No entries found

SQL query was:
select count(*) from (select distinct e."ID" as "BMRB ID",cast(e."ID" as integer) as num from macromolecules."Entry" e join (select distinct "Entry_ID","Name" as "Molecule" from macromolecules."Assembly" union select "Entry_ID","Name" as "Molecule" from macromolecules."Entity" union select "Entry_ID","Name" as "Molecule" from macromolecules."Chem_comp") m on m."Entry_ID"=e."ID" join (select distinct "Entry_ID" as "ID","Title" from macromolecules."Citation" union select "ID","Title" from macromolecules."Entry") t on t."ID"=e."ID" where m."Molecule" ~* 'BOC' and t."Title" ~* 'BOC') as foo

(If the results don't include an entry that should be there, please check the list of NMR-STAR 2.1 entries that have not been updated to NMR-STAR 3.1 yet)