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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52093 2024-04-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H-15N-BEST-TROSY spectra for alpha-synuclein VAMP2 regulates phase separation of alpha-synuclein Download bibtex for citation iamge Aishwarya Agarwal, Alan J Warren, Aswathy Chandran, Christine Hilcenko, Farheen Raza, Irina-Maria M Ungureanu, Janin Lautenschlager, Katherine Stott, Nicholas A Bright, Nobuhiro Morone
52094 2024-04-30 Chemical Shifts: 3 sets
1H-15N-BEST-TROSY spectra for alpha-synuclein in the presence of JM-domain VAMP2 peptide (aa sequence: KLKRKY) VAMP2 regulates phase separation of alpha-synuclein Download bibtex for citation iamge Aishwarya Agarwal, Alan J Warren, Aswathy Chandran, Christine Hilcenko, Farheen Raza, Irina-Maria M Ungureanu, Janin Lautenschlager, Katherine Stott, Nicholas A Bright, Nobuhiro Morone
52095 2024-04-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H-15N-BEST-TROSY spectra for alpha-synuclein in the presence of NT-domain VAMP2 peptide (aa sequence: NLTSNR) VAMP2 regulates phase separation of alpha-synuclein Download bibtex for citation iamge Aishwarya Agarwal, Alan J Warren, Aswathy Chandran, Christine Hilcenko, Farheen Raza, Irina-Maria M Ungureanu, Janin Lautenschlager, Katherine Stott, Nicholas A Bright, Nobuhiro Morone