wu
15360 2008-02-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structures of a DNA Dodecamer Duplex Solution structures of a DNA dodecamer duplex with and without a cisplatin 1,2-d(GG) intrastrand cross-link: comparison with the same DNA duplex containing an oxaliplatin 1,2-d(GG) intrastrand cross-link Download bibtex for citation iamge B Temple, C King, D Bhattacharyya, G Boysen, I Baskerville-Abraham, J Swenberg, S Campbell, S Chaney, S -H Huh, Y Wu
15333 2007-07-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Resonance Assignment of the human Pirh2 RING domain; Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target HT2B Molecular basis of Pirh2-mediated p53 ubiquitylation Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Lemak, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Elizabeth Tai, Jonathan Lukin, Maria Sunnerhagen, Murthy Karra, Rob C Laister, Sam Benchimol, Sampath Srisailam, Shili Duran, Yi Sheng
15324 2009-10-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
A novel domain-swapped solution NMR structure of protein RPA2121 from Rhodopseudomonas palustris A novel domain-swapped solution NMR structure of protein RPA2121 from Rhodopseudomonas palustris Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semest, Bin Wu, Cheryl Arrowsmith, James H Prestegard, John Cort, Michael A Kennedy, Sonal Bansal, Valerie Guido
15302 2008-08-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
a novel lectin-like peptide from Odorrana grahami Odorranalectin is a small peptide lectin with potential for drug delivery and targeting. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bingxian Wu, Donghai Lin, Hailong Yang, Hongbing Wu, Huw H Rees, Jianhua Zhu, Jianxu Li, Jing Hong, Mark C Prescott, Ren Lai, Xinguo Jiang, Xueqing Xu, Yipeng Wang
15150 2007-10-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure and Binding Property of the Domain-swapped Dimer of ZO2PDZ2 Domain-swapped dimerization of the second PDZ domain of ZO2 may provide a structural basis for the polymerization of claudins Download bibtex for citation iamge D Xie, G Zhang, H Huang, J H Wu, J H Zhang, J W Wu, M Wu, P Ji, P Jiang, W Du, Y S Yang, Y Y Shi
15057 2008-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structrue of C-terminal Bromodomain of Brd4 Structural basis and binding properties of the second bromodomain of Brd4 with acetylated histone tails Download bibtex for citation iamge B Ding, H Huang, J Wu, J Zhang, X Wang, Y Liu, Y Shi
7330 2007-10-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of BmKalphaIT01, an alpha-insect toxin from the Venom of the Chinese Scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch Solution Structure of BmKalphaIT01, an alpha-insect toxin from the Venom of the Chinese Scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch Download bibtex for citation iamge C Cao, F H He, G Wu, H M Wu, J Zhu, X Chen, X T Tong, Y G Ma
7086 2006-10-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignment of hypothetical protein tm1012 Assignment of hypothetical protein tm1012 from Thermotoga maritima/ Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target VT128/ Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target tm1012 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelina Yee, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Jonathan Lukin, Michael Kennedy, Theresa Ramelot
7085 2006-10-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignment of hypothetical protein yst6499 Solution structure of hypothetical protein yst6499 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae/ Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target YT727/ Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target yst6499 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelina Yee, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Michael Kennedy, Theresa Ramelot
6746 2006-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignment of phnA-like protein rp4479 Solution structure of phnA-like protein rp4479 from Rhodopseudomonas palustris Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelina Yee, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Michael Kennedy, Theresa Ramelot
6747 2006-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignment of 50S ribosomal protein L40e Solution structure of 50S ribosomal protein L40e from Sulfolobus solfataricus Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelina Yee, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Jonathan Lukin, Michael Kennedy, Theresa Ramelot
6615 2005-12-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for SSD domain of Bacillus subtilis Lon protease (1)H, (13)C and (15)N resonance assignments of alpha-domain for Bacillus subtilis Lon protease Download bibtex for citation iamge AlanYueh-Luen Lee, Chinpan Chen, Iren Wang, Shih-Chi Lo, Shih-Hsiung Wu, Yuan-Chao Lou, Yu-Ching Lin
6473 2005-02-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural and dynamic characteristics of the acid-unfolded state of hUBF HMG Box 1 provide clues for the early events in protien folding Compact molten globule-like state of hUBF HMG Box1 at extremely low pH Download bibtex for citation iamge H Huang, Jiahai Zhang, Jihui Wu, J Xu, Q Chen, X Li, Xuecheng Zhang, Yunyu Shi
6345 2007-03-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of YKR049C Solution Structure of YKR049C, a Putative Redox Protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, B Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Jin-Won Jung, Weontae Lee
6324 2004-12-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the hypothetical protein Tm0979 from Thermotoga maritima A novel member of the YchN-like fold: solution structure of the hypothetical protein Tm0979 from Thermotoga maritima Download bibtex for citation iamge A Pineda-Lucena, A Yee, B Wu, C H Arrowsmith, C Liu, E M Meiering, G Meglei, J A Gaspar, K A Vassall, P B Stathopulos, R Stephen
6291 2005-05-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignment of hypothetical membrane protein ta0354_69_121 Solution structure of hypothetical membrane protein ta0354 from Thermoplasma acidophilum Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelina Yee, Alexander Lemak, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Michael Kennedy, Theresa Ramelot, Yuanpeng H Huang
6152 2004-05-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of TIP-B1 Solution structure of recombinant TIP-B1, a novel TNF inhibitory protein Download bibtex for citation iamge C Xu, J H Wu, P C Zheng, Q H Zhang, Y J Tang, Y Q Xu, Y Y Shi, Y Z Du
6131 2005-03-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of oxidized bovine microsomal cytochrome B5 Mutant V45H The comparative study on the solution structures of the oxidized boving microsomal cytochrome b5 and mutant V45H Download bibtex for citation iamge H Wu, Q Zhang
6028 2004-05-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target TT802 Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target Mth0803 assignment of ribosomal protein S17E Solution structure of ribosomal protein S17E from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelina Yee, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, John R Cort, Michael Kennedy, Theresa Ramelot
5877 2007-02-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Solid State NMR Structure of the Major Coat Protein in Bacteriophage Pf1 Structure of the coat protein in Pf1 bacteriophage determined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Download bibtex for citation iamge A A Nevzorov, C H Wu, D S Thiriot, L Zagyanskiy, S J Opella
5165 2002-05-06 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of Methanobacterium Thermoautotrophicum Protein 1598 An NMR Approach to Structural Proteomics Download bibtex for citation iamge A Denisov, A M Edwards, A Pineda-Lucena, A Semesi, A Yee, B Le, B Wu, C H Arrowsmith, C H Lee, D Wishart, G Finak, G Kozlov, G M Lee, J Liao, J R Cort, K Gehring, L Chen, L P McIntosh, M A Kennedy, P Gutierrez, S Bhattacharyya, T Ramelot, W Lee, X Chang
5166 2001-10-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of hemolysin expression modulating protein Hha An NMR Approach to Structural Proteomics Download bibtex for citation iamge A Denisov, A M Edwards, A Pineda-Lucena, A Semesi, A Yee, B Le, B Wu, C H Arrowsmith, C H Lee, D Wishart, G Finak, G Kozlov, G M Lee, J Liao, J R Cort, K Gehring, L Chen, L P McIntosh, M A Kennedy, P Gutierrez, S Bhattacharyya, T Ramelot, W Lee, X Chang
5104 2002-04-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
An NMR Approach to Structural Proteomics An NMR Approach to Structural Proteomics Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aled M Edwards, Aleksej Denisov, Anthony Semesi, Antonio Pineda-Lucena, Bin Wu, Brian Le, Chang-Hun Lee, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, David Wishart, Gregory M Lee, Grzegorz Finak, Guennadi Kozlov, Jack Liao, John R Cort, Kalle Gehring, Lawrence P McIntosh, Limin Chen, Michael A Kennedy, Pablo Gutierrez, Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Theresa Ramelot, Weontae Lee, Xiaoqing Chang
5105 2002-04-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
An NMR Approach to Structural Proteomics An NMR Approach to Structural Proteomics Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aled M Edwards, Aleksej Denisov, Anthony Semesi, Antonio Pineda-Lucena, Bin Wu, Brian Le, Chang-Hun Lee, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, David Wishart, Gregory M Lee, Grzegorz Finak, Guennadi Kozlov, Jack Liao, John R Cort, Kalle Gehring, Lawrence P McIntosh, Limin Chen, Michael A Kennedy, Pablo Gutierrez, Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Theresa Ramelot, Weontae Lee, Xiaoqing Chang
5106 2002-04-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
An NMR Approach to Structural Proteomics An NMR Approach to Structural Proteomics Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aled M Edwards, Aleksej Denisov, Anthony Semesi, Antonio Pineda-Lucena, Bin Wu, Brian Le, Chang-Hun Lee, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, David Wishart, Gregory M Lee, Grzegorz Finak, Guennadi Kozlov, Jack Liao, John R Cort, Kalle Gehring, Lawrence P McIntosh, Limin Chen, Michael A Kennedy, Pablo Gutierrez, Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Theresa Ramelot, Weontae Lee, Xiaoqing Chang
5059 2002-08-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignments for EC005 from E. coli An NMR Approach to Stuctural Proteomics Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, A Denisov, A M Edwards, A Pineda_Lucena, A Semesi, B Le, B Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, C H Lee, D Wishart, G Finak, G Kozlov, G M Lee, J Liao, J R Cort, Kalle Gehring, L Chen, L P McIntosh, M A Kennedy, P Gutierrez, S Bhattacharyya, T Ramelot, W Lee, X Chang
5060 2002-02-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
1H, 15N, 13C NMR Assignments of TM006 Protein from Thermotoga maritima An NMR approach to structural proteomics Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aled M Edwards, Alexei Denisov, Anthony Semesi, Antonio Pineda-Lucena, Bin Wu, Brian Le, Chang-Hun Lee, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, David Wishart, Gregory M Lee, Grzegorz Finak, Guennadi Kozlov, Jack Liao, John R Cort, Kalle Gehring, Lawrence P McIntosh, Limin Chen, Michael A Kennedy, Pablo Gutierrez, Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Theresa Ramelot, Weontae Lee, Xiaoqing Chang
5051 2002-08-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N and Side-Chain 1H Chemical Shift Assignments for MTH1692 An NMR Approach to Stuctural Proteomics Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, A Denisov, A M Edwards, A Pineda_Lucena, A Semesi, B Le, B Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, C H Lee, D Wishart, G Finak, G Kozlov, G M Lee, J Liao, J R Cort, Kalle Gehring, L Chen, L P McIntosh, M A Kennedy, P Gutierrez, S Bhattacharyya, T Ramelot, W Lee, X Chang
4643 2002-09-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
The solution structure of sheep myeloid antimicrobial peptide (smap29) and its relationship to biological function SMAP-29 has two LPS-binding sites and a central hinge Download bibtex for citation iamge A D Robertson, A J Waring, B F Tack, H Wu, L M Boo, M A Sherman, M V Sawai, R I Lehrer, T Hong, W R Kearny, W Wang
4740 2002-04-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Solution Structure of a 8.3 kDa Protein (gene MTH1184) from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Structural proteomics of an archaeon Download bibtex for citation iamge A Dharamsi, A M Edwards, A R Davidson, A Savchenko, A Yee, C D Mackereth, C H Arrowsmith, D Christendat, E F Pai, G Kozlov, I Ekiel, J R Cort, K Gehring, K L Maxwell, L P Mcintosh, M A Kennedy, M Gerstein, N Wu, V Booth, V Saridakis, Y Kluger
4585 2000-12-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of BmP02, a new Potassium channel Blocker from the Venom of the Chinese Scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch Solution Structure of BmP02, a new Potassium channel Blocker from the Venom of the Chinese Scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch Download bibtex for citation iamge J H Wu, J M Pei, Q C Tong, Y H Ji, Y Q Xu, Y Y Shi