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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52022 2024-09-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone and side chain assignments for RNA recognition motif (RRM) 1 of CP29A from Arabidopsis thaliana A prion-like domain is required for phase separation and chloroplast RNA processing during cold acclimation in Arabidopsis Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Lenzen, Christian Schmitz-Linneweber, Enrico Klotzsch, Julia Legen, Michael Sattler, Nitin Kachariya, Reimo Zoschke, Simon Mergenthal, Stephanie Feltgen, Willi Weber, Yang Gao
52025 2024-09-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone assignments for RNA recognition motif (RRM) 2 of CP29A from Arabidopsis thaliana A prion-like domain is required for phase separation and chloroplast RNA processing during cold acclimation in Arabidopsis Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Lenzen, Christian Schmitz-Linneweber, Enrico Klotzsch, Julia Legen, Michael Sattler, Nitin Kachariya, Reimo Zoschke, Simon Mergenthal, Stephanie Feltgen, Willi Weber, Yang Gao
19491 2014-02-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shift assignments of full-length apo human Galectin-3 (2-250). (1)H, (13)C, and (15)N backbone and side-chain chemical shift assignments for the 36 proline-containing, full length 29kDa human chimera-type galectin-3. Download bibtex for citation iamge Christian Weber, Dennis Suylen, F Javier Canada, Hans Ippel, Hans-Joachim Gabius, Jesus Jimenez-Barbero, Kevin H Mayo, Manuel Alvaro Berbis, Michelle C Miller, Sabine Andre, Tilman M Hackeng