51061 |
2022-03-08 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Membrane permeabilization is mediated by distinct epitopes in mouse and human orthologs of the necroptosis effector, MLKL
Ahmad Wardak, Andre L Samson, Annette V Jacobsen, Ashish Sethi, Cheree Fitzgibbon, Christopher R Horne, Emma J Petrie, James M Murphy, Joanne M Hildebrand, Karyn Wilde, Katherine A Davies, Paul R Gooley, Peter E Czabotar, Sarah E Garnish |
27019 |
2018-09-04 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
RXFP2-LDLa-linker-GB1 |
The involvement of the LDLa linker in the mode of activation of the GPCR RXFP2
Ashish Sethi, Daniel Scott, Emma Petrie, Mohammed Akhter Hossain, Nicholas Smith, Paul Gooley, Qing-Ping Wu, Ross Bathgate, Shoni Bruell, Zhan-Yun Guo |
26721 |
2016-02-12 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
RXFP1-LDLa linker |
Native Chemical Ligation to Minimize Aspartimide Formation during Chemical Synthesis of Small LDLa Protein
Ashish Sethi, Emma J Petrie, J Tailhades, Mohammed A Hossain, Paul R Gooley, R D Wade, Ross AD Bathgate |
19283 |
2014-06-02 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution NMR structure of the RXFP2 LDLa module |
Solution NMR structure of the RXFP2 LDLa module
Emma J Petrie, Paul R Gooley, Ross AD Bathgate |
19200 |
2013-08-12 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
RXFP1 utilises hydrophobic moieties on a signalling surface of the LDLa module to mediate receptor activation |
The Relaxin Receptor (RXFP1) Utilizes Hydrophobic Moieties on a Signaling Surface of Its N-terminal Low Density Lipoprotein Class A Module to Mediate Receptor Activation.
Biswaranjan Mohanty, Emma J Petrie, Jason Ling, Jeremy CY Lee, Paul R Gooley, Ross AD Bathgate, Roy CK Kong |