Entry ID |
Original Release date |
Data summary |
Entry Title |
Citation Title |
Authors |
51075 |
2021-09-12 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
FLN5 filamin domain side-chain chemical shift assignments |
Nascent chain dynamics and ribosome interactions within folded ribosome-nascent chain complexes observed by NMR spectroscopy
AnaIs ME Cassaignau, Charles Burridge, Christopher A Waudby, John Christodoulou, Lisa D Cabrita, Tomasz Wlodarski |
51076 |
2021-09-12 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
Methyl side-chain chemical shift assignments for ribosomal protein bL12 |
Nascent chain dynamics and ribosome interactions within folded ribosome-nascent chain complexes observed by NMR spectroscopy
AnaIs ME Cassaignau, Charles Burridge, Christopher A Waudby, John D Christodoulou, Lisa Cabrita, Tomasz Wlodarski |
51028 |
2021-08-23 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
FLN5 A3A3E6 |
Interactions between nascent proteins and the ribosome surface inhibit co-translational folding
Anais ME Cassaignau, Christopher A Waudby, Ivana Vujkovic Bukvin, John Christodoulou, Julian O Streit, Lauren F Woodburn, Lisa D Cabrita, Sammy HS Chan, Tomasz Wlodarski |
51023 |
2021-08-23 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
FLN5 A3A3 |
Interactions between nascent proteins and the ribosome surface inhibit co-translational folding
Anais ME Cassaignau, Christopher A Waudby, Ivana Vujkovic Bukvin, John Christodoulou, Julian O Streit, Lauren F Woodburn, Lisa D Cabrita, Sammy HS Chan, Tomasz Wlodarski |
34249 |
2019-04-03 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
FLN5 (full length) |
Mapping energy landscapes of a growing filamin domain reveals an intermediate associated with proline isomerization during biosynthesis
A ME Cassaignau, A S Wentink, C A Waudby, C Camilloni, J Christodoulou, J M Schmidt-Engler, L D Cabrita, M E Karyadi, M Vendruscolo, S HS Chan, T Wlodarski |
25748 |
2016-02-29 |
Chemical Shifts: 1 set |
ddFLN5+110 |
A strategy for co-translational folding studies of ribosome-bound nascent chain complexes using NMR spectroscopy
Amy L Robertson, Anais ME Cassaignau, Annika Deckert, Christopher A Waudby, Helene MM Launay, John Christodoulou, Lisa D Cabrita, Maria-Evangelia Karyadi, Xiaolin Wang |