Entry ID | Original Release date | Data summary | Entry Title | Citation Title | Authors |
34745 | 2023-02-17 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
The Solution Structure of the Triple Mutant Methyl-CpG-Binding Domain from MeCP2 that Binds to Asymmetrically Modified DNA |
Epigenetic Marks Probed by a DNA Duplex Reader via a Well-Tempered Conformational Plasticity
H Singh |
28100 | 2020-11-12 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical shift assignment for human EDC3 residues 104-197 |
EDC3 phosphorylation regulates growth and invasion through controlling P-body formation and dynamics
Andrew Dl D Nelson, Andrew S Kraft, Anne E Cress, Ghassan Mouneimne, Jaime Mc M Gard, Jeremiah J Bearss, Jin H Song, J Ross R Buchan, Koichi Okumura, Marina Cardo-Vila, Matthew R Harter, Neha Singh, Nikita Fernandes, Sathish Kr K Padi, Wolfgang Peti, Yang Li |
30724 | 2020-04-27 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Cap1G-TPUA |
Structural basis for transcriptional start site control of HIV-1 RNA fate
Aishwarya S Iyer, Alice Telesnitsky, Bryce Edwards, David A Case, Dillion Francis, Frances Grace G Ghinger, Ghazal Becker, Hannah Carter, Issac Chaudry, Jana Hijji, Joshua D Brown, Kailan Stewart, Karndeep Singh, Lindsay Glang, Matthew Orellana, Michael F Summers, Michael W Lopresti, Patrick Chen, Seung H Choi, Siarhei Kharytonchyk, Tatiana Rodriguez, Ubiomo Oboh, Yash Desai |
30723 | 2020-04-27 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Cap3G-TAR-F1 |
Structural basis for transcriptional start site control of HIV-1 RNA fate
Aishwarya S Iyer, Alice Telesnitsky, Bryce Edwards, David A Case, Dillion Francis, Frances Grace G Ghinger, Ghazal Becker, Hannah Carter, Issac Chaudry, Jana Hijji, Joshua D Brown, Kailan Stewart, Karndeep Singh, Lindsay Glang, Matthew Orellana, Michael F Summers, Michael W Lopresti, Patrick Chen, Seung H Choi, Siarhei Kharytonchyk, Tatiana Rodriguez, Ubiomo Oboh, Yash Desai |
34463 | 2019-12-20 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structural and DNA Binding Properties of Mycobacterial Integration Host Factor mIHF |
Structural and DNA binding properties of mycobacterial integration host factor mIHF
A Japaridze, G Dietler, H Voilquin, J Piton, L A Abriata, L Emsley, M Lelli, N T Odermatt, R Singh, S T Cole, T Herrmann |
34420 | 2020-08-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
SH3-subunit of chicken alpha spectrin solved by NMR |
Protein Motional Details Revealed by Complementary Structural Biology Techniques
A Klein, B Voegeli, C Hebrank, H Singh, K Grohe, L Shaefer, P Rovo, R Linser, S K Vasa, S Medina, S Patel |
34347 | 2019-12-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set Spectral_peak_list: 1 set |
Assessment of a large enzyme-drug complex by proton-detected solid-state NMR without deuteration |
Assessment of a Large Enzyme-Drug Complex by Proton-Detected Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy without Deuteration.
H Singh, K Grohe, R Linser, S K Vasa |
34220 | 2019-01-28 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR Solution Structure of MINA-1(254-334) |
MINA-1 and WAGO-4 are part of regulatory network coordinating germ cell death and RNAi in C. elegans
Alexander Kanitz, Ana M Matia-Gonzalez, Andre P Gerber, Andres Kaech, Anneke Brummer, Ataman Sendoel, Deni Subasic, Erich Michel, Frederic H-T H Allain, Ines Kohler, Jochen Imig, Jonathan Hall, Kapil Dev D Singh, Luca Ducoli, Martin Keller, Michael O Hengartner, Mihaela Zavolan, Nitish Mittal, Ruedi Aebersold, Shivendra Kishore, Xue Zheng, Yibo Wu |
27130 | 2017-09-14 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments of the FnIII-2 domain from Vibrio cholerae RbmA |
Structural dynamics of RbmA governs plasticity of Vibrio cholerae biofilms
Alicia K Michael, Andrew Rogers, Carrie L Partch, Evgeny Vinogradov, Fitnat H Yildiz, Jiunn CN Fong, Knut Drescher, Lars Dietrich, Nicole C Parsley, Praveen K Singh, Raimo Hartmann, William-Cole Cornell, Yu-Cheng Lin |
19307 | 2014-02-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Magnesium bound form of UVI31+ from C. reinhardtii |
(1)H, (13)C and (15)N NMR assignments of a mutant of UV inducible transcript (S55A-UVI31+) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
B J Rao, Himanshu Singh, Kandala VR Chary |
19308 | 2014-02-13 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Biochemical effect of S-67 phosphorylation on UVI31+ from C. reinhardtii |
(1)H, (13)C and (15)N NMR assignments of a mutant of UV inducible transcript (S55A-UVI31+) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
B J Rao, Himanshu Singh, Kandala VR Chary |
18969 | 2014-02-14 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of S55A mutant of UVI31+ from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii |
(1)H, (13)C and (15)N NMR assignments of a mutant of UV inducible transcript (S55A-UVI31+) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
B J Rao, Himanshu Singh, Kandala VR Chary |
18567 | 2013-02-28 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Overexpression, purification and structural characterization of S114A mutant of UVI31+ from chlamydomonas reinhardtii |
H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of S114A mutant of UVI31+ from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Basuthkar J Rao, Himanshu Singh, Kandala VR Chary, Manish Shukla, Vandana Raghavan |
18547 | 2012-08-27 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR Structure of CalU16 from Micromonospora echinospora, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) Target MiR12 |
Solution NMR Structure of CalU16 from Micromonospora echinospora, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) Target MiR12
Craig A Bingman, Dan Lee, Eitan Kohan, Gaetano T Montelione, George N Phillips Jr, Haleema Janjua, Hsiau-Wei Lee, James H Prestegard, John K Everett, Jon S Thorson, Kari Pederson, Michael A Kennedy, Rong Xiao, Russel L Wrobel, Shanteri Singh, Theresa A Ramelot, Thomas B Acton, Yunhuang Yang |
6726 | 2006-09-06 | Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of self-sacrificing resistance protein CalC from Micromonospora echinospora |
Structural Insight into the Self-Sacrifice Mechanism of Enediyne Resistance
Bryon R Griffith, Changsheng Zhang, John L Markley, Jon S Thorson, Klaas Hallenga, Martin H Hager, Min S Lee, Shanteri Singh |