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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
30150 2017-08-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution structure of a Bcl-xL S62E mutant Regulation of apoptosis by an intrinsically disordered region of Bcl-xL Download bibtex for citation iamge Aaron H Phillips, Ariele Viacava V Follis, Cheon-Gil G Park, Douglas R Green, Fabien Llambi, Francesca M Marassi, Halime Kalkavan, Richard W Kriwacki, Yong Yao
19520 2014-04-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of BCL-xL in its p53-bound conformation determined with selective isotope labelling of I,L,V sidechains The DNA Binding Domain is a Promiscuous Interaction Hub that Mediates the Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Functions of p53 Download bibtex for citation iamge Ariele Viacava Follis, Douglas R Green, Fabien Llambi, Li Ou, Richard W Kriwacki
19521 2014-04-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of BCL-xL containing the alpha1-alpha2 disordered loop determined with selective isotope labelling of I,L,V sidechains The DNA Binding Domain is a Promiscuous Interaction Hub that Mediates the Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Functions of p53 Download bibtex for citation iamge Ariele Kriwacki, Douglas R Green, Fabien Llambi, Li Ou, Richard W Kriwacki
19522 2015-07-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the Complex Between BCL-xL and the p53 Core Domain determined with PRE restraints The DNA Binding Domain is a Promiscuous Interaction Hub that Mediates the Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Functions of p53 Download bibtex for citation iamge Ariele Viacava Follis, Douglas R Green, Fabien Llambi, Li Ou, Richard W Kriwacki
19045 2013-04-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The NMR structure of the BID-BAK complex BID-induced structural changes in BAK promote apoptosis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda Nourse, Christy R Grace, Douglas R Green, Fabien Llambi, Kalle Gehring, Patrick Fitzgerald, Richard W Kriwacki, Tudor Moldoveanu
18793 2013-01-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of BCL-xL in complex with PUMA BH3 peptide PUMA binding induces partial unfolding within BCL-xL to disrupt p53 binding and promote apoptosis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda Nourse, Ariele Viacava Follis, Christy R Grace, Douglas R Green, Jerry E Chipuk, John C Fisher, Katherine Baran, Lie Min, Li Ou, Mi-Kyung Yun, Richard W Kriwacki, Stephen W White
18792 2013-01-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of BCL-xL determined with selective isotope labelling of I,L,V sidechains PUMA binding induces partial unfolding within BCL-xL to disrupt p53 binding and promote apoptosis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Amanda Nourse, Ariele Viacava Follis, Christy R Grace, Douglas R Green, Jerry E Chipuk, John C Fisher, Katherine Baran, Lie Min, Li Ou, Mi-Kyung Yun, Richard W Kriwacki, Stephen W White