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52416 |
2024-05-20 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Resonance assignment of a loc1p region |
Intrinsically disordered RNA-binding motifs cooperate to catalyze RNA folding and drive phase separation
Andre Gerber, Annika Niedner-Boblenz, Dierk Niessing, Dorothee Dormann, Elena Davydenko, Irina Anosova, Janosch Hennig, Jean-Christophe Paillart, Kathi Zarnack, Mario Hofweber, Marisa Muller, Melina Klostermann, Michael Sattler, Robert Janowski, Roland Heym, Thomas Monecke, Wieland Mayer |
27827 |
2019-03-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Human IMP3 KH1-2 delta 1 amide chemical shifts |
Combinatorial recognition of clustered RNA elements by the multidomain RNA-binding protein IMP3.
Albrecht Bindereif, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wilmen, Dierk Niessing, Jacqueline Wagner, Lee-Hsueh Hung, Masood Aziz, Michael Sattler, Peter Friedhoff, Robert Janowski, Silke Schreiner, Simon Mueller, Stefan Huettelmaier, Stephanie Thaum, Tim Schneider |
27816 |
2019-03-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Human IMP3 KH1-2 delta2 amide chemical shifts |
Combinatorial recognition of clustered RNA elements by the multidomain RNA-binding protein IMP3.
Albrecht Bindereif, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wilmen, Dierk Niessing, Jacqueline Wagner, Lee-Hsueh Hung, Masood Aziz, Michael Sattler, Peter Friedhoff, Robert Janowski, Silke Schreiner, Simon Mueller, Stefan Huettelmaier, Stephanie Thaum, Tim Schneider |
27815 |
2019-03-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Human IMP3 KH1-2 amide chemical shifts |
Combinatorial recognition of clustered RNA elements by the multidomain RNA-binding protein IMP3.
Albrecht Bindereif, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wilmen, Dierk Niessing, Jacqueline Wagner, Lee-Hsueh Hung, Masood Aziz, Michael Sattler, Peter Friedhoff, Robert Janowski, Silke Schreiner, Simon Mueller, Stefan Huettelmaier, Stephanie Thaum, Tim Schneider |
27813 |
2019-03-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Amide chemical shifts of human IMP3 RRM1-2 (1-156) |
Combinatorial recognition of clustered RNA elements by the multidomain RNA-binding protein IMP3.
Albrecht Bindereif, Andreas Schlundt, Anna Wilmen, Dierk Niessing, Jacqueline Wagner, Lee-Hsueh Hung, Masood Aziz, Michael Sattler, Peter Friedhoff, Robert Janowski, Silke Schreiner, Simon Mueller, Stefan Huettelmaier, Stephanie Thaum, Tim Schneider |
26939 |
2016-12-29 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Iminoproton chemical shifts of ASH1 E3 42mer RNA stem-loop |
Molecular architecture and dynamics of ASH1 mRNA recognition by its mRNA-transport complex
Andreas Jenner, Andreas Schlundt, Annika Niedner-Boblenz, Dierk Niessing, Franziska T Edelmann, Jean-Christophe Paillart, Michael Sattler, Muhammad I Syed, Ralf-Peter Jansen, Ralf Stehle, Robert Janowski, Roland G Heym |
26938 |
2016-12-29 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Iminoproton chemical shifts of ASH1 E3 28mer RNA stem-loop |
Molecular architecture and dynamics of ASH1 mRNA recognition by its mRNA-transport complex
Andreas Jenner, Andreas Schlundt, Annika Niedner-Boblenz, Dierk Niessing, Franziska T Edelmann, Jean-Christophe Paillart, Michael Sattler, Muhammad I Syed, Ralf-Peter Jansen, Ralf Stehle, Robert Janowski, Roland G Heym |
26709 |
2016-01-14 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone Assignment of Human linear diubiquitin |
Inhibition of Canonical NF-kB Signaling by a Small Molecule Targeting NEMO-Ubiquitin Interaction
Ana C Messias, Arianna Bertossi, Arie Geerlof, Daniel Krappmann, Daniel Nagel, Dierk Niessing, Hadian Kamyar, Hana Velvarska, Jara K Brenke, Jenny Halander, Kathrin Demski, Michael Sattler, Michelle Vincendeau, Ralf Stehle, Richard Griesbach, Ute Greczmiel |
26708 |
2016-01-14 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone Assignment of Human NEMO residues 258-350 |
Inhibition of Canonical NF-kB Signaling by a Small Molecule Targeting NEMO-Ubiquitin Interaction
Ana C Messias, Arianna Bertossi, Arie Geerlof, Daniel Krappmann, Daniel Nagel, Dierk Niessing, Hadian Kamyar, Hana Velvarska, Jara K Brenke, Jenny Halander, Kathrin Demski, Michael Sattler, Michelle Vincendeau, Ralf Stehle, Richard Griesbach, Ute Greczmiel |
26588 |
2016-10-04 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone chemical shifts of Roquin ROQ domain in complex with a Selex-derived stem-hexa-loop RNA motif |
Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3'-UTR of Ox40
Andreas R Gruber, Andreas Schlundt, Dierk Niessing, Gitta A Heinz, Michael Blank, Michael Sattler, Mihaela Zavolan, Nina Wommelsdorf, Raymund Buhmann, Robert Janowski, Sven Brenner, Thorsten Buch, Vigo Heissmeyer |
26587 |
2016-10-04 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone chemical shifts of Roquin ROQ domain in complex with Ox40 stem-hexa-loop RNA |
Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3'-UTR of Ox40
Andreas R Gruber, Andreas Schlundt, Dierk Niessing, Gitta A Heinz, Michael Blank, Michael Sattler, Mihaela Zavolan, Nina Wommelsdorf, Raymund Buhmann, Robert Janowski, Sven Brenner, Thorsten Buch, Vigo Heissmeyer |
25417 |
2015-05-18 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR resonance assignments of CadC 1-159 from E.coli |
Structural and functional analysis of the signal transducing linker in the pH-responsive one component system CadC of Escherichia coli
Andreas Schlundt, Dierk Niessing, Kirsten Jung, Michael Sattler, Robert Janowski, Sophie Buchner, Thomas Heydenreich |
25021 |
2014-07-01 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone chemical shifts of murine Roquin-1 ROQ domain (147-326), apo form |
Structural basis for RNA recognition in roquin-mediated post-transcriptional gene regulation.
Andreas Schlundt, Arie Geerlof, Dierk Niessing, Gitta A Heinz, Michael Sattler, Ralf Stehle, Robert Janowski, Vigo Heissmeyer |
19996 |
2014-07-01 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone chemical shifts of the murine ROQUIN-1 ROQ domain in complex with Tnf CDE 23mer RNA |
Structural basis for RNA recognition in roquin-mediated post-transcriptional gene regulation
Andreas Schlundt, Arie Geerlof, Dierk Niessing, Gitta Heinz, Michael Sattler, Ralf Stehle, Robert Janowski, Vigo Heissmeyer |
19478 |
2010-10-04 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone assignments for TNRC6B motif I (599-683) |
Structural features of Argonaute-GW182 protein interactions.
Dierk Niessing, Franz Herzog, Gunter Meister, Janina Pfaff, Janosch Hennig, Michael Sattler, Ruedi Aebersold |