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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors Additional Matches
50122 2020-06-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Full length Exon-1 Huntington protein Abrogation of pre-nucleation, transient oligomerization of the Huntingtin exon-1 protein by human profilin-I Download bibtex for citation iamge Alberto Ceccon, G Marius Clore, Rodolfo Ghirlando, Vitali Tugarinov
30545 2019-02-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of the Huttingtin tetramer/dimer mixture determined by paramagnetic NMR Probing initial transient oligomerization events facilitating Huntingtin fibril nucleation at atomic resolution by relaxation-based NMR Download bibtex for citation iamge A Ceccon, C D Schwieters, D S Libich, G M Clore, R Ghirlando, S A Kotler, T Schmidt, V Tugarinov
bmst000185 2006-02-23 Other_data_list: 1 set
L-ascorbate Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Souvorov, D A Benson, D J Lipman, D L Kenton, D L Wheeler, D M Church, D R Maglott, E Sequeira, E Yaschenko, G D Schuler, G Starchenko, J Ostell, K Canese, K D Pruitt, K Sirotkin, L Bagner, L M Schriml, L Y Geer, M DiCuccio, O Khovayko, R Edgar, R Tatusov, S Federhen, S H Bryant, S T Sherry, T A Tatusova, T Barrett, T L Madden, T O Suzek, V Chetvenin, W Helmberg, Y Kapustin Common name: Cecon
bmse000182 2006-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
L-Ascorbate Download bibtex for citation iamge A Souvorov, D A Benson, D J Lipman, D L Kenton, D L Wheeler, D M Church, D R Maglott, E Sequeira, E Yaschenko, G D Schuler, G Starchenko, J Ostell, K Canese, K D Pruitt, K Sirotkin, L Bagner, L M Schriml, L Y Geer, M DiCuccio, O Khovayko, R Edgar, R Tatusov, S Federhen, S H Bryant, S T Sherry, T A Tatusova, T Barrett, T L Madden, T O Suzek, V Chetvenin, W Helmberg, Y Kapustin Common name: Cecon