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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
50617 2021-05-28 Chemical Shifts: 8 sets
MeC9 DNA Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
50613 2021-05-28 Chemical Shifts: 10 sets
U8 DNA Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
50614 2021-05-28 Chemical Shifts: 9 sets
dhU3 DNA Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
50615 2021-05-28 Chemical Shifts: 9 sets
DDD DNA Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
50616 2021-05-28 Chemical Shifts: 8 sets
A3T3 DNA Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
30822 2021-12-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Deoxyuridine in DNA Structure: Solution Structure of [d(CGUGAATTCGCG)]2 Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
30823 2021-12-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1,N6-ethenoadnine (E) in dsDNA sequence (5'-CGCGEATTCGCG-3') Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
50610 2021-05-28 Chemical Shifts: 9 sets
T9 DNA Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
50611 2021-05-28 Chemical Shifts: 10 sets
U9 DNA Single-Base Lesions and Mismatches Alter the Backbone Conformational Dynamics in DNA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Boyd, Gary A Meints, Jaclyn Becker, K D Ljunggren, M N Westwood, Tammy J Dwyer
17859 2012-06-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of a DNA duplex Containing an Unnatural, Hydrophobic Base Pair Solution Structure, Mechanism of Replication, and Optimization of an Unnatural Base Pair Download bibtex for citation iamge Danielle A Pfaff, Denis A Malyshev, Floyd E Romesberg, Gil T Hwang, Shannon L Ippoliti, Tammy J Dwyer