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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
25367 2015-06-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical Shifts of the designed Armadillo Repeat Protein YMRRA A combined NMR and computational approach to investigate Peptide binding to a designed armadillo repeat protein Download bibtex for citation iamge Amedeo Caflisch, Andreas Plueckthun, Annemarie Honegger, Christina Ewald, Maja Mihajlovic, Martin T Christen, Oliver Zerbe, Randall P Watson, Ting Zhou
11548 2014-07-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
DESIGNED ARMADILLO REPEAT PROTEIN FRAGMENT (MAII) Spontaneous Self-Assembly of Fragments of Engineered Armadillo Repeat Proteins into Folded Proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Amedeo Caflisch, Andreas Plueckthun, Christian Reichen, Christina Ewald, E Schmidt, Fabian Bumback, Maja Mihajlovic, Martin T Christen, Oliver Zerbe, Peter Guntert, Randall W Watson
11544 2014-07-21 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
DESIGNED ARMADILLO REPEAT PROTEIN SELF-ASSEMBLED COMPLEX (YIIM2-MAII) Spontaneous Self-Assembly of Fragments of Engineered Armadillo Repeat Proteins into Folded Proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Amedeo Caflisch, Andreas Plueckthun, Christian Reichen, Christina Ewald, E Schmidt, Fabian Bumback, Maja Mihajlovic, Martin T Christen, Oliver Zerbe, Peter Guntert, Randall W Watson
18833 2013-07-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
cis form of a photoswitchable PDZ domain crosslinked with an azobenzene derivative Kinetic response of a photoperturbed allosteric protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Amedeo Caflisch, Brigitte Buchli, Mateusz L Donten, Nicolas Blochliger, Oliver Zerbe, Peter Hamm, Reto Walser, Rolf Pfister, Sandra Steiner, Steven A Waldauer
18834 2013-07-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
trans form of a photoswitchable PDZ domain crosslinked with an azobenzene derivative Kinetic response of a photoperturbed allosteric protein. Download bibtex for citation iamge Amedeo Caflisch, Brigitte Buchli, Mateusz L Donten, Nicolas Blochliger, Oliver Zerbe, Peter Hamm, Reto Walser, Rolf Pfister, Sandra Steiner, Steven A Waldauer
11053 2009-07-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shifts assignment for the West Nile virus NS2B(K96A)-NS3 protease NMR study of complexes between low molecular mass inhibitors and the West Nile virus NS2B-NS3 protease Download bibtex for citation iamge Amedeo Caflisch, Danzhi Huang, Dariusz Ekonomiuk, Daying Wen, Gottfried Otting, Hiromasa Yagi, Kiyoshi Ozawa, Sebastian Sonntag, Siew P Lim, Subhash G Vasudevan, Thomas H Keller, Xun-Cheng Su