Entry ID |
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Entry Title |
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Authors |
31031 |
2022-11-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR Structure of Streptococcal Protein GB1 Backbone Modified Variant: beta-ACPC24, beta-3-Lys28, beta-3-Lys31, beta-ACPC35 |
Chemical Shifts of Artificial Monomers Used to Construct Heterogeneous-Backbone Protein Mimetics in Random Coil and Folded States
A N Distefano, G L O'Brien, J A Wolfe, J R Santhouse, S L Heath, S R Rao, T W Harmon, W S Horne, Z E Reinert |
30754 |
2021-02-20 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR solution structure of Asterix/Gtsf1 from mouse (CHHC zinc finger domains) |
Asterix/Gtsf1 links tRNAs and piRNA silencing of retrotransposons
A G Palmer III, J J Ipsaro, L Joshua-Tor, P A O'Brien, S Bhattacharya |
11543 |
2014-10-20 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR solution structure of [G5,T7,S9]-oxytocin |
Oxytocic plant cyclotides as templates for peptide G protein-coupled receptor ligand design
Alysha G Elliott, Christian W Gruber, David J Craik, Johannes Koehbach, Margaret O'Brien, Marion Miazzo, Markus Muttenthaler, Michael Freissmuth, Muharrem Akcan, Norelle L Daly, Peta J Harvey, Philip E Dawson, Sarah Arrowsmith, Sunithi Gunasekera, Susan Wray, Terry J Smith, Ulf Goransson |