Entry ID |
Original Release date |
Data summary |
Entry Title |
Citation Title |
Authors |
51814 |
2023-08-31 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone Chemical Shift Assignments (1H, 13C, and 15N) for the CH Domain of Yeast Kinetochore Protein Ndc80 |
Multivalent Molecular Tweezers Disrupt the Essential NDC80 Interaction with Microtubules
Abbna Kirupakaran, Alexander Dudziak, Christine Beuck, Elsa Sanchez-Garcia, Felix Niemeyer, Jessica Felice F Schmuck, Joel Mieres-Perez, Jonas Neblik, My-Hue H Le, Peter Bayer, Stefan Westermann, Thomas Schrader, Ursula Telgheder |
51468 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of the distal domain of a K29-linked ubiquitin dimer (K29-linked diUb) comprising an artificial triazole linkage |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51469 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of the distal domain of a K33-linked ubiquitin dimer (K33-linked diUb) comprising an artificial triazole linkage |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51463 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of ubiquitin C-terminally functionalized with an azide group (UbG75Aha) |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51464 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of the proximal domain of a K6-linked ubiquitin dimer (K6-linked diUb) comprising an artificial triazole linkage |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51461 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of cysteine mutated ubiquitin site-specifically modifed with propargyl acrylate (UbK29C-PA) |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51462 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of cysteine mutated ubiquitin site-specifically modifed with propargyl acrylate (UbK33C-PA) |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51457 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of cysteine mutated ubiquitin (UbK6C) |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51458 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of cysteine mutated ubiquitin (UbK29C) |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51459 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of cysteine mutated ubiquitin (UbK33C) |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51460 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of cysteine mutated ubiquitin site-specifically modifed with propargyl acrylate (UbK6C-PA) |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51465 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of the proximal domain of a K29-linked ubiquitin dimer (K29-linked diUb) comprising an artificial triazole linkage |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51466 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of the proximal domain of a K33-linked ubiquitin dimer (K33-linked diUb) comprising an artificial triazole linkage |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
51467 |
2023-07-27 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of the distal domain of a K6-linked ubiquitin dimer (K6-linked diUb) comprising an artificial triazole linkage |
Specifying conformational heterogeneity of multi-domain proteins at atomic resolution
Christine Peter, Frederic Berner, Kevin Sawade, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider |
27977 |
2019-12-17 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of the PUB domain of human UBXD1 protein |
Structure of the PUB Domain from Ubiquitin Regulatory X Domain Protein 1 (UBXD1) and Its Interaction with the p97 AAA+ ATPase
Christine Beuck, Hemmo Meyer, Johannes van den Boom, Mike Blueggel, Peter Bayer |
27805 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K27C mutant of ubiquitin including propargyl acrylate linker |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27808 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K63C mutant of ubiquitin including propargyl acrylate linker |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27809 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K63C mutant of ubiquitin |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27810 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K63-linked ubiquitin dimer artificially conjugated via propargyl acrylate |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27802 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K11C mutant of ubiquitin including propargyl acrylate linker |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27803 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K11C mutant of ubiquitin |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27804 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K11-linked ubiquitin dimer artificially conjugated via propargyl acrylate |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27806 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K27C mutant of ubiquitin |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27807 |
2020-01-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for K27-linked ubiquitin dimer artificially conjugated via propargyl acrylate |
Conformational and functional characterization of artificially conjugated non-canonical ubiquitin dimers
Andrej Berg, Christine Peter, Martin Gamerdinger, Michael Kovermann, Tobias Schneider, Zeynel Ulusoy |
27527 |
2018-07-31 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone resonance assignments of the N-terminal domain of FAT10 |
The structure of the ubiquitin-like modifier FAT10 reveals an alternative targeting mechanism for proteasomal degradation
Andrej Berg, Annette Aichem, Christine Peter, Gunter Schmidtke, Johanna Bialas, Marcus Groettrup, Mira Schuetz-Stoffregen, Nicola Catone, Philip Roessler, Ricarda Schwab, Samira Anders, Silke Wiesner, Sophia Scheuermann, Sophie Stotz |
27467 |
2018-07-31 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of FAT10 |
The structure of the ubiquitin-like modifier FAT10 reveals an alternative targeting mechanism for proteasomal degradation
Andrej Berg, Annette Aichem, Christine Peter, Gunter Schmidtke, Johanna Bialas, Marcus Groettrup, Mira C Schutz-Stoffregen, Nicola Catone, Philip Rossler, Ricarda Schwab, Samira Anders, Silke Wiesner, Sophia Scheuermann, Sophie Stotz |
27466 |
2018-07-31 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Chemical shift assignments of the C-terminal domain of human FAT10 |
The structure of the ubiquitin-like modifier FAT10 reveals an alternative targeting mechanism for proteasomal degradation
Andrej Berg, Annette Aichem, Christine Peter, Gunter Schmidtke, Johanna Bialas, Marcus Groettrup, Mira C Schutz-Stoffregen, Nicola Catone, Philip Rossler, Ricarda Schwab, Samira Anders, Silke Wiesner, Sophia Scheuermann, Sophie Stotz |
18831 |
2013-06-24 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Solution structure of U14Ub1, an engineered ubiquitin variant with increased affinity for USP14 |
Conformational dynamics control ubiquitin-deubiquitinase interactions and influence in vivo signaling.
Aaron H Phillips, Christian N Cunningham, Christine Tam, Donald S Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth Helgason, Jacob E Corn, James Lee, Jeremy M Murray, Lijuan Zhou, Micah Steffek, Peter S Liu, Wayne J Fairbrother, William F Forrest, Yingnan Zhang |
6403 |
2004-12-23 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Ovine Prion Protein Variant R168 |
Prion protein NMR structures of cat, dog, pig, and sheep
Barbara Christen, Christian Schorn, Christine von Schoetter, Dominikus A Lysek, Francesco Fiorito, Kurt Wuthrich, Lucas G Nivon, Luigi Calzolai, Peter Guntert, Torsten Herrmann, Vicent Esteve-Moya |
6381 |
2005-01-13 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR solution structures of mammalian prion proteins |
Prion protein NMR structures of cats, dogs, pigs, and sheep
Barbara Christen, Christian Schorn, Christine von Schroetter, Dominikus A Lysek, Francesco Fiorito, Kurt Wuthrich, Lucas G Nivon, Luigi Calzolai, Peter Guntert, Torsten Herrmann, Vicent Esteve-Moya |
6380 |
2005-01-13 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for pig prion protein |
Prion protein NMR structures of cats, dogs, pigs, and sheep
Barbara Christen, Christian Schorn, Christine von Schroetter, Dominikus A Lysek, Francesco Fiorito, Kurt Wuthrich, Lucas G Nivon, Luigi Calzolai, Peter Guntert, Torsten Herrmann, Vicent Esteve-Moya |
6377 |
2005-01-13 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for feline prion protein |
Prion protein NMR structures of cats, dogs, pigs, and sheep
Barbara Christen, Christian Schorn, Christine von Schroetter, Dominikus A Lysek, Francesco Fiorito, Kurt Wuthrich, Lucas G Nivon, Luigi Calzolai, Peter Guntert, Torsten Herrmann, Vicent Esteve-Moya |
6378 |
2005-01-13 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
canine prion protein |
Prion protein NMR structures of cats, dogs, pigs, and sheep
Barbara Christen, Christian Schorn, Christine von Schroetter, Dominikus A Lysek, Francesco Fiorito, Kurt Wuthrich, Lucas G Nivon, Luigi Calzolai, Peter Guntert, Torsten Herrmann, Vicent Esteve-Moya |
5946 |
2004-07-06 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Complete Resonance assignments of a donor-strand complemented AfaD: the afimbrial invasin from Diffusely Adherent E. coli |
Letter to the Editor: Complete resonance assignments of the "donor-strand complemented" AfaD: the afimbrial invasin from Diffusely Adherent E. coli
Beata Zalewska, Bogdan Nowicki, Chantal Le Bouguenec, Christine Bernier-Febreau, Ernesto Cota, Ho An Chen, Jozef Kur, Kirstine L Anderson, Laurence du Merle, Peter Simpson, Rafa Piatek, Stephen Matthews |
5378 |
2003-02-20 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
NMR Structure of a Variant Human Prion Protein with Two Disulfide Bridges |
NMR Structure of a Variant Human Prion Protein with Two Disulfide Bridges
Christine von Schroetter, Kurt Wuthrich, Peter Guntert, Ralph Zahn |
4768 |
2000-12-07 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Structure of parvulin hPar14 |
NMR Solution Structure of hPar14 Reveals Similarity to the Peptidyl Prolyl cis/tans Isomerase Domain of the Mitotic Regulator hPin1 but Indicates a Different Functionality of the Protein
Christine Rascher, Elena Sekerina, Gunter Fischer, Jens U Rahfeld, Jonathan Muller, Jorg Fanghanel, Peter Bayer |
4736 |
2000-07-05 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
1H, 13C, 15N Chemical Shift Assignment for the human prion protein variant M166V |
NMR structures of three single-residue variants of the human prion protein
Christine von Schroetter, Dominikus Lysek, Kurt Wuthrich, Luigi Calzolai, Peter Guntert, Ralph Zahn, Roland Riek |