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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34867 2024-06-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Formation of left-handed helices by C2'-fluorinated nucleic acids under physiological salt conditions Formation of left-handed helices by C2'-fluorinated nucleic acids under physiological salt conditions Download bibtex for citation iamge Arnau Dominguez, Carlos Gonzalez, Cristina Cabrero, David Friedland, Harneesh Kaur, James D Thorpe, Masad J Damha, Modesto Orozco, Morgane Roman, Roberto El-Khoury, Santiago Movilla
34856 2024-06-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Formation of left-handed helices by C2'-fluorinated nucleic acids under physiological salt conditions Formation of left-handed helices by C2'-fluorinated nucleic acids under physiological salt conditions Download bibtex for citation iamge Arnau Dominguez, Carlos Gonzalez, Cristina Cabrero, David Friedland, Harneesh Kaur, James D Thorpe, Masad J Damha, Modesto Orozco, Morgane Roman, Roberto El-Khoury, Santiago Movilla
34858 2024-06-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Formation of left-handed helices by C2'-fluorinated nucleic acids under physiological salt conditions Formation of left-handed helices by C2'-fluorinated nucleic acids under physiological salt conditions Download bibtex for citation iamge Arnau Dominguez, Carlos Gonzalez, Cristina Cabrero, David Friedland, Harneesh Kaur, James D Thorpe, Masad J Damha, Modesto Orozco, Morgane Roman, Roberto El-Khoury, Santiago Movilla
34596 2022-02-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of DNA duplex containing a 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-1,N6-ethenoadenine base modification that induces exclusively A->T transversions in Escherichia coli 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxo-1,N6-ethenoadenine: an exclusively Hoogsteen-paired thymine mimic in DNA that induces A\u2192T transversions in Escherichia coli Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexei A Khrulev, Andrey V Aralov, Anna M Varizhuk, Anton V Turaev, Bogdan I Fedeles, Carlos Gonzalez, Cristina Cabrero, Denis Melnik, Dmitriy Y Ryazantsev, Ekaterina A Isaakova, John M Essigmann, Nina Gubina, Robert G Croy, Svetlana Dukova, Timofei S Zatsepin, Vladimir B Tsvetkov